Looking at the scene in front of him, Lisa regretted that if he had known that bullets and shells were not Ling Feng's opponents, he would have sent out fighter planes. Why did he lose so much? However, as long as he could kill master Ling, it would be worth the loss. At that time, I would become a belief in East Asia!

Lisa is very proud to think of this! He smiled and looked at the monitoring screen and said, "master Ling, how can you be strong? Finally, you lost!"

At this time, all missiles had exploded on Ling Feng. The explosion was deafening, and the earth trembled. There were all kinds of shock waves in the whole air. Countless soil was abandoned all over the sky, and the sky suddenly fell into a gray!

The earth trembled, and the huge shock wave swept through every corner, and everyone was telling themselves: "master Ling must be dead, and he will disappear, and even the body will not be left!"

But they were still disappointed. As the dust dispersed, they saw a scene that made them collapse. Ling Feng stood in place without damage. Although a huge pit had been formed under his feet, Ling Feng was safe! The place where Ling Feng stood on both feet was the only complete apprentice around. Other places had become big pits. Ling Feng's aura armor easily resisted the bombing of missiles!

Although using Reiki armor consumes a lot, it's not a problem for Ling Feng!

"What's going on? Why is he still alive?"

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible. He's not a man! He's a god! Otherwise, he won't die!"

The expressions of all the soldiers were very surprised. They shouted in surprise. They didn't believe the scene in front of them. Their hearts were full of fear. Who could have thought that flesh and blood could resist the explosion of the most advanced tracking missile, but master Ling did it without even any scars. How powerful it is!

Lisa looked at the monitoring picture in front of him and couldn't believe it. He shouted: "it's impossible. I don't believe it. No one has ever been able to resist the missile explosion. How can it be true in the pit!"

But in the picture, Ling Feng is still standing there unharmed. It seems to tell him that this is true. He blocked it and the missiles can't hurt Ling Feng!

"I don't believe he can resist it all the time and continue bombing!" Lisa yelled wildly.

Now he doesn't know whether he can kill master Ling, but the people in the headquarters will arrive soon. An artillery division in the headquarters is already on the way, but he is not sure whether he can kill master Ling. He thinks he should report to the headquarters immediately!

In the air, the pilot heard Lisa's order and rushed towards Ling Feng again. They were ready and locked Ling Feng again!

Ling Feng frowned. He knew what the aircraft above meant. They locked him again and wanted to attack him with missiles. Therefore, Ling Feng's divine sense immediately locked these fighters. When several pilots were ready to attack Ling Feng again, Ling Feng moved, and his chaotic Qi turned into a star chain and rushed towards several fighters, In an instant, the plane was tied up and entangled in the air!

"What's going on? I can't feel it!"

"There is a chain outside our plane that entangles us in Lee!"

"We'll try our best to speed up!"

Several drivers talked about it one after another!

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