Leon, as the organizer of the whole expedition, naturally can't put everyone in danger. When they enter the cave, there is a dangerous atmosphere everywhere. In addition, there is no way out, they can only move forward now!

But Leon's words could not comfort the rich second generation. They looked at Leon and said, "how can we find it now? There are mechanisms everywhere. I was almost shot dead just now. I don't want such a thing to happen now!"

"Yes, who knows what will happen next minute, I'd rather be here!"

"Are you going to do nothing and wait to die?" leonka looked at them and said. This time Leon's words had a deterrent force that could not be refused!

"If you want to leave here, listen to me. As the captain of the whole expedition, I won't let you die. I'll guarantee you all to leave!" Leon looked at the people and said. Liu Shuai nodded subconsciously, and then asked everyone to look for new mechanisms everywhere, but they didn't find it. All this seems to be false one by one!

"Hey, if gildazi were here, it would be difficult for gildazi. Unfortunately, he is not here!" Zhan Yun sighed. They came down to look for gildazi, but they fell into this dead circle. If there is gildazi, they will be able to go out. Zhan Yun believes in gildazi's ability. He is proficient in Feng Shui and knows spells. Otherwise, how can he be called a Heavenly Master!

Ling Feng stood aside and looked at it carefully. He already understood that this is a magic array, one of Qimen dunjia. Although it has the mystery of the array, it does not belong to the array, and it is very easy to crack. It's just that there seems to be something outside the magic array!

Everyone was sitting on the ground. They didn't know what to do next. At this time, suddenly, footsteps came from a distance. Leon braced up and looked at the direction of the sound with vigilance!

"How could there be footsteps?"

"Did anyone else come down?"

Several rich second generations looked at the past with frightened eyes, and the sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer to them. Leon, I entered the saber in my hand and stared warily at the direction of the sound!

Then a man came from the darkness and appeared in front of everyone. This person was either someone else or gildaz. When Zhan Yun saw that the person coming was gildaz, he was very happy. He hurried over!

"Gildaz, how did you come here?" Zhan Yun asked!

When gildaz saw them, he smiled and said, "at first, I fell down with the crocodile. Then I killed the crocodile, took away the six samsaras, and walked on, and came here. Why are you here and what happened?"

Zhan Yun told gildazi how they got down and what happened afterwards. After hearing Zhan Yun's words, gildazi thought for a moment and said, "there are dangers everywhere. It's a miracle that you can survive after touching the mechanism!"

"What should we do now? There's no way around!" Leon asked, looking at gildaz, and everyone looked at gildaz! A face of respect!

"It's all right, this thing can't beat me!" gildazi said with a smile. After listening to gildazi's words, everyone laughed. There's no need to worry about him at all!

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