"If you have anything, just say it!"

Wen Yunhu was very smart before. After being defeated by Ling Feng, he didn't rush up again, but hid in the dark and kept recovering his breath. Now it's not easy for him to speak. The fish heard Wen Yunhu's voice and said coldly!

"President Fen, you see that the asparagus has been robbed by the sword emperor. Can we write off the 358 billion spirit stone we gave? I don't want the 200 billion I gave before. What do you think?" Wen Yunhu said tremblingly, looking at the smiling fish!

"Ha ha, Wen Yunhu, what would you like me to say?" the fish laughed when he heard Wen Yunhu's words. He looked at Wen Yunhu and said faintly!

"Sub president, what do you mean?" Wen Yunhu said with an embarrassed face. This is more than 350 billion spirit stone. Even if he brought the asparagus back to the Wen family today, the Wen family will not spare him, and now the asparagus has been robbed. How dare he go home? It's difficult for him to tell his grandfather that the asparagus was robbed by the sword emperor. As long as he dares to say, I'm afraid the consequences will be more serious 1

So Wen Yunhu can only look at the fish and say what he thinks. After all, he has paid 200 billion spirit stones. Even if asparagus is precious, it is not worth 200 billion spirit stones!

"In fact, I don't mean anything. If childe Wen is really embarrassed, I'll return the 200 billion spirit stone to you, how about it?" Wen Yunhu didn't see any expression in the fish's eyes, but the fish said with a smile!

Even if Wen Yunhu has lived for hundreds of years, how can he believe the fish? Everyone knows where the Kyushu auction is. The Lingshi has given it to them. How can he come back. So Wen Yunhu is a little flustered!

"No, that sub president, this 200 billion is my filial piety to you, and I should give it!"

"Ouch, I thought Mr. Wen didn't know what to give!" the fish smiled one second before and said coldly with murderous eyes the next "Wen Yunhu, I don't know what you think. You dare to talk to me like this and want to default. You have sent the asparagus grass, that is to say, you must pay the 3580 billion spirit stone. This is the rule of Kyushu auction,

You don't have the ability to protect asparagus. That's your business. It has nothing to do with my Kyushu auction. Go back and tell your Wenjia. I don't care what method you Wenjia uses. Anyway, I'll go to the Wenjia in person in five days. If the Wenjia lacks a spirit stone, there will be no Wenjia in Yunyan country in the future! "

In fact, yu'er's words bully people. The asparagus has just been photographed and was robbed before it left the door of Kyushu auction. According to the truth, Kyushu auction should be responsible. Yu'er wanted to do it at first, but who knows that the person who robbed the asparagus is the supreme sword Emperor Ling Feng. Even if Ling Feng's accomplishments have declined, Kyushu auction dare not do it casually.

The most important thing is the word of the Jiandi. He owes a favor to the Kyushu auction, which is the most important thing for the fish. Since they won't attack the Jiandi, if they want to maintain the reputation of the Kyushu auction, the fish should let Wen Yunhu pay the money.

In this way, we can maintain the reputation of Kyushu auction and explain to the outside that this is the rule of Kyushu auction!

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