"Xiao Feng, Grandpa was bad, but there was another reason for this. Listen to Grandpa..."

"Dad, which room is my second uncle in?"

Before master Ling finished speaking, Ling Feng said coldly. He didn't want master Ling to go on. If it weren't for them, how could his family end up like this in the world? You know, that thing in those years could have become Ling Feng's evil robbery!

The last time at the martial arts meeting, Ling Feng taught Lingyun a lesson, so he had written off the affair with the Ling family. Unexpectedly, he returned to the Ling family again because of this incident!

"Feng'er, your second uncle is on the third floor, and my sister-in-law will take you!" Ling Dongmei knew that old man Ling was embarrassed, so she said to Ling Feng. When Ling Feng's family was poor, it was Ling Dongmei who helped them. You know, Ling Feng can go to school thanks to Ling Dongmei. Ling Dongmei started from scratch and founded her own Dongmei group. She is also very famous in the whole four or five cities, and she is only 33 years old and has not been married. I've been working hard for my career.

After listening to Ling Dongmei's words, Ling Feng nodded and directly followed up. Old man Ling looked at Ling Feng's back and sighed. If he hadn't done something wrong, how could Ling Feng have done it like this?

But what master Ling didn't know was that at this time, what Ling Feng thought in his heart was: "go to the official family and the Chen family. This time, I'll let you know the consequences of offending the Ling family and let you pay for yourself! And those who make small moves in the back, I'll clean up one by one this time!"

"Dad, it's your birthday in five days! We're going to hold a grand ceremony this time. We'll invite all famous families and characters to celebrate your birthday. By the way, let the Shangguan family and the Chen family see that our Ling family won't be defeated by them!" Ling HuoMei said with a frown after Ling Feng went up!

"In this case, we'd better not make a big fuss. Just have a meal with our family. Don't create complications!" Mr. Ling thought for a while before he said.

But his words are full of helplessness. He is not willing. What can he do if he is not willing to the current situation of the Ling family?

"Dad, I think the eldest sister is right. We're going to have a big and grand one. I don't believe they dare to make trouble that day!" Ling Tian also frowned. When he was in the car, Ling Tian heard Ling Feng call Diaolong. As long as the divine beast team would come, at least no one dared to make trouble in the open!

However, if there is a secret competition, the Ling family and his Ling Tian, as well as his proudest son, Ling Feng, a famous sword repair master in Haicheng, may not go back even if they dare to come!

"Well, you don't have to say. I've decided to be simple. I've decided to take it easy. The plan for now is to think about how to deal with the attack of the alliance of the official Chen family on us. Tianer, will Ling Feng help us?" after father Ling said that, he looked at Ling Tian. When inviting Ling Tian to come over, father Ling also sent someone to Haicheng to learn about Xia Ling Feng.

When he heard that Ling Feng had become a respected Master Ling in Haicheng, he was backed by families such as Haicheng Jiang family and Tiandao Wang family. As long as Ling Feng took action, maybe the crisis of the Ling family would be relieved.

But judging from Ling Feng's attitude just now, he doesn't intend to help the Ling family at all, so old man Ling looked at Ling Tian with worry.

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