"Then what's the matter with you coming to me?" hearing Ling Feng's words, the Shouling thought for a while, some doubts, and then he asked!

"What else can I ask you? Do you like my sister wind chime and tell the truth directly!" Ling Feng looked at the wake in front of him. He knew that the wake was hard to use, so he nodded and said!

"What does this matter have to do with you? Don't think I don't know what you think. You must want to cheat the wind chime. If you dare to hurt the wind chime, I will fight you to the end even if I die!" hearing Ling Feng's words, the Shouling was very excited. He shouted loudly!

"Well, well, you're still fighting with me because of your strength. Are you mentally ill? I'll ask you if you really like Fengling. If you really like him, I'll help you. I can guarantee that Fengling's attitude towards you will change. Moreover, I'll tell you again, don't look for romantic enemies. I treat Fengling like my sister. Do you understand? Now Can you say it? "Hearing the words of the guardian, Ling Feng was speechless and said that the divine world was intriguing, but why were the two he met so innocent?

"Are you... What you said is true? Can you really make Fengling change his attitude towards me?" hearing Ling Feng's words, Shouling was very confused. He looked at Ling Feng and his murderous spirit disappeared. He just said in great doubt!

"Of course, what's the advantage of lying to you?" Ling Feng said again!

"OK, let me tell you, I really like wind chimes. Can you tell me how you helped me!" hearing Ling Feng's words, Shouling bit his teeth, then nodded and said!

"No problem, but you must ensure that you will be good to the wind chime, otherwise, I can't spare you!" Ling Feng said coldly when he heard the wake!

"Don't worry about this, I will be good to the wind chime!" thought for a while, and the wake nodded and said!

On the other side, outside wanjian mountain, several gods were passing by. They looked at wanjian mountain. One of the gods frowned and said, "wanjian mountain is really a good place. It's full of spirit. What do you think the Eastern god king is thinking about? It's ok if he doesn't create a sect. He doesn't even let people go in to practice. He's so angry!"

"Don't say, you don't know. I heard that the spirit of wanjian mountain can achieve hundreds of God King level strong men, and even ancient gods may appear, but the Eastern god King dominates, and he doesn't pay attention to anyone with the help of the title God King behind him!"

"Yes, he's inside with a doorkeeper like a fool. I'm surprised. The strength of the Eastern god king is the ancient god level, and how many gods outside, why don't they directly compete for wanjian mountain?"

"Don't you know about this? The Eastern god king was once terrible and had almost reached the realm of being granted the title of God King, so he planned to set up a sect in wanjian mountain to compete with other sects for the title of God King. At this time, his best friend and the vice sect leader appointed by him at that time were suddenly chased and killed by all God kings. The specific reason is unknown, and the Eastern god king was also affected To implicate, even the strength has decreased a lot, because the Eastern god king has many friends, so he survived! "

"I see, but why does he care so much? First establish a sect door. Let me see, he's an idiot. He doesn't do anything in Lingshan. It's really pathetic. By the way, I heard that the God King conference has been held!"

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