Under the biting pain of countless soul eating demons, Qin Ao only wants to die, so he said everything. Now he is willing to think about everything, not to mention betraying the demon boy. He just wants to die. As long as he dies, he doesn't have to endure this suffering!

"I've told you everything I know. Please don't torture me with spirit devouring demons. Kill me quickly!"

Qin Ao can't stand the pain that life is worse than death. He roared loudly with his last strength. Now in this situation, Qin Ao wants to die and get rid of this endless suffering!

"Don't worry, I haven't asked you any questions. Since your master asked you to control our Ling family, I want to know how you are going to control us?" although Qin Ao said the magic boy's plan, Ling Feng said faintly!

"Jiang family, I will pass through Jiang family, give you medicine, and then control you!"

Originally, Qin Ao would faint under this severe pain, but Ling Feng implanted a wood source into his body, healed the meridians in his body again and again, and then let the spirit devouring demons bite again and again. Therefore, Qin ao not only didn't faint, but could feel the growing pain in his body. Now let alone death, Even fainting is a relief!

"What are you talking about? Jiang family, how is this possible?"

Hearing Qin Ao's words, Taiyi and the fairy Biluo were stunned. They didn't believe it was the Jiang family. Was the Jiang family crazy? The Qin family has just been destroyed by Ling Feng. The Jiang family dares to do this to the Ling family. Do they want to die?

Besides Bi Luo fairy, everyone knows how stable the relationship between Ling Feng and the Jiang family is. Jiang yu'er is Ling Feng's Apprentice. The whole Jiang family has been promoted by Ling Feng. Now how can they start with the Ling family? What's their reason.

When Ling Feng was away, they always protected the Ling family and didn't start the country. But now that Ling Feng has returned strongly and his strength is even more unfathomable, they actually intend to start the Ling family. Isn't that their own death? If they really want to fight against the Ling family, why don't they do it now instead of when Ling Feng disappears? It's illogical. Qin Ao must want to pull the Jiang family to die together!

"Damn it, if one of your words is false, then I will let you taste the most terrible torture in the whole world and continue to say!" the green snail fairy frowned and said coldly! His terrible momentum has been sent out with anger!

Qin Ao trembled all over. Even those spirit eating demons in his body were extremely afraid. He believed the words of Biluo fairy. Originally, he wanted to drag the whole Jiang family into the water, but when he heard the words of Biluo fairy, he dared not gamble. This matter is too serious. Since Biluo Fairy said so, he must have some means to know whether what he said is true or false!

"Jiang Tianyi and I planned this event together. I knew that he always wanted to get rid of the Ling family, so I found him and cooperated with him. He also agreed. Our plan was that Jiang Tianyi entertained the whole Ling family at the Jiang family, and then poisoned the Ling family. I took all the Ling family and gave it to Shifu. He took all the medicine away, but I didn't expect that he had just left In a few minutes, the people of yinshizong came. These words are true. If you don't believe them, you can check them yourself. Please, kill me! "

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