Ling Feng had long thought that this was the plan of the blue wind sword emperor. These forces must be subordinates of the ninth emperor of the fairy world. The strong in the demon world had been full of resentment against them. For tens of thousands of years, the demon world united with the fairy world. I don't know how many demons in the demon world have been killed. Now they finally wait for the opportunity to revenge!

"Ling Feng, why do these demons want to attack the immortals? Now, these demons are just killing innocent people. Should we take care of it? If this goes on, I'm afraid all the immortals in Kyushu will be killed!" said Bi Luo fairy with a frown. She is also a member of Kyushu. Now she sees them killed, The fairy Bi Luo couldn't bear it.

"Bi Luo, sometimes kindness is not a good thing. You know what these people do when they invade the demon world may not be as good as the demon repair. These demon repairs are just revenge. We don't need to intervene, okay? The world teaches us that weak meat is strong. If you don't want to be killed by other forces, the best way is to make yourself strong! Have you forgotten the Wen family? "Ling Feng said faintly!

"Ling Feng, I understand what you said, but now they are killing the whole fairyland Kyushu. Anyway, we are all members of the fairyland, but they are demon repair. Will they become the world of demon repair in the future?" Bi Luo fairy said again. Anyway, he couldn't bear to watch the fairyland immortal be killed, So he hoped Ling Feng could help them!

"Don't worry, they can't occupy the fairyland. Well, we should go back directly later!" Ling Feng frowned and said. To tell the truth, Ling Feng didn't like the fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland!

"OK, but Ling Feng, why did the demon world come to the fairy world? Shouldn't there be an array to intercept between the two worlds? How did they break in?" the Bi Luo fairy nodded and asked in doubt!

"It must be the blue wind sword emperor. As for why he did this, you'll know later!" Ling Feng said with a smile! They didn't explain much. When they were ready to leave, many immortals saw Ling Feng in the air. They quickly shouted, "look, it's the supreme sword emperor. The sword emperor is coming. The sword emperor saves us!"

"Sword emperor, help, help!"

Countless immortals saw Ling Feng and Bi Luo fairy and shouted loudly. In the face of the powerful demon world, they have no way at all. They even have no way to resist their evil spirit. They can only wait to die. Now they see Ling Feng and others. They have long regarded Ling Feng as a life-saving straw!

Hearing their cries, Ling Feng looked at them. These immortals wanted to beg for mercy. Ling Feng had a smile in his eyes and didn't pay attention to them at all. He was ready to leave directly with Bi Luo fairy!

"Ling Feng, or we'll save them!" Bi Luo fairy couldn't bear to open her mouth again!

"Bi Luo, have you forgotten how they treated us two months ago? If I hadn't awakened, I'm afraid we would have died in their hands. For such people, I don't want to save them!" Ling Feng said coldly! Ling Feng really doesn't want to save these immortals!

"You see, in the air, the man is nothing but the cultivation of the Immortal King. Ha ha ha, I didn't expect us to destroy the people in the immortal world below. There are still immortals in the air who dare to watch the play. Isn't this their own death?"

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