Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 145 Business Split and Recruitment Storm (4/4)

In the past, due to limited human resources and tight funds, there was no need to have so many teams, so many software projects were put into Phoenix Software.

Funding is no longer a problem, so many projects need to be dismantled and special companies established to allow these projects to achieve better development.

Phoenix Software has retained operating system business, programming language business, database business, office software business, browser business, etc.

Separated the industrial software business and established a Suzaku software company focusing on industrial software development. The current business is electronic industrial software, and there will be more and more industrial software categories involved in the future.

He also established a company specializing in enterprise management software and government affairs management software, Honghu Software Company. He is very optimistic about the development of the enterprise management software market, and the modern management of enterprises will be inseparable from the support of various management software.

Ye Zishu established a Kunpeng information technology company with the search engine he wrote, and the current business includes search engine, news portal, e-mail and other businesses.

Among them, the search engine has been deployed and operated with the listing of the Phoenix browser, and data centers have been deployed in North America, Japan, and Europe, but the scale is not large.

Because there is not much Internet content now, there is no need for such a large data center to store data, and there is not a particularly large number of Internet visits.

As for their news portal and e-mail business, after the formal establishment of the new company, research and development began. Yeshu provided technical support and design. As for the development work, Yeshu did not get involved.

Because in his opinion, these two projects are not too difficult technically, the most difficult is big data processing and high concurrency processing technology.

These leaf books all provide relevant technical information, and they can develop the product according to the information provided by the leaf book.

Although the technology of the news portal is not high, the requirements for operational capabilities are not low. Most of the work on the Internet is operations, so the person in charge of this company needs talents who understand operations and technology.

At present, it is difficult to find such talents. He can only serve as the person in charge of this company temporarily. He hopes to cultivate a group of Internet talents from within through his personal management.

Ye Zishu also established an Internet company focusing on social platforms under the Phoenix Technology Company, named Qingluan Information Technology Company.

This company does not have any business at present, and Ye Zishu is going to start building a shelf when he is a little free.

Enrich the staff and start developing an instant messaging software like QQ in the previous life.

In order to further increase the attractiveness of the Phoenix operating system, Ye Zishu also established a sea-gull interactive entertainment company under the Phoenix Technology Company, mainly engaged in the game business.

Then it took out the image processing software and video processing software developed by the technology department of Phoenix Special Effects Company, and established a Jiufeng software company focusing on commercial software development and operation.

However, some of them are still shell companies, and some have already achieved substantial results. These are only Yeshu’s temporary plans, and it will take time to slowly enrich the entire software industry cluster.

Although there seem to be so many companies now, the office locations are still the same, but the personnel are re-divided and allocated according to their expertise and wishes.

During this period of time, due to the fame of the Phoenix operating system, it has become more and more convenient for Phoenix Software Company to recruit talents.

As for these newly established companies, the current talent recruitment is still entrusted to the personnel department of Phoenix Software Company, which has brought a large number of talents to Phoenix Technology Company.

It's just that after new employees come in, they can't immediately enter the working state. They need to be trained, and then they will be trained for a period of time in the way of old and new, before they can slowly start to get in touch with actual business development.

He put all his software and Internet companies under the umbrella of Phoenix Technology, which can facilitate resource sharing and is also an important measure for him to build the ecology of the Phoenix operating system.

With the establishment of so many companies one after another, the scale of recruitment has suddenly increased a lot, and almost all the staff of the personnel department of Phoenix Software Company have gone on business trips.

Since the graduation season has just passed and it is summer vacation, the personnel department wants to recruit more talents, and has held special job fairs in almost all major cities.

Not only that, every time a special job fair is held in a city, it will be advertised on the media of the city where it is located, in order to attract as many talents as possible to participate in the job fair.

Even in order to achieve the effect of publicity, Phoenix Software Company obtained a 10-second report opportunity on CCTV's news network through Shengshi Advertising Company.

Of course, being able to be on the news network, in addition to the active factors, there is also the Phoenix Software Company under the Phoenix Technology Company, which is too eye-catching during this period.

We must know that my country's net foreign exchange value in 1992 was only 19.4 billion U.S. dollars for the whole year, while the foreign exchange earned by Phoenix Software was as high as more than 3 billion U.S. dollars.

In addition to the foreign exchange earned by Shengshi Film and Television Company and Shengshi Record Company, it can be said that the foreign exchange earned by the enterprises under Ye Zishu accounts for a very large proportion of domestic foreign exchange.

In addition, the companies under Phoenix Technology are definitely high-tech companies in this era. The job fair held by Phoenix Technology shows that my country's high-tech development is in full swing, which is naturally one of the credits of reform and opening up.

With such a strong recruitment activity, it has naturally brought a large number of talents to the various companies under the Phoenix Technology Company, but among these talents, not all of them are computer majors.

Ye Zishu said a long time ago that anyone with a background in science and engineering, regardless of whether they know computer software or not, as long as they intend to enter the software industry, are welcome.

Because there are too few talents in colleges and universities in China, if you really only choose the professional counterparts, even if you recruit talents majoring in computer software from all over the country, it will not be enough for Phoenix Technology.

What's interesting is that after learning that Phoenix Technology Company was going to hold a major recruitment event, Xuanwu Technology Company also sent its own personnel department to act together with the personnel department of Phoenix Software Company.

Anyway, Phoenix Software Company has already made a sign, and Xuanwu Technology Company can take advantage of this opportunity to recruit students with majors in microelectronics, mechanics, optics, mathematics, chemistry, physics, materials science and so on.

Building a complete set of electronic semiconductor industry chain involves too many majors. Almost all science and engineering majors can be used by Xuanwu Technology.

When the two companies are combined, the demand for talents is huge. As long as the applicants are willing to come, there is basically no time for them to leave.

Those with strong professional abilities will basically be selected by Xuanwu Technology Company first, because what they want is students with strong professional abilities, and the stronger the students, the better for Xuanwu Technology Company.

And the remaining majors that are not particularly strong will be divided up by the companies under Phoenix Technology, because what they need is the logical thinking ability of professionals in science and engineering.

Anyway, if you enter a company under the Phoenix Technology Company, you need to change careers. Those with a little stronger ability will be assigned to Suzaku Software Company to do industrial software development. This profession has certain requirements for this major.

The rest is basically divided up by other software companies and Internet companies. These companies do not have high requirements for the ability of this major, as long as they are willing to learn and able to learn.

In addition to recruiting talents majoring in science and engineering, it also recruits professionals related to software development such as industrial design and art design.

Of course, there are also talents majoring in human resource management, accounting, business management, and market-related majors to enrich other departments of various companies.

The large scale, wide scope and great influence of the job fair held this time let people all over the country know how strong Phoenix Technology is, otherwise it would not be able to cause such a huge storm.


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