On the other hand, Zuo Dharma protector came to the dungeon and asked all the practitioners to open the dungeon and let the immortals leave. At this time, the idle people who had been imprisoned for countless years were covered. They looked at Zuo Dharma protector and asked suspiciously, "are you letting us go?"

"That's right!" the left Dharma protector nodded!

"But if you let us go, how can your underworld explain to the demon world? We were all captured by the demon world at the beginning!" several brave immortals asked. Although they have been locked up in the underworld these years, these underworld practitioners still have a very good attitude towards them. Except that they have no personal freedom, their other treatment is even better than before!

"When you go out from here, the questions in your heart will naturally be answered by someone!" Zuo protector said faintly. Then he waved his big hand, and a vortex suddenly appeared in front of all the immortals!

"Are we free?"

"We're really free. I can't believe it, brothers, we're gone!"

Countless immortals said excitedly one after another. They didn't think much and directly entered the vortex. Now they are just like useless people, and if the underworld has countless ways to deal with them, it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

When Ling Feng took Biluo fairy out of the underworld palace, Biluo fairy looked at Ling Feng suspiciously and asked, "Ling Feng, what's your relationship with the emperor of the underworld? I think you have a good relationship!"

"Didn't I tell you before? She was my confidant. She was my maid a long time ago, and we..." Ling Feng told all the things about ling'er and herself to Biluo fairy, including how they knew each other and ling'er's separation to the earth. Ling Feng told the tribal fairy again in detail.

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Bi Luo fairy understood what ling'er meant to Ling Feng, but Bi Luo fairy didn't understand. Since ling'er was so important to Ling Feng, why didn't Ling Feng bring ling'er with him? After all, the cultivation of ling'er fairy empire can help Ling Feng a lot!

"Biluo, are you wondering why I don't take ling'er with me? Ling'er is the strong one in the immortal empire. If I take him, it will certainly help me a lot, right?" Ling Feng seemed to see through the mind of Biluo fairy, so he said with a smile.

"Hmm!" the Bi Luo fairy nodded and whispered a promise!

"In fact, if ling'er is not the Lord of the underworld, I will take her to fight with me, but he is now the Lord of the underworld and wants to bear the underworld. Although I am not kind and don't care about the lives of these underworld practitioners, after all, the king of the underworld has saved ling'er's life, so it's better to let him stay in the underworld. In addition, as long as ling'er stays in the underworld, we will have a retreat and Daban camp, you know Is it white? "Ling Feng explained!

"I see!" fairy Bi Luo took the lead!

"However, Biluo, what I want to tell you is that if you want to be my help, you can't be soft hearted. You should know that although I always take you, Xianying doesn't recognize you. If you want xianmeng to recognize you, you can't be kind. This world is the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest. You must learn to go on all the way, if you don't If they can accept it, then everything is false. Even if they respect you on the surface, it's just a surface. Look at Chen Bing, you should understand my words! "Ling Feng looked at BI Luo fairy and said seriously!

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