Just when a few people wanted to say something about Ling Feng, suddenly the yacht made a huge sound, as if it had been hit by something. With the continuous shaking of the cruise ship, everyone couldn't stand stably at all, and slowly stabilized. Everyone knew that something must have happened!

"What's going on? What happened just now?"

"Yes, what happened?" everyone wondered. They just wanted to go out and see what was going on, but before they walked around, the impact came again, the cruise ship shook violently again, and Meng Lei was more than last time. Everyone grabbed the things around them and fixed their body in front of them.

Just when everyone was panicking, Arvin ran up and panted, "our cruise ship was attacked, but now we don't know what attacked us. They have been attacking us at the bottom of the ship. Everyone should be vigilant!"

"No, we won't meet sea monsters! It's terrible!" Ma Guoying said in fear!

"How could it be? I haven't heard of any sea monsters in this sea area. It must have hit there. Don't guess!" maiwenlong shook his head and said!

"No, we're not going to ghost state this time. We're taking a shortcut instead of the previous route. Few ships will take this road!" Arvin said warily!

This time, because Ling Feng was anxious to go to ghost state instead of traveling, Arvin found a shortcut, but few people passed this shortcut, so Arvin suspected that they might have met something!

When Arvin said this, everyone was worried. They didn't expect to go back to a completely strange sea area. The current collision may have happened something unusual, but they were here, even if they contacted the local rescue team, they didn't come so soon. They had to rely on themselves!


The cruise ship collided again and shook more severely than before, as if it was hit by a huge thing!

At this time, a crew member came to Arvin and said, "no, there is a sea snake under our ship. It is very big. He entangled under our cruise ship. What should I do? I saw that its body is more than two meters thick!"

Arvin was very surprised when he heard this. He had never heard of a sea snake more than two meters thick. He unexpectedly met it this time. Now it's time for the sea snake to look for food. It's estimated that the sea snake has watched their boat and eat his mother's grace as food at any time. If so, they will be very dangerous. Moreover, the sea snake more than two meters thick is at least tens of meters long, This is terrible!


When Arvin was still thinking about countermeasures, suddenly the sea snake rushed out of the sea and looked at the people on the whole cruise ship. The sea snake was very huge. Two tusks were exposed outside. The whole body was blue, and the outside was covered with a layer of hard scales!

Sea snakes are different from land snakes. They are highly poisonous and can adapt to amphibious life. Their strength is very huge. Because they are often in the sea, their scales are many times harder than land snakes!

The group of people looked at the giant snake in front of them. They were all stunned. Their eyes were full of panic. Arvin first responded, took out his gun and shot at the giant snake!

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