"So Firebird and I tried to save Lin Yue and Tianyou. Then Lin Yue told me that he wanted to take Tianyou to four or five cities to see old man Ling and Xue Ling, but he didn't expect that there was an ambush on the way, and all the guards were killed. Fortunately, Lin Yue and Firebird met me as soon as they were caught, so they weren't hurt. That night, I asked Firebird to take them back Come on, and I found Ling Yange, who had just paid off the traitor,

But I didn't tell Jianling why. I just asked him to lend me some people to directly destroy the shadowless Pavilion. All the members of the shadowless Pavilion were killed. However, when the shadowless pavilion was destroyed, Jianling learned that the rebellion of Lingyan Pavilion was planned by them! You will know what happened later! "Diaolong said the whole story!

"It's them, Diao Long. Why didn't you tell me that the reason why miewuying pavilion was arrested was because my martial mother was caught. I should have cut all of them!" Jianling said angrily when he heard Diao Long's words!

"If this is just the case, Lin Yue can't be afraid to tell me, and Jiang Tianyi and Qi hang won't be so flustered now. After all, you have solved the shadowless Pavilion, and Lin Yue won't take it into account at all. That is to say, there are black hands behind the shadowless Pavilion, am I right!" when Ling Feng heard Diao Long's words, he knew that the matter was not so simple, So he asked again!

"Ling Feng, this matter has passed. Tianyou and I are very good. Those who caught us let Diaolong destroy them. Just think nothing has happened!" Lin Yue said quickly when he heard Ling Feng's words!

"Say, find out who is the black hand behind?" Ling Feng ignored Lin Yue, but said again!

"I don't know, because Lin Yue didn't let us investigate. We just waited with him until he came out of the customs and went back, but I went over what I had done before I went back, but I didn't investigate anything, and the other party quickly destroyed all traces and evidence!" said the dragon.

"I sent someone to destroy the evidence. As soon as this happened, my martial mother found me at the first time. I personally went to check the details of shadowless Pavilion and found that behind them was the Qin family, the most powerful family in the northwest. The key is that he had a relationship with many potential forces. Even there were Qin people in the divine beast team. I learned the truth of this matter After that, I quickly told my teacher's mother. At the same time, master Jiang also began internal investigation and found that many Qin family people had sneaked into our side and solved those lurks.

My mother suddenly wouldn't let us take care of these things, because if we wanted to destroy the Qin family, I'm afraid it would cause a big earthquake in the martial arts and secular circles in the whole Xia state, and may even be targeted by others. Therefore, my mother didn't go to the Qin family for trouble because she was worried about these things. We also strengthened the strong security around my mother, but after that, the whole Qin family would never act again. " Qi hang stood up and said!

Hearing Qi Hang's words, Ling Feng didn't speak, but sat there with a silent face. The whole hall suddenly became silent. The depressed atmosphere made everyone present unbearable. Jiang Tianyi and Qi hang were even nervous!

"Ling Feng, let's forget about the Qin family. He suddenly got up after you left. He is very high-profile. Even there are their people in all networks. Although our Ling family has become the largest family, we can't compare with their Qin family at all. Although we have a lot of family support and Ling Yange, if we do it, I'm afraid we will become a leader in an instant A bird! "

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