Ling Feng looked at the lakeming on the stage and let him fight a dark force. In the later stage, he was bullying him. So Ling Feng frowned and said, "I won't go up, yu'er, go up."

"Master Ling, is this OK?" Xia Weixi looked at Ling Feng and said. When she heard Ling Feng's words, the Chinese people around him looked down on him. This is typical of being afraid of death and letting others go up.

"He doesn't deserve me at all. Yu'er is enough to deal with it." Ling Feng said expressionless. You should know that Jiang Yuer's strength has reached the cultivation of martial arts master, but she has too little experience in combat. Ling Feng brought her to the triangle this time to let her have more combat experience.

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Jiang yu'er, standing behind Ling Feng, nodded and walked directly to the challenge arena.

Seeing a girl about 17 or 18 years old stepping onto the challenge arena, many people were stunned and talked about it one after another:

"Whose family is this? It's too cruel to let a girl go to the challenge arena."

"Who else can there be? The Xia family. They have lost for two years. It seems that they gave up this year, so it's a pity to let such a girl come up."

"Yes, look at the girl. She's also a beautiful woman. It's a pity that she's going to die under Lei Keming's fist. Lei Keming won't pity her."

Listening to the comments of the audience, Jiang Yuer didn't take it to heart at all. Her cold body has been fully activated. The whole person exudes a cold breath. If strangers don't enter, how can she care about other people's words.

"Is the legendary master Ling you?" rekeming asked with a frown. He had heard of Ling Feng's name for a long time, but he never had a chance to compete. Since he was invited by the Xia family to compete, the girl photographed by the Xia family should be master Ling, but rekeming frowned after her age.

"I'm not master Ling, but his apprentice. Your cultivation is too weak to drink my master to fight." Jiang yu'er shook her head and said, but his words were full of irony.

"Ha ha, I think you're trying to die. Don't think you're a woman. I'll show mercy. You'll know what regret is later." rekeming looked at Jiang Yuer and said ruthlessly, but Jiang Yuer was very calm at this time. The murderous spirit released by rekeming seemed to have no effect on her at all.

"That's just right. When I came up just now, master told me to kill you directly." Jiang yu'er said faintly, and then the blue light of the cold ice sword in her hand flashed, making Jiang yu'er look like the queen of ice and snow.

"Ha ha, ha ha, it's ridiculous. Let me see what you can do to kill me." rekeming looked at Jiang Yuer and didn't take it in his eyes. He has been in the triangle for several years, so he is very arrogant.

Looking at Lei Keming's arrogance, Jiang yu'er shot directly. With a stroke of the cold ice sword in her hand, a sword spirit rushed towards Lei Keming.

The people present were stunned when they saw the sword Qi. It was the sword Qi. It seemed that the girl who was only a teenager could use the sword Qi. This... It was unbelievable.

The aura and sword Qi can only be used by martial arts masters. According to Jiang yu'er's proficiency in using sword Qi, it is obvious that he is a martial arts master.

Watching the sword Qi rush over, even rekeming's face changed. He didn't dare to collide with the sword Qi at all, but dodged directly.

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