The force behind the wind chime is so powerful that it is not him at all. Even the central God tower dare not provoke the existence. If the wind chime gets angry and directly destroys the guardian, all the plans of the Eastern god king will be destroyed!

And if he wants to report it, the central God tower will soon find out that the person who put Ling Feng in is the guardian. At that time, the guardian will be finished, so the Eastern god king knew long ago that this thing is not so simple to complete!

But Ling Feng doesn't know what the Eastern god King thinks. If he knows, he won't pay attention to him at all. The Eastern god king looks at Ling Feng's direction and frowns. He can't revenge now, which doesn't mean he can't do anything, such as digging a trap for Chunyuan sect.

But first he needs to know one thing, that is, what is the relationship between Ling Feng and Chunyuan sect, so he whispered to the disciple of the central pagoda next to him, and the disciple left!

Chunyuan sect was located there. Many sect leaders looked at Chunyuan sect suspiciously and asked in a low voice, "elder, where's the king of war? Last time he got the title of God King. What's the matter this time? Why didn't you see him appear?"

In the title God King competition, under normal circumstances, the patriarch must be present, otherwise it will be considered to despise the authority of the central God tower. This kind of thing, let alone Chunyuan sect, even the first-class forces dare not do so! Moreover, chunyuanzong is notoriously timid. How can they dare to do such a thing?

So they were very curious. Even some small forces nearby looked at Chunyuan sect after hearing it. Their eyes were full of curiosity. Even the Eastern god king looked at it!

"Because of the chance, we King Zhan found a secret place. Now we are closed in the secret place. We can't find the king Zhan at all, but before he closed, we have found the patriarch who manages our Chunyuan Sect on his behalf. Today, under the leadership of the acting patriarch, we are here to participate in the title God King Conference!" the elder Chunyuan knows what they think, So he said directly. After all, it is a common thing in the divine world to practice and shut down in the secret realm, and the war king also found an acting patriarch, which shows that Chunyuan sect does not want to despise the authority of the central God tower.

Hearing the words of the elder Chunyuan, the elders and leaders of other sects were stunned. They looked at the Chunyuan sect camp and finally focused on Ling Feng. They knew the temporary leader of Chunyuan sect and the people from Chunyuan sect. If they didn't know, they had never seen the seven level God in front of them. It's hard to say that the seven level God is the acting leader of Chunyuan sect, Is chunyuanzong crazy?

What does war King think? How could he let a seven level God replace him, but all elders and patriarchs know that elder Chunyuan won't cheat them at all. After all, elder Chunyuan is not good at lying, which all of them know.

This can only show that King Zhan really found a secret place of opportunity, and then he has been closed. Otherwise, he can't not come to the title God King competition. He was the title God King last time. If he works hard this time, he won't worry about the resources of chunyuanzong in the next 50000 years! And the seven level God standing in the position of the leader of Chunyuan sect must be their legendary acting leader!

"Elder, you Chunyuan sect's acting leader, can't you be any man!" a leader of other sects pointed to Ling Feng, looked at the elder in surprise and said, it's not just him. The leaders and elders of all sects present are the same. Chunyuan sect is also a second-class force, but they even found a seventh level God as the leader, This is a joke in the divine world~

The whole divine world, even the most garbage sect, will have a God King as the leader, not to mention a level-2 strength. Level-7 gods, not to mention being the leader, are not qualified to be core disciples!

"Yes, this is our Lord!"

Hearing what they said, the elder nodded and said that he could feel the surprise of all the sect leaders and elders around him, and there was no such thing at all, but he also understood them. After all, if it was him, he would be very surprised before he saw Ling Feng's strength! But the elder didn't explain much at all. He was even very confident when he spoke!

If Ling Feng is really a level seven God, it's easy to say. However, when Ling Feng first came to represent the leader of Chunyuan sect, he was a level three God. Moreover, with his strength, how could Zhan Wang, the leader of Chunyuan sect, let him be the leader?

But soon, Ling Feng proved himself with his own strength. A God with three levels of cultivation, he abused the half step God King, and even destroyed all the hostile forces of Chunyuan sect with his own strategy. He also became a God with seven levels, and even he almost let Sushen sect suffer a crisis!

Ling Feng was able to abuse the half step God King at Level 3. What kind of strength will he have at level 7 now? Whether the elders of Chunyuan sect or the great elders, they don't know where Ling Feng's real strength is!

Although other sects think Chunyuan sect is crazy, everyone of Chunyuan sect knows that Ling Feng is the most qualified leader, and the elder also admires Zhan Wang's vision. I'm afraid he has seen through these things long ago. Otherwise, how could the king of war rest assured and let Ling Feng take over the leader!

"Hahaha, elder Chunyuan, what is your Chunyuan sect doing? Are you crazy? Let a level seven God be the sect leader, and there is no one in your Chunyuan sect?" a sect leader said with a smile!

As his laughter sounded, all the patriarchs and elders of all the surrounding sects laughed. They even ridiculed. As the patriarch of the second level forces, a seven level God, are there no one? After all, if a sect let a God be its Lord, the sect would be almost abandoned!

"You laugh very happy!"

Hearing their mocking laughter, the elder frowned and just wanted to say something, but Ling Feng said faintly, as if there was no anger!

"Yes, it's funny. Chunyuan sect has been regarded as the door of the shrinking turtle sect in our divine world. I thought they were all talking nonsense. After all, King Zhan is still a title God King, but today I believe, the leader of Chunyuan sect. Can I ask, how are you going to develop Chunyuan sect,

If you are difficult, you are not afraid that other sects know your strength. Will other sects attack you? With your strength, what will you do if Chunyuan sect is attacked by others? Without the war king, Chunyuan sect is rubbish, ha ha! "

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