Reborn Technology Upstart

The first thousand and sixty-two chapters: the idea of ​​traveling around the universe with beauty a

"How was the situation last year?"

Pei Qing saw Ye Zishu come out of the study with a smile on her face, brought him a bowl of fast food, and asked with a smile, when the annual report comes out every year, Pei Qing actually pays more attention.

Because Ye Zishu's industries account for too much of the domestic economy, if there is a problem with his industry, it means that there is a problem with the domestic economy, and the consequences will naturally be serious.

What's more, last year, he gradually tried to run the economic theory she wrote under his banner. Although nothing can be seen for a year, but some clues can be seen.

If the economy did not meet expectations last year, it may not be because of her economic theory, but there will definitely be people who have doubts about her economic theory.

"Last year's economic situation was very good. Both revenue and profit have increased significantly, and the social security fund also has a large surplus." Ye Zishu took the bowl from her and said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing immediately felt relieved. At least the economic theory she put forward did not overturn last year. As for what will happen next, she needs to watch as she walks.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much about it. Economic growth will eventually slow down one day. In these years, the main driving force for economic growth has come from the technologies and products I provide.

If this is not a long-term solution, if one day I feel tired, I may not care about it. At that time, whether the economy is good or bad depends entirely on social creativity. "Ye Zishu said with a serious expression.

Over the years, he really didn't want to care about these trivial matters more and more, but the current domestic situation made it difficult for him to let go, mainly because the new generation has not grown up, and the number of talented people in the old generation is limited.

The so-called ten years of trees and one hundred years of people, it is not so easy to cultivate a group of innovative and competitive talents, and it takes time to accumulate slowly.

Although there is artificial intelligence for innovative work, it is difficult for this kind of innovation to be subversive, and economic development often requires disruptive technologies to last for many years.

For example, the starship manufacturing technology and bionic manufacturing technology he provided, as well as the practice system he plans to implement, are all subversive innovations that will affect human civilization for countless years.

In addition, it also provides a large number of disruptive products, such as anti-aging drugs, IQ drugs, etc., which are extremely important products and even have strategic value.

It's a pity that apart from the things he brought out, no one in China has proposed a subversive technological system, and of course he won't be demanding.

Because this kind of subversive technological system itself is hard to come by, and it cannot be accumulated in a year or two. It usually takes dozens or hundreds of years to change from quantitative to qualitative.

Not everyone is like him, so these technologies are similar to drinking water, and they are proposed as a whole system, which is already at a quite mature stage.

And from a global perspective, this is basically the case in other countries and civilizations. The science and technology used until now is still hundreds of years ago. Even innovation is nothing more than improvement, and it is a hundred and eighty thousand away from subversion thousands of miles.

"If you're really tired, then take a break!" Pei Qing said in a caring tone as she took some food for him.

Pei Qing has been with him day and night for so many years, and she has never seen him take a break, especially in the early days of his business, he was really desperate.

It stands to reason that the domestic economy is doing very well now, whether it is in terms of per capita or total, it has already surpassed the world, and his responsibility has almost been shouldered.

Even if he really puts it down completely, relying on the technical system and business system he provided before, he can continue to develop for many years without worrying about falling into real economic stagnation.

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu smiled and said, "I can still struggle for a few more years. If one day I really don't want to struggle, I will take you to travel around the universe!"

He knew that Pei Qing only said that because she cared about him. If she really quit, she must handle the follow-up matters properly, at least when he left,

It will not collapse immediately.

Hearing that he plans to take her around the universe in the future, Pei Qing couldn't help but smile and said, "You really plan to take me around the universe?"

"There can be fakes, as long as you have enough strength, otherwise traveling around the universe is a journey of suffering, I don't care, I just don't want you to suffer with me!" Ye Zishu held Pei Qing's hand and said affectionately.

To be honest, although Pei Qing has been with Ye Zishu for a long time, such affectionate words are absolutely rare, and Pei Qing's heart seems to be melted after listening to them.

Pei Qing stood up, walked behind Ye Zishu, hugged his neck, kissed his cheek unconsciously, and said affectionately in the same tone: "As long as I'm with you, no matter how hard or tired I am willing!"

With these foreshadowings, the dinner did not know how to end. Anyway, the two felt that they had a very good night, and they even slept with smiles on their faces.

However, what he said was not all pleasant love words, but that he really had the idea of ​​traveling around the universe, but with his current ability, rashly going to the universe may be full of variables.

He needs to wait until his own strength is sufficient before he can take a look around. At least he needs to understand how the universe exists, which is very important for increasing his knowledge.

At present, there are two ways of interstellar travel. One is to take a starship, but there is no space transition starship. In the face of huge galaxies with a scale of tens of thousands of light-years, the sense of powerlessness is too strong.

