However, there are many happy people. They seem to have made an appointment. They all drive to Haicheng. There are countless luxury cars and private helicopters on the whole Haicheng road. Their destination is only one place, Lingjia manor in Haicheng.

Ling Feng doesn't know about these dormitories, and he won't care about these things. At this time, Ling Feng is telling Lin Yue about his trip to the fairyland. In the past 15 years, Lin Yue is the happiest and happiest only today!

"I'll go. Why is there such a traffic jam? When is the road to Haicheng so difficult?" Jiang Tianyi frowned, kept honking and said loudly on the road from Haicheng to Lingjia manor.

"Well, Tianyi, when did you become so restless? Don't worry about these things. We've been waiting for 15 years. It's not bad at all. What we want is time!" old man Jiang, walking in the back row, said with a smile!

The Jiang family, one of the affiliated families of the Ling family, was also the largest family in Haicheng at that time. Now they are the super family of Haicheng. No one can beat them. In their eyes, as long as they can help the Ling family, the Jiang family is worth staying there!

"Yes, I'm really a little worried!" Jiang Tianyi sighed and said. He waited for Ling Feng for fifteen years.

"Dad, Grandpa, the younger martial brother's car. I didn't expect that the younger martial brother actually drove here? And there seems to be old man Wang of Tiandao Wang family. I didn't expect that even they came!" Jiang Yuer, sitting on the co pilot, said with a smile. He originally went home to see his father, but he missed the master's return, so he took a free ride to Ling's house!

"Qi Hang is here too. Ha ha ha, good thing. Master Ling is back. Although many of us are happy and excited, I'm afraid many people will tremble in their hearts!" sitting in the back row, master Jiang shook his head and said!

"Dad, he asked for these things. Those people thought that if Ling Feng was gone, the Ling family would die. If yu'er and Ling Yange hadn't guarded, I'm afraid they couldn't help it. Now that master Ling is back, I'd like to see what they do!

When Ling Feng comes back this time, Lin Yue will certainly tell Ling Feng about these things. I'm afraid there will be a big earthquake in Xia country again. It's just good that the pattern has changed. After 15 years of comfortable life, they have long forgotten what a crisis is and what has happened in recent years. We all know, but we don't know what the earthquake will become! "Jiang Tianyi said, but there was no pity in his eyes, But some happy! Over the past ten years, the Jiang family has secretly helped the Ling family solve many hidden crises. Many times, even the Ling family doesn't know!

"Grandpa, father, you still have eyes and know that master will come back!" Jiang yu'er said again!

"Master Ling is kind to us, how can we bite the hand that feeds us? We Jiang family always do what we think is right. Even if master Ling doesn't come back, we will always guard the Ling family!" master Jiang said again!

They waited until the evening and finally saw the shadow of Lingjia manor. At this time, Lingyu was very worried. After all, lingtianyou's mobile phone had not been turned on. He frowned: "Xiaofeng, are you sure Tianyou is really okay? It's dark now, and he hasn't come back!"

"It's all right. I can feel him. If he doesn't come back at night, I'll go to him. Dad, your workmanship is really good. I haven't eaten your dishes for many years. It's delicious!" after that, Ling Feng ordered dishes for Ling Tianling Yu and Lin Yue, and then started the show. It's just an ordinary home-made dish, but it made Ling Feng very happy.

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