After a while, when a series of spices such as cumin powder, chili powder and honey were evenly scattered on the barbecue, the strong fragrance came out. The fragrance made Fengling and others can't stand it at all. Fengling swallowed his saliva and then said, "brother Lingfeng, is it OK? If it's more beautiful, I can't stand it. The taste is too fragrant!

"Now, wait two minutes!"

When Ling Feng turned into a barbecue maker, not far away, more than a dozen men wearing blue robes and holding various weapons frowned, smelled carefully, and then said, "did you smell a fragrance? I've never smelled it, but it greatly increased people's appetite!"

"It seems that you all smell it. At first I thought it was an illusion, but what in the end has this smell that makes people drool!"

"Why don't we go and have a look?"

"OK, then go and have a look!"

Several people talked for a while, and then walked towards the smell! When the wind chime, who had been guarding in front of the barbecue, was ready to go directly to get the barbecue string, he suddenly frowned and said, "someone has come!"

When he heard the wind chime, he stared at several people on the barbecue grill, frowned and felt it with divine sense. In a moment, er Gouzi's face changed. He felt that these smells were too familiar, so he quickly said: "no, they are from my school. These bastards came to catch me. Now the Jiaolong is gone, what should I do, what should I do?"

Er Gouzi was a little frightened. His face was very ugly. Although he knew that the wind chime was strong, after contacting Ling Feng, he found that among these people, the wind chime only listened to Ling Feng! So Er Gouzi looked at Ling Feng and hoped that Ling Feng could help him!

"All right, watch it well. They won't let you go back. Don't worry!" Ling Feng also felt the breath of those gods. However, in Ling Feng's eyes, these people are at the level of gods. With his current level 5 cultivation of true gods, he naturally won't be afraid of anything, so he didn't care about these smells at all. Instead, he took out a box of octave beer from the Hunyuan ring, put it on the ground, and then quickly rolled the kebab!

"Boss, are you sure you can handle this?" hearing Ling Feng's so frank promise, er Gouzi couldn't believe it. He hurriedly asked!

"All right, all right, shut up quickly. If you don't believe us, just go away. What are you afraid of when brother Lingfeng is here? Several gods also fear you like this. In the future, when you meet the God King, you won't directly scare the urine!" looking at the advice of two dogs, the wind chime scolded!

"Oh, good!" hearing the wind chime, er Gouzi had to sit down again. The other side was facing the more than ten gods who came to Ling Feng. They were very close to Ling Feng. Suddenly, a man frowned and said:

"I seem to feel the smell of Ningbo's traitor!"

"Yes, it's him. He's really broken iron shoes. There's no place to find. It doesn't take time!"

"How much trouble that guy has brought to our sect. If his highness Qingshen gets angry, we will be finished. This time he has no place to escape. We will catch him back quickly and the sect leader will reward us!"

Several gods said very excitedly, and then ran towards the front again. On the other side, Ling Feng finally baked the kebab and felt the breath of gods moving towards them. Ling Feng directly looked at huluo, but looked at several people with light in their eyes and said, "it's done! Come and eat!"

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