After listening to gildaz's words, Ling Feng always sneered. If there was a Xuanwu inner alchemy, the aura in it would have disappeared after so many years!

"Master gildaz, what you said is true? How do I feel like a fairy tale!" said one of the rich girls!

"Of course, it's true that the divine beasts suppressed the murderer. Later, I heard that all the four Royal mansions were buried in four different corners to support the world, and the basaltic tomb is in East Asia, and its inner Dan must be in the ancient tomb!" gildazi explained that he couldn't be calm. After all, the so-called inner Dan in his heart must be in the silver coffin in front of him!

Gildaz looked at the silver coffin and said, "I think the spell outside the silver coffin is useless. I'll open it now!"

Gildaz took out the software and rushed out with a sword spirit towards the coffin!


The coffin didn't respond at all. It wasn't damaged. Not even a crack!

"What's going on? Normally, this spell is useless. Why can't I open this coffin?" gildaz said to himself!

Then he increased his aura attack, but the coffin was still the same. There was no reaction and no crack. His aura had been used to the extreme. Even the Titan apes outside dared not take this move, but why didn't they respond at all!

At this time, Ling Feng's voice came from his mind, which surprised jildazi:

"Xuanwu is a divine beast. Do you think you can open its coffin like this? What kind of divine beast is he? The majesty of Xuanwu itself is comparable to that of a dragon. Do you think he can let mortals like you invade it?"

"In this case, how can I open it?" gildaz asked. He thought Ling Feng was right. The divine beast is comparable to the dragon. Of course, it won't let people open its coffin so easily!

"Very simple!" Ling Feng said faintly!

"Master, can you tell me how to open the coffin?" gildazi said with a questioning attitude. Ling Feng was a little surprised to feel the change of gildazi's attitude because of the change of Xuanwu Neidan! I didn't expect that such arrogant gildaz would ask for advice for a Nathan!

"Xuanwu is a divine beast. If you want to open its coffin, you must use your own blood essence, be devout in your heart, and have a stronger will to open the coffin!" Ling Feng said faintly!

Hearing Ling Feng's words, gildazi suddenly realized that he stretched out his right hand, then facing the coffin, cut his arm with a soft sword, and fresh blood dripping on the coffin!

When fresh blood drops on the coffin, the whole coffin reacts and trembles constantly. Gildazi is very happy. Now the situation is very smooth. As long as he can open the coffin, he can get the inner alchemy of basaltic and the power of basaltic God. It is just around the corner!

The reaction of the coffin became stronger and stronger. It seemed that something rushed out. Gildaz was very excited. He felt that it must be the Xuanwu inner pill. The inner pill had become essence. He had been sealed in the coffin for a long time. He must want to come out!

Gildaz was pale because he lost too much blood, but his mind was completely in the silver coffin. As for other things, he didn't put them in his heart at all, and the blood went crazy to the coffin, shaking violently, and the whole hall was shaking!

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