Hearing the words of speed God, all the elders present nodded. This credit is really great enough to protect Ling Feng's life. Moreover, Ling Feng still fought back passively. If he killed his fellow disciples in the state of either you or me, he will not be severely punished according to normal reason!

"Patriarch, if you hadn't said it, we couldn't believe it. The black League really made a good calculation and did so many things for us and the three main sects. I didn't expect it!" the second elder said angrily. Suddenly his face changed and asked again:

"Suzerain, since that's the case, do you think the sect that set us up at the beginning will be their black alliance, and will they be the behind the scenes people we and the three major sects are looking for?"

Hearing what the second elder said, the other elders hurriedly said: "yes, yes, they use the same strategy. Last time they killed our disciples and pretended to be the people of the three major sects, which made us revenge the three major sects. Now they let the three major sects fight each other. This strategy is the same!"

"What do you say about this? From the beginning, they fought with each other, as if they helped us speed Shenzong, but in fact, they didn't want us to admit defeat earlier, otherwise the three major sects would be more powerful. This means is clearly the behind the scenes!"

"That's right. The black alliance doesn't have a grudge against any force, but it makes all our four sects lose their strength and can't deal with them. When they start, our four sects are not their opponents at all. They are really vicious with such thoughts and calculations!"

All the elders had anger on their faces. They had naturally changed from Ling Feng's killing their fellow disciples to the black League. Although they were angry, they would not be so impulsive after the previous events.

"By the way, sect leader, can you be sure that the black League is the real murderer who dealt with our disciples and caused chaos in the divine world?" the five elders asked, while others looked at the speed God when they heard the words of the five elders, which is the focus of their concern!

"No, although I guess so, we can only be sure that the black League is the real murderer against the three major sects. As for whether it is set for us, we have no evidence at all, but these things are not important now. For us, we should grasp this opportunity and watch the fire from the shore. In the end, whether we can seize this opportunity and become the last profiteer depends on us "Yes!" quick God shook his head and said!

Hearing the words of speed God, the whole conference hall was silent. Although they knew that the black alliance would certainly bring a great opportunity to speed God sect, how to use it was also a problem! After all, the three main doors are not fools. How can they let the speed God sect watch the fire from the shore? It's too difficult!

"You're right, patriarch, but how we use this opportunity is the key. If we rashly tell the three major gates, I'm afraid they don't believe it at all. What should we do?" the fourth elder said again!

"Yes, we must not be too anxious about this matter, so that we can't steal the chicken and eat the rice in the end. We must make a good plan!" the elder nodded!

"Yes, it was originally about the black alliance and the three major sects. If we were pulled down, it would be too uneconomical, so our best way is for the mantis to catch the cicada and the Yellow finch later!"

Hearing what they said, other senior executives nodded and said, but what they said was nonsense and useless!

"Lord, I don't think we should worry about this. It can also paralyze the black League. After they leave today, they will certainly take strict precautions against us. Although they certainly think that their secrets have not been known by us, if we disclose them to the three major departments now, I'm afraid we will waste our opportunity!

We have taken the initiative in this matter, that is, how we should take action. We first stabilize the black League, at least let them be careless, and then decide what we should do. This secret is a big opportunity for us. We must not waste it, so the plan is seamless. We must let the black League and the three major sectors lose both!

According to my estimation, the black League has endured for so many years, and their power will certainly be stronger than that of the three major sects. In this case, if we can't take the black League by surprise, the three major sects will endure and won't be impulsive, so our opportunity is how to paralyze the black League! "

The second elder thought for a while and said his plan. For the second elder's very bad, all the elders nodded and endured pain. What the second elder said is what the speed God sect should do now!

"Second, your idea is very good, very good. This should be the wisdom that our quick God sect elders should have, but you can't forget a premise. What we want is to make the three major sects crazy and general revenge. This is the most important thing. Your question to think about should take this as the premise. Now what we want to think about is how to achieve the maximum benefit under this premise!"

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