"Damn it, how can he have nothing?" looking at the Bi Luo fairy whose aura has not decreased in front of him, Xian Yun said with some collapse.

"Ally leader, if we continue to fight like this, it will be us who will be consumed, and don't forget that Ao Tian hasn't done anything so far!" a fairy will frown and shout loudly!

Hearing his words, other immortal generals were also a little flustered. At this time, Xianyun frowned and said loudly: "Don't panic. Don't forget one thing. Although we consume a lot of aura, he must be bigger than us. He must be pretending to defeat your self-confidence. We have no way back now. If we don't fight to the end, there is still a glimmer of vitality, or we will die directly!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Hearing Xianyun's words, Ling Feng laughed, while the spirit of Biluo fairy, who also heard Xianyun's words, suddenly soared. The terrible momentum frightened everyone present. If the momentum of Biluo fairy before was a river, at this time, the momentum of Biluo fairy had reached the vast ocean!

"Well, it seems that Biluo has finally broken through. It's good. It doesn't disappoint my expectations!"

Of course, Ling Feng was the first to perceive the breakthrough of Biluo fairy, because the chaotic black burning beast and blue wind sword emperor who were still drinking behind him had been hoodwinked. Even they didn't expect that Biluo fairy would break out such a terrible momentum, which could be equal to that of Xianhuang!

The old drunkard and others who watched the war on the ground suddenly felt this momentum and looked up at the sky. Everyone's eyes were full of surprise. They didn't expect that Biluo fairy had broken through at this key point!

"No, ally leader, this woman has broken through the immortal general's territory!" feeling the soaring momentum of the Bi Luo fairy, several immortal generals trembled and shouted in panic. At this time, they had become desperate!

"After playing for so long, I won't play with you. Are you ready?"

At this time, Bi Luo fairy looked at Xianyun and others, and a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. Then she said that the original beautiful smile became very ferocious and terrible in the eyes of Xianyun and others. The words fell. The green spirit sword in Bi Luo fairy's hand suddenly burst into a terrible sword power.

Bi Luo fairy flashed and appeared directly next to an immortal general. With a sword, everyone didn't see the figure of Bi Luo fairy. When the immortal general reacted, his whole person had been killed with a sword!

"No, damn it!"

Seeing that his men were cut into two sections, Xian Yun shouted, "second kill, red. Naked. Naked second kill, no one thought that Bi Luo fairy was so terrible. Under one move, a strong immortal general in the same realm as her was killed by the second kill!

Then, the figure of Biluo fairy was like lightning. Even the old drunkard and others basically his speed. Everyone could only see a cyan light walking around Xianyun and others.



The sound of collision and scream spread all over the sky. Every time the figure of Biluo fairy appeared, an immortal would be taken away. Seeing this scene, the collapsed immortal Yun shouted: "no, it's impossible, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

"I lost, spare my life, spare my life!"

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