"Boy, I warn you, if you dare to do it to yue'er, I will never spare you." Wu Bingqian said coldly when he saw Ling Feng walking in front of Zhou Yue. But Ling Feng didn't pay attention to them, but stepped on Zhou Yue. Seeing this scene, everyone was stupid. They couldn't believe it was true.

"I will kill you, I must kill you."

Zhou Yue, who was trampled by Ling Feng, roared loudly. At this time, he had lost his reason and all his aura burst out. He didn't expect that Ling Feng should give him such a shame, which he couldn't bear. In the eyes of outsiders, he was a genius and recognized as the proud daughter of heaven in the central city. How could he stand such a shame. Zhou Yue burst out all the auras and always wanted to stand up, but Ling Feng stepped on him like Mount Tai. No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

"Woman, who do you think you are? Self righteous, blind and arrogant. I forgot to tell you that in my eyes, you are a mole ant. Oh, no, you are not even a mole ant." Ling Feng said faintly, but his voice was full of prestige.

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Yue was hit hard. She always had an infinite aura on her body, and the people around him had to surround him. But today, after he met Ling Feng, he was not only beaten and humiliated by Ling Feng, but also trampled under her feet. Her dignity and anger had long disappeared.

"Well, are you very angry and want to kill me?" Ling Feng said with a smile. He naturally knew that Zhou Yue was very angry at his feet. Zhou Yue kept struggling. At this time, she wanted to drink Ling Feng's blood and eat Ling Feng's meat.

"Yes, I must kill you."

Zhou Yue shouted loudly. She was very angry, but for Ling Feng, it didn't matter. Ling Feng strengthened her efforts and directly stepped Zhou Yue into the floor of the corridor. Zhou Yue was very messy at this time. Her hair was not like the usual noble her.

"Want to kill me? You're not as good as mole ants. If I want to kill you, one finger is enough. Idiot."

"Young master, can you spare miss?"

Xiao Shuang hurriedly said that she had been with Zhou Yue for so many years. Naturally, she knew that Zhou Yue was very arrogant and powerful. She had countless suitors in central city like stars holding the moon, but today she was so humiliated by Ling Feng.

"Yes, boy, I advise you to release yue'er quickly, or don't blame the young master for his impoliteness." Wu Bingqian looked at Ling Feng coldly and said. But Ling Feng didn't pay attention to them, but said to Zhou Yue, "I'll teach you a lesson this time to let you know what heaven is. Don't take yourself too seriously. You're nothing."

After Lingfeng finished, she raised her feet and turned to leave. At this time, Zhou Yue felt that the momentum of Taishan was gone. He quickly stood up and breathed the air. At this time, she was very angry and angry. She looked at Lingfeng's back, and then shouted coldly: "lingdijun, I want to duel with you and never die."

"You are not qualified. Go away."

Ling Feng said faintly, and then continued to walk in front. He didn't pay attention to Zhou Yue at all. In his eyes, Zhou Yue was just a mole ant, too weak. Hearing Ling Feng's refusal, Zhou Yue ran all her aura and punched Ling Feng again. The violent boxing destroyed everything in the VIP room. She had to defeat Ling Feng for her dignity. Maybe it was anger. At this time, Zhou Yue had forgotten that he was not Ling Feng's opponent at all.

In the face of Zhou Yue's fist seal, Ling Feng didn't take it seriously. He felt a move. A green spirit sword appeared in an instant, directly aimed at Zhou Yue and rushed up, as fast as lightning.


The green spirit sword directly penetrated Zhou Yue's fist seal, and then stabbed Zhou Yue's body. Chou Yue couldn't dodge. He was directly hit by the green spirit sword and nailed to the column in the VIP room, dripping with blood.

Ling Feng's sword was too fast. Everyone present didn't react. When they looked at it again, they saw that Zhou Yue was nailed to the column, which shocked them. What happened just now? And how did this blue flying sword appear? It can nail Zhou Yue to the post.

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