The other is to use super equipment for space transition, but each time the distance is relatively short, and there may be many other problems in the middle, which is not a good way, and he also feels very tired.

Of course, warp drive starships can also be built, which will save time and effort. If there is really no better way in the future, he will probably do this.

The premise before this is that he and Pei Qing have a long life. If the life is short, there is no need to mention this matter. It is estimated that they will die before they leave the Milky Way.

Therefore, he must allow himself to have a long enough life before starting the space journey, because there may be no conditions to improve his life in the middle.

In the past, the space field theory was very attractive to him, because mastering the space field technology, he has all kinds of incredible abilities. For him who has no worries about his life for the time being, the attraction is obviously much greater.

This time, he plans to study topics related to life and practice, which can make up for his lack of research in these areas, and perhaps solve the problem of too short a life.

At present, the technology he can come up with to prolong his life is only thousands of years old. If he does not start interstellar travel, having such a long life is enough for him to research more advanced life technology.

It’s just that staying on the earth for thousands of years is very long, but in the universe, it’s just a flash in the pan, and it’s impossible to realize the idea of ​​traveling around the universe.

The next day, he didn't immediately hold the company's annual meeting. Instead, he came to a private laboratory to study plants with life energy and spirituality. At least Lingmi should be researched, so that he could talk about it at the annual meeting.

Lingmi is just the beginning of a practice product. If you want to improve the practice system, any civilization and system cannot prosper by relying on the backbone alone. It must have a large number of supporting auxiliary systems to support it.

The effect of Lingmi in the early stage is not very good, because most people in the country have not even entered the threshold of martial arts, and they cannot store too much energy, and most of it will dissipate.

In his opinion, this is a serious waste. Although Kirin Energy Industry Group has controllable nuclear fusion and other energy sources, it cannot be such a waste. Doing other things is better than waste.

After the entire practice system is gradually improved, the products will also be updated, and products that adapt to it will be launched, and room for upgrades will also be reserved.

If he wanted to study Lingmi, he mainly started from two aspects. On the one hand, it was naturally the plants that grew Lingmi. Originally, he planned to directly use industrial methods to solve the problem.

However, industrial methods are more difficult to solve. Currently, the energy involved in industrial technology is relatively low-level energy, and it is also relatively common energy.

Even if life energy is graded, these energies are not comparable, so the best solution is to store it in the form of life, and consumers are more willing to pay.

If it is produced by industrial methods, it is an industrial product for many people, and it does not conform to our consistent tradition and thinking, and it is not good for promotion.

Of course, this is because of the new planting technology. If he still uses the previous planting technology, he may not think so. After all, it is one of the signs of modern efficiency.

Using the new electric planting technology, the efficiency of rice production is not much lower than that of industrialization. The only disadvantage is that it occupies a large area. However, the current grain production only needs to build a factory, which occupies a very small area.

Another aspect is the research and development of energy conversion facilities. Currently, the conversion facilities researched by Kirin Agricultural Development Group cannot meet his requirements, and the converted energy eventually becomes bioenergy.

There is an essential difference between bioenergy and life energy. Although both can be absorbed by the human body, if the bioenergy is absorbed too much, people will become fat, while if the life energy is absorbed too much, it will only make people stronger.

Ye Zishu spent a day researching two varieties of Lingmi. One kind of Lingmi is in the shape of suet white jade, which is very beautiful and does not look like Fanmi at first glance.

Another kind of Lingmi has an amber color, but it is more beautiful than amber. The difference between the two is actually not that big, but the energy consumption of one is 20 times that of ordinary rice, and the energy consumption of the other is 30 times that of ordinary rice.

But the price gap is very big. One is prepared for ex-factory price of 30 yuan, and the other is prepared for ex-factory price of 100 yuan. There is no obvious difference in the effect of eating.

This is done to meet the needs of different people. People with average economic conditions can use 30 yuan suet rice without delaying their absorption of the energy in it.

The most important thing for rich people is to be different. Only by buying high-priced products can they highlight their identities. Even if they know that the effect is similar, they will buy more expensive amber rice.

In this way, ordinary people did not suffer, and rich people also felt that they had made money, and had the happiness of being a master, and Qilin Agricultural Development Group also made money, and everyone did not suffer.

This kind of Lingmi has a certain effect in the whole conjoined stage, but the effect is only a little bit. After all, this is not a panacea. If you want to rely on food to reach the sky, don't even think about it.

If you want to stand out among the more than one billion people in the country, you still need to study hard and practice hard. It is impossible to take shortcuts, not to mention that this book was researched by Ye Zishu.

In his philosophy, even if there is a shortcut, it is a shortcut that everyone can enjoy. If a small group of people want to sneak around and overtake, they will never be allowed.

In his opinion, Lingmi still belongs to the category of vulgar things. It is realized through special gene editing technology, and the technical data is uploaded to Qilin Agricultural Development Group.

