Ling Feng looked at the chaotic inner alchemy floating in the air in front of him. Although it was small, the chaotic aura contained in it was really terrible. He didn't expect to gain so much in ghost state this time. Ling Feng smiled!

With a wave of Ling Feng's big hand, the two inner alchemies directly entered his Hunyuan ring. The two golden sea snakes were relieved to see this scene!

"Yes, I didn't expect you to be so smart. It seems that this Hunyuan stone has greatly transformed you. You actually know what I want!" Ling Feng said with a smile!

Hearing Ling Feng's words, one of the golden sea snakes kept opening his mouth and howling, as if he were talking about something!

"I didn't expect you to know the location of hunlingshi. It's good!" Ling Feng seemed to talk to himself, but looked at the golden sea snake. Just what the golden sea snake said, Ling Feng already understood what they wanted to express! And the golden sea snake nodded quickly!

"That's interesting. I didn't expect that I can't kill you in the end. Well, I'll give you a chance!" Ling Feng said coldly. Hearing Ling Feng's words, the two golden sea snakes are very happy. As long as they can survive now, they don't care so many things at all, but Ling Feng is not a fool. He also knows what the two sets of sea snakes are thinking!

So Ling Feng's eyes flashed. Two small swords appeared in his eyes and directly entered the mind of the golden sea snake. The small swords are branded in the soul and can't be deleted unless they die! This is Ling Feng's mind turned into a sword!

Wade controls these two sea snakes. As long as the mind is always in his mind, Ling Feng can control them at any time. There is no resistance at all, even if he wants to commit suicide!

If they dare to resist Ling Feng, they will be burned to death by chaotic black inflammation, and the two golden sea snakes can clearly feel what's more in their mind and immediately look at Ling Feng in great fear!

"Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, I won't kill you. Otherwise, you will die miserably!" Ling Feng said coldly!

The two sea snakes nodded quickly. Ling Feng looked at them and said again, "OK, you'll call Daming Erming later, and then follow me!"

After this matter was handled, Chen Xianer and others felt very strange when they saw that Ling Feng didn't kill two golden sea snakes. However, listening to Ling Feng's words and watching the two golden sea snakes nodding constantly, they knew that the two sea snakes should have been accepted!

Master Ling is so powerful that he can subdue two powerful sea snake kings. Ling Feng looked at them and came over. Jiang Yuer, Jianling, Daming and Erming followed Ling Feng!

"Master Ling, I'm wrong!"

Chen Xianer looked at Ling Feng coming over. The whole person's voice was trembling. She lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Ling Feng. She said hesitantly!

"Didn't Chen Xiaoyou tell you about me before you came out?" Ling Feng looked at him and asked!

"I..." Chen Xianer remembered that when she left, her father clearly said that she couldn't provoke Ling Feng. She should respect him very much, otherwise she didn't know how to die, but Chen Xianer didn't do so at all, and even satirized Ling Feng!

But now Ling Feng has shown her strong strength. She regretted the factory in her heart. Chen Xianer bowed her head and continued: "I'm sorry, master Ling, it's all my fault!"

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