But at the moment when Ling Feng came out of the sword, a pass suddenly appeared and disappeared with the woman. Ling Feng frowned that someone could save people from his sword. This is unforgivable.

For the sword emperor, this is a challenge.

"Master Ling, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm all right."

At this time, a man appeared not far away. He looked like he was in his twenties, and the whole person revealed a temperament, the temperament of the king of martial arts.

At this time, he was still holding the woman in black who had been rescued before.

"Have we met?"

Ling Feng looked at the man in front of him and felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

"Master Ling, don't look at me with that kind of eyes. I apologize for the previous behavior of Firebird. In fact, she just wants to compete with you to determine master Ling's skill, and I'm not master Ling's opponent. The victory and defeat were decided six months ago."

The man said with a smile.

"Diao Long, you're here at last. If you don't come again, I'm afraid I'll die." Firebird said with a bitter smile. She wanted to test Ling Feng, but she almost lost her life.

"Carved dragon?" Ling Feng looked at the man in front of him and finally remembered that he had just been reborn and had participated in the martial arts conference. This carved dragon was the player of the Chinese escort team, and he lost miserably in the duel with Ling Feng.

"It's you." Ling Feng said faintly.

The Firebird looked at the two people in front of her. She didn't expect that she had been defeated so miserably. Although she heard Diaolong say that he fought with Ling Feng once, half a year later, the fighting power of Firebird could fight with the king of martial arts, so she always thought that her strength was similar to that of Ling Feng, but she didn't expect that the result was beyond his expectation.

Before he got close to Ling Feng, he had lost. Second defeat.

"I remember what kind of escort you should be, but why did you come today? If you can't say why, I don't mind killing you directly."

Ling Feng said faintly. It looked very arrogant.

"Master Ling, don't be impatient. Let me introduce myself again. The Chinese martial arts Guard Corps, the divine beast team and the Dragon carving team."

The carved dragon said faintly.

"Chinese warrior Guard Corps, divine beast team, Firebird."

"Chinese warrior Guard Corps? Divine beast team?"

When he heard them say the name, Ling fengleng was there. He had seen ordinary escorts. For the first time, he heard that wuzhe also had escorts.

"It seems that master Ling really doesn't know." Diaolong looked at Ling Feng and said faintly.

"In fact, in a more popular way, we are the patron saint of China. We are the hidden power of the guardian of China, and also the person who supervises the martial arts and sect families. We have guarded China for generations to prevent China from being invaded and broken by martial arts, power people, biochemical people, werewolves and other races." Diao Long said again.

"Momentum, we are here to invite master Ling to join our Chinese martial arts Guard Corps and guard China together." Diao Long finally said his purpose after explaining.

He specially came to Tiandao with Firebird this time to let Ling Feng join the Chinese warrior escort Corps.

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Ling Feng refused without thinking, guarding China? Ling Feng alone is enough. What animal team do you want, and their cultivation, Ling Feng really doesn't like it.

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