Xuanwu locked two jellyfish, and the terrible breath surrounded the jellyfish layer by layer. The pressure containing Tianwei itself made everyone out of breath! Xuanwu shook his huge tail and rushed towards the high-grade jellyfish running away in front!


The sound of birds suddenly came from the sky. Twenty birds flying from the headquarters of the alliance on nameless Island finally came! When the sky warrior on the bird saw the moving Xuanwu below, his heart was full of surprise. No one thought that the Xuanwu in front of him was so huge.

"Report to the headquarters. Master Ling has been found on the head of Xuanwu. The bow and arrow equipment has been aimed. Do you want to attack?"

"Attack! Kill master Ling for me!"

Brian heard the report from the fighter in the air, and almost without hesitation gave a big attack order. He couldn't give up the last card of the Dongzhou alliance at sea!

"Aim at master Ling, laser guns ready, fire!" twenty birds fired almost at the same time. Twenty laser guns rushed towards Ling Feng, leaving a beautiful arc in the air, as if the whole sky was burning!

Ling Feng frowned at the birds in the sky and said coldly, "look for death!"

Xuanwu raised his head, and a flame was directly sprayed out of his mouth. A sea of fire was formed in the whole sky. The laser guns had exploded before they were close, and the flame did not stop, and ran directly to the twenty birds in the sky!

"No, retreat quickly, hurry!" the fighter in the air shouted loudly as he watched the flame rush towards the birds. Unfortunately, it was too late, and the flame rushed directly up! In an instant, twenty birds became a pile of scrap iron falling from the sky! The fire of Xuanwu is not what they can resist at all. A big fire can be killed in seconds! In less than three minutes, the birds of the Dongzhou alliance were destroyed!

Brian in the war room saw the scene in front of him through the big screen. He was very trembling and heartache. The whole person could no longer sit still. Although he thought that the birds could not kill master Ling, he should be able to delay a little time and let the high-level jellyfish retreat, but who could have thought that one Xuanwu flame would kill a flock of birds and twenty birds! This refreshed his cognition!

And the most popular, the live studio of saving jubia! Such a terrible magic power can kill a flock of birds with a single flame. I'm afraid no one in the world can resist it!

The people watching the live broadcast were shocked, but there was nothing else. The popularity of the live broadcast made jubia completely unbelievable. In just half an hour, tens of millions of people watched the live broadcast room, and the number was still increasing, shaking the world!

Ling Feng didn't care about these at all. His expression didn't fluctuate at this time. Looking at the two high-grade jellyfish running away in front, he was ready to bury them in the sea!

Ling Feng challenges Dongzhou alone, but he is very high-profile, but he is not afraid at all. Dongzhou is just some small leagues. Even if they unite, they are just a group of mole ants, but these mole ants actually hurt him, which is a capital crime and an unforgivable capital crime! Ling Feng wants the whole world to know that master Ling can't provoke anyone. Even if the whole earth, there will be no one who can provoke him. Even if it is the whole world, all the stars are just the road under master Ling's feet!

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