They will produce plants based on their genes, and then just plant them. In addition, they have accumulated technology in electric energy and bioenergy conversion, so it is not difficult to develop related conversion equipment.

If they vigorously research and develop, it will not even take a month to start large-scale planting. With their planting technology, the output will definitely not be small.


At the annual meeting, Ye Zishu first asked about the construction of the starship. Since it has been announced to the public, it should be released as soon as possible, so that many people can shut up.

During this period of time, he also paid a little attention to the disturbances in the world, and he has almost never heard of the talk, saying that the solar system should belong to all mankind and cannot be taken by a small number of people.

Space development must be carried out through cooperation, and a new international organizational framework needs to be established. Individual companies cannot be allowed to act on their own to safeguard the common interests of everyone and the common resources of mankind.

There are even some countries that are preparing to promote their own domestic legislation, and want to use their domestic laws to influence and intervene in the operation of external companies, thinking that it was more than ten years ago.

Although these mouthpieces have no effect on him, he also finds it annoying to listen to the noise all day long. To be honest, instead of jumping up and down for this, he might as well work hard to improve himself, and maybe he can get a share in the future.

The universe is so big, even if the solar system is occupied by good resources, it can be migrated to other galaxies. The space is large enough, and it is not that there is no place for development.

The question is whether they have such technology. If they do not have technology, no matter how loud they are, it will not help. It is better than anything else to do the basic work honestly.

According to feedback from various parties, the construction of the first starship can be completed by the end of this year. With their guarantee, Ye Zishu nodded and expressed satisfaction. Although it was not ahead of schedule, it still kept up with the planned timeline.

The second is the construction of the bionic manufacturing technology system. Leaving aside other things, at least the manufacturing of the mecha needs to be used. If this aspect is delayed for a long time, the time for the mecha to be launched will be even longer.

According to feedback information from various parties, a part of the industrial chain has been built, and some companies have even developed some products and are preparing to go public this year.

For example, the new robot pets, the previous robot pets are good, but the manufacturing process is actually quite troublesome, and the overall performance is not as good as that of real pets.

The meaning of almost here is not the difference that can be seen by the naked eye, but the feeling that using new manufacturing technology to produce robot pets is not only relatively simple in the manufacturing process, but also has no such feeling.

Qinglong Technology Company intends to rely on new manufacturing technology to develop their next-generation robots. They believe that the robots produced by the new manufacturing technology may exceed the level of general-purpose robots.

It seems that they are still not reconciled, and want to surpass Kirin Basic Industries Group in the field of robotics, so as to obtain more and bigger cakes.

This is also understandable. After all, the general robot technology of Kirin Basic Industries Group was not developed by them, but was given to them by Ye Zishu when he was the president.

If it was developed by Kirin Basic Industry Group itself, it would be difficult for them not to be convinced. This kind of spirit of not admitting defeat is appreciated by Ye Zishu, which is conducive to the formation of healthy competition.

In fact, Kirin Basic Industries Group also has its own robot research and development plan, but they are not so urgent because the general-purpose robot is currently sufficient to meet the use requirements.

At the beginning, the products produced by Ye Zishu were very mature products. Most of the work of human beings can be done by general-purpose robots, and there is no urgency to update them.

In contrast, if Qinglong Technology Company comes up with better robot products, they can replace their original products and thus obtain higher profits.

There is also Huanyu Group, which plans to rely on new manufacturing technology to re-develop all their vehicles, hoping to produce better products and get more returns.

Under their guarantee, more than 90% of the industrial chain involved in the new manufacturing technology system can be completed and put into production before the end of the year, and the remaining 10% can also be completed next year.

Calculated in this way, the construction of the new manufacturing technology system industry chain took two or three years, which is not much shorter than the construction time of the interstellar ship industry chain.

The reason lies in the difficulty of understanding. Although the starship is complex and huge, it is relatively easy to understand. After all, it is based on the current industrial system, but it is more advanced.

New manufacturing technologies are built on the basis of complex life systems, and human beings actually have very limited research on life, so many theories are very difficult to understand for scientific research.

Even Ye Zishu affirmed that even if the entire industrial chain is built, it does not mean that these scientific researchers fully understand the technical system he provided, and many are still in the stage of imitating the gourd.

As for mechs, don't think about it this year. It is still in the stage of scientific research understanding and experimentation. Even with artificial intelligence assisting scientific research, it is not easy to understand.

[To tell the truth, I have been using the source-changing app recently to read and update books, to switch between sources, and to read aloud with many voices, both Android and Apple. 】

Because all the civilian mechas he provided are not industrial products in the usual sense, and it is not a fallacy to understand each set of mechas as life.

Especially the shape-changing mechs, many things in it are more difficult to understand, at least far beyond the scope of current technological understanding, and it will take a while to digest and absorb.

