Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 149 Avoiding Tragedy (4/4)

"Since these companies have been separated, although they are still subsidiaries of Xuanwu Technology, the head office cannot interfere too much with the normal operations of these companies.

The head office only needs to grasp a few key points, one is financial management, which is an important right of the head office, but the most important thing is to supervise their financial status to avoid accidents.

The second is the management rights of high-level personnel, but there must be a strict assessment mechanism to avoid nepotism, so that mediocre talents are reused, while talented people are excluded. The principle of employing people.

The third is to establish a supervisory organization. The members of the organization are temporarily formed, and employees with rich management experience and professional knowledge are selected to serve as employees. They are replaced regularly to prevent the organization from being too powerful and affecting fairness.

The fourth is to establish a modern information-based management system. Phoenix Technology has a company called Honghu Software, whose main business is the research and development of enterprise management systems.

In the future, this software company will provide you with advanced enterprise management software systems to facilitate the management of the following companies by the head office.

At the same time, it is also convenient for more efficient management within the enterprise, which can detect problems in time and correct them in advance, so as to avoid irreparable losses caused by mistakes that take too long.

Any enterprise that wants to develop for a long time must adhere to the principle of fairness and justice, adhere to the people-oriented corporate culture, adhere to the path of scientific development, and adhere to the courage of self-reform. "Leaf Book said.

According to Ye Zishu, the head office only has power over these subsidiaries in terms of finance and some personnel matters, and other parts of the subsidiaries can completely make their own decisions.

After listening to Wu Chaoqiang, he felt that the boss's idea was really bold. Now which private enterprise boss doesn't hold the enterprise in his own hands to death.

But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, he also understood that Ye Zishu's talent in scientific research, he has a real experience, with such ability, even if one of his companies collapses, he can still establish a more advanced company.

And from Ye Zishu's words and deeds, he also knows that the boss is not ignorant of business management. Since the business management system he said can solve many problems, it shouldn't be too bad.

Moreover, handing over most of the power to subsidiaries weakens the headquarters' control over the subsidiaries, but it also makes it easier for the subsidiaries to exert their own initiative, and may really break into a bigger world.

Ye Zishu saw Wu Chaoqiang nodded to agree with what he said, Ye Zishu smiled and said: "I will also participate in the whole process of the company's business split, and I will stay here during this time.

Due to the current limited conditions,

At present, only internal splitting can be carried out, only a certain grouping of personnel, so that employees in various industrial chain links can adapt to the new identity in advance.

Their R\u0026D work is still at the headquarters, which remains unchanged for the time being, to avoid delays in R\u0026D work, and the most important thing is to build the management of each company.

Then let the management of these subsidiaries go to various parts of the country to investigate and see which places are suitable for the headquarters of the subsidiaries.

Here I want to emphasize that the location of the headquarters is the most important thing. We neither expect the local government to support it as actively as the Nanshan District government, nor let them come out to dictate.

Secondly, there are abundant and professional human resources in the local area. This is an important point for the company to quickly form production capacity, and it is also an important driving force for us to establish enterprises in different places.

Finally, the development of the local state-owned enterprises is not satisfactory. The reason is simple. If the state-owned enterprises develop well, the possibility of us recruiting their employees is lower.

And as I said earlier, business operations put first priority on profit, but social responsibility must also be properly taken into account. Those employees of state-owned enterprises that are not well-managed must have a hard time. Our company was able to solve their employment problems in the past. "

The last one reminded him of the tide of laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises in his previous life. Although there are not many such cases now, as the operation of state-owned enterprises becomes more and more difficult, even the government cannot afford it.

Then it formed a general trend like Mount Tai was overwhelming, and it was not a question of whether anyone was willing or not, because it would be difficult for anyone to clean up this mess, and had to break it down and make a new one.

It's just that this method is too drastic. He hopes that from now on, it will be subtle, so that after the slow death of state-owned enterprises that have little value in the first place, their employees will have a new place to live.

Instead of letting them rush into the society like a flood, first, there will not be so many jobs in society that can accommodate so many employed people.

The second is that even if there are so many jobs in the future, human resources will become very cheap because of too many human resources, which is not a good thing for social and economic stability.

Especially in the northern region, due to the large number of state-owned enterprises and the distance from the most economically active south, many state-owned enterprises cannot keep up with the situation, and the most intense wave of layoffs is in the north.

On the contrary, some state-owned enterprises in the south, through restructuring and other measures, have developed and expanded the enterprises that were not doing well. In addition, the private economy is active and there are many jobs, so they are not too impressed with the layoffs.

In fact, starting from next year, most state-owned enterprises will not be able to pay wages. By 1995, they will enter a stage of large-scale holidays, because there is nothing to do.

The reason why we have reached this point is not discussed here, because the reason is very complicated, and it cannot be explained clearly in a few words, and various analyzes are nothing more than blind men feeling the elephant.

But Ye Zishu himself has sympathy for laid-off workers. Whether a company is running well or not has little to do with ordinary employees. Most of the problems lie with the management.

In the previous life, there were also many private companies. Once the benefits were not good, the ordinary employees were the first to be attacked, and they rarely realized that there was a problem with the management.

Liu Huan sang "start all over again", but when people reach middle age, there are a few who can start all over again.

On the contrary, there are many people who took advantage of the restructuring of enterprises to gain a leap in life and became bosses one after another. Many big bosses in previous lives started their fortunes from this time.

It’s just that the beneficiaries in this process are ultimately a minority, and most of them are ordinary people. They can only respond to the country’s call with tears in their eyes, and seek their own way out.

Now he has begun to lay out the real industry. With the improvement of the electronic manufacturing industry chain, a large number of enterprises will be born, and these enterprises are fundamentally different from the current projects that are coaxed into the horse.

Since the 1980s, many state-owned enterprises have been rushing to launch various projects, the most typical one being the production of home appliances, introducing foreign production lines and technologies, and starting to produce home appliances one after another.

However, such a swarming behavior has led to a large excess of production capacity, and whether there is a core technology or not, everyone is almost the same. In the end, there will be a tragic price war, and it depends on who can survive to the end.

And the industrial chains he established all have very high technological content and great development prospects, and they are not afraid of competition from other companies at all.

Using his high-tech industries to subtly replace the existing backward industries, as long as the people emancipate their minds, it will be easy to transition to a new industry development track.

At that time, the existing state-owned enterprises will be dead or alive, and will no longer be of much value, because they will eventually disappear in the rolling tide.

The electronics industry is only his first real industry plan. After this industry enters the stage of self-hematopoiesis, he will start other industrial development plans.

At the end of the conversation, Ye Zishu explained that he promised the villagers to come to work, and asked Xuanwu Technology Company to send someone there to pick up the villagers who were coming to avoid accidents on the road.

Wu Chaoqiang naturally didn't have much opinion on this, anyone can use it anyway, but he asked carefully: "Do you want to give these people special care?"

"Did you forget what I just said? A person can serve as big a bowl as he is capable. There is no need for special care, and everything can be done according to the company's rules and regulations!" Ye Zishu said sternly.


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