"Ling Feng, you can have such an idea. Master, I understand very well. I understand that you don't admit defeat, so master, I appreciate you so much. But your idea is too unrealistic. Even all the elders of our fast God sect have exhausted all means and haven't found any clues. What are you going to do?

In fact, I'm really glad to hear what you said today, master, but these things are not what we think about. We just need to be prepared and listen to the above orders! "Zhan Xuan was very pleased, so he said!

"Master, elders are elders. I'm different. No matter whether I can find it or not, I'll try. As long as the black hand behind it is not found, I'll do it as the first goal. This is what I have to tell you. Your four masters love me so much and treat me so well. How can I be ashamed of your love and trust? If this back If I catch the black hand, then I believe that this is also my best gift to repay you! "

Ling Feng said faintly. When he said these words, his face was full of resentment. Even if his ability to tell lies is at the level of movie emperor on earth!

The black hand behind the whole thing is Ling Feng, but when Ling Feng said these words, there was no flaw, so people won't doubt him at all!

"Oh, Ling Feng, you!"

Zhan Xuan shook his head and said that he knew how stubborn Ling Feng was when he was in Chunyuan sect, but he didn't expect that Ling Feng was still like this when he came to Sushen sect! Zhan Xuan also knew that it was for these reasons that they liked Ling Feng more!

"Well, since you must insist on checking, master won't advise you, but you can tell master what you want to use and what you need master to do!" Zhan Xuan nodded!

"Master, we don't need you to do anything for me!"

"Hmm? Didn't you want to be in charge of a group before? In that case, master will make an exception and let you be the captain?" Zhan Xuan thought for a while and then said!

"Master, I don't need it. You know I used to be the leader of a sect. I don't have any souvenirs for these rights, and I really don't like those people in the team. I don't like those people who dare not fight against sea hegemony in that case. Now in this case, I'll fly them all!" Ling Feng said again!

Zhan Xuan frowned when he heard Ling Feng's words. These words in his ears meant that none of his team members could do. If others said these words, I'm afraid Zhan Xuan would have been angry for a long time, but for Ling Feng, Zhan Xuan wouldn't be angry at all!

"Are you sure you want them? Their accomplishments are the worst in the whole team!" Zhan Xuan was very puzzled. Why must Ling Feng take a fancy to the few people with the lowest accomplishments!

"Shifu, strength has no effect on me. Just as Shifu said, even the elders of the speed God sect can't find a clue. What accomplishments they have is the existence we look forward to, so I don't need too much strength. What I need is their courage not to die!

They dare to take the risk of death and take refuge in me. Such courage is what I value most. Moreover, they have been bullied in the team for too much time, so they are more like proving themselves, so they will do anything regardless of their loss. These will be much better than the rest of the team! "Ling Feng said again!

"Well, since you say so, do as you want. But remember, I'm behind you. No matter what you do, I'll promise you. If you need anything, come to Shifu. Even if I can't do it, I'll find a way to help you. But now what are you going to do? How about Shifu find you a cave for cultivation?" Zhan Xuan thought, Then he said!

"Master, don't use it for the time being. I don't have any mind to practice now. After all, it's not very useful to rely on cultivation. What I have to do now is to find the person behind me as quickly as possible. As for cultivation, it's not too late for me to come back to practice when I find the black hand behind me!" Ling Feng shook his head and said!

Seeing Ling Feng's very determined appearance, Zhan Xuan didn't say much. He knew it was useless to say anything. He didn't know why. Zhan Xuan felt that he invited Ling Feng to sushenzong. He didn't give Ling Feng an honor, but it was very likely that Ling Feng gave him the honor!

In sushenzong, even in the whole divine world, who can take honor as everything like Ling Feng, and never play cards according to common sense! More than that, Zhan Xuan seemed to have a feeling that Ling Feng could really surprise him!

If Ling Feng really catches the person behind the scenes, what credit will he get as a master? Even Zhan Xuan doesn't dare to think about it!

Ling Feng left the attic directly and returned to the testing ground. At this time, everyone in the testing ground was in a mess. They were all discussing what Zhan Xuan said just now! Especially those nine true gods, they all think they can have the opportunity to be the team leader, but they don't have any ideas about the position of the team leader! After all, there are more than 800 people, and only a few can be captain!

After all, to be a team leader, in addition to strength, it is possible to get the approval of Zhan Xuan's Dharma protector. Moreover, in their eyes, it is impossible to replace those team leaders. At most, there are several team leaders! As for who will become the team leader, the first person in their mind is Ling Feng!

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