For example, the semi-liquid mecha mentioned above normally only has two wrist-sized devices, but in combat mode, it can quickly cover the whole body from two wrists.

The reason why this can be achieved is because this set of mechs is actually alive, but it is not the same as the life we ​​usually understand.

Of course, if you want to do it, there are more advanced ones, like the weapon of dual cultivation of life and life that he will provide later, after evolving to a certain level, it can be absorbed into the body.

In the same way, he can also develop a mecha that can be stored in the body, but the data of the mecha was sorted out relatively early, and he hadn't considered establishing a practice system at that time.

If he was asked to design it again, he would definitely design it this way. After all, no matter how advanced the current mecha is, it is really troublesome to carry it.

This kind of semi-liquid mecha is better. If it is a hard mecha, ordinary people will feel a bit heavy on their backs. Even if it is a soft mecha, it is not convenient to carry it around.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu plans to go back and develop an embryonic mech, which, like the previous weapon of dual cultivation of life and death, can grow and evolve with the owner, making it more and more powerful.

The only difference is that the embryonic mecha can be absorbed into the body from the very beginning, but its combat effectiveness is not strong. It is not as good as these ready-made mechas. The embryonic mecha needs to be warmed for a long time, and it will not have a certain combat effectiveness until it evolves once. .

After Ye Zishu thought of this, he couldn't help laughing. He found that he liked playing these developmental games more and more, which was a bit inconsistent with his previous clean personality.

After learning about these two major projects, Ye Zishu asked Kylin Agricultural Development Group to speed up the construction of electric planting. He thought that the previous investment was a bit conservative and could be increased appropriately.

The reason was not concealed, and the matter of Lingmi was announced directly at the meeting. Anyway, this is not a secret, and it will still be sold on the market in the future.

Even if foreign countries are willing to pay a high price to buy, he doesn't mind the export of his enterprises, because although it is effective, the effect is not so obvious, it is just a means to increase the economy.

However, if it is used for a long time, the benefits will definitely be much stronger than that of ordinary rice, the strength will become stronger, and the personal energy will be more abundant, at least the taste will be better.

"Then what about the previous food production system?" Guo Dongmei asked.

In order to meet the food demand of the huge domestic population, Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group has invested a lot of money in building production capacity. During the official harvest period these years, it finally produced Lingmi.

"It is impossible to completely replace ordinary grain in the short term. I expect it will take three to five years to replace it. Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group has a buffer period of three to five years.

Let’s see if the production capacity can be tilted towards the industrial direction, and a part of it can also be used for export. If there is still a surplus of production capacity, it can only be reduced. This is an impossible thing. "Leaf Book said.

Although the grain and oil industry group also has grain exports, they have not adopted the dumping model, because this will impact the original grain production systems of many countries.

If it was changed to a long time ago, he might have done this to make money, but now there is no need to do this at all. He can earn a lot of international income every year, and there is no need to make too much money from this aspect.

What's more, the value of food itself is not very high, but because of its high strategic value, some countries want to use food to control the world.

Now their attempt has gone bankrupt. Whenever the international grain price rises, our country will export a large amount of grain to stabilize the international grain price.

As for the loss of Kylin Grain and Oil Industry Group, Ye Zishu has nothing to do with it. Anyway, both of their companies are subsidiaries of Kirin Industry Group, and the overall interests are still balanced.

And now is not the same as before, most of the employees are general-purpose robots, reducing production capacity does not worry about employment issues, just transfer general-purpose robots to other places, it is actually not particularly complicated to deal with.

In the end, Ye Zishu mentioned the matter of the practice system. This was the first time he said this in front of the person in charge of the company, mainly to prepare them psychologically, especially the New Oriental Education Group.

The people in charge were naturally very surprised when they heard his remarks. Is this going to change from a technological style to a fairy-like style? The boss still has this ability? They hadn't noticed anything before.

Seeing their expressions, Ye Zishu explained: "The development path of civilization has never been one, and here I want to warn you that in the future when you step into the universe, you may encounter even more strange civilizations.

The reason why I want to study the practice system is to let us achieve both internal and external cultivation. Compared with walking on one leg, we have more possibilities and greater potential for future development.

In fact, practice is not as complicated as you imagine. It is just the introduction of external technology into the body, through the complex functional structure and energy coordination in the body, so as to realize many incredible abilities.

If it is simply understood, the human body can be regarded as a machine with great potential. Through continuous practice, the functions of the machine will become more powerful, so the explanation is not difficult to understand. "

Ye Zishu can only explain to this extent, in fact, it is much more complicated than a few words, otherwise he would not need to continue to study and research, even if he has not fully studied it yet.

No matter what, the other group presidents originally thought that martial arts training had nothing to do with them, but now they have to pay more attention and prepare to start practicing martial arts when they go home.

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