Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 178 Need more jobs (1/4)

He asked Yu Minhong to set up a vocational education institution. In addition to providing high-quality workers for his own enterprises, he didn't have this consideration.

Many people go out to work, either with the help of their fellow villagers, or after hearing that others have made money, they walk out of the house without hesitation, and rush to unknown places with a little money.

But the foreign land is not good. Not only did many people not find a job when they came, they also used up the only money they had on their bodies, and even if they wanted to go home, they couldn't go back.

And even if some people can go home, they have no face to go home, and go back in despair after going out. How can they face their parents, wives and children at home? Can only continue to mix in other places.

The reason for this result is that many people go out to work blindly and do not know enough about the outside world. Not only can they not make money, but they lose a lot of money.

If his vocational education institutions can be opened in every county, through these vocational education schools, there is a plan and quality for the surplus rural labor force to go to the city to work.

This can effectively reduce the occurrence of "blind flow" and avoid many tragedies, which is of great benefit to both rural families and urban management.

This is why he spends 1 billion yuan a year to invest in the field of vocational education. If it develops normally, an investment of 100 million yuan a year is enough.

He just wants to cover more rural areas as soon as possible, and make the process of migrant workers more orderly, and after vocational education and training, their salaries are much higher than those without any skills.

The money he earns will definitely flow into the pockets of the vast number of migrant workers by purchasing industries and recruiting workers. Only in this way can the domestic economy be activated and the domestic market expanded.

The funds flowing out through his property will be kept in his hands by purchasing his products, and then he can buy more properties, forming a virtuous circle.

Therefore, he does not think that reducing employee salaries is a good way. We cannot always rely on cheap labor and export products to foreign countries. This is not his development model.

Now the problem comes back to the front, that is, enough jobs are needed to accommodate more and more overflow labor. Obviously, it is difficult for his current industry to meet his requirements.

At present, Xuanwu Technology Company employs the largest number of workers. Although the construction scale of the first phase is very large, it can accommodate 200,000 people working at the same time.

In order to accomplish this goal, there needs to be enough orders. Obviously, Lingtong Technology Company is still unable to provide so many orders.

This requires a development process.

What he hopes now is that Lingtong Technology Company's Internet communication equipment can be exported in large quantities, which can bring more orders to Xuanwu Technology Company.

As for the other industries of Qinglong Technology Company that were previously planned, the implementation has not yet started. He is still sorting out relevant information, and the basic components are not ready yet.

Therefore, in a short period of time, Xuanwu Technology's industrial scale is still limited, and it is already very remarkable that it can accommodate 200,000 people for employment in the initial stage.

The real estate industry that he is now planning to enter in a large scale, in addition to being able to serve as a channel for huge capital consumption in the future, is it also to provide more jobs.

In the construction industry, apart from a small number of construction technicians, most of them are engaged in manual labor. This kind of job is more suitable for the labor force from rural areas.

They don't need to have a high technical level, they can be taught how to do it in a short period of time, they can do it with physical strength, and the number of workers is even larger.

If the domestic real estate market is fully activated, the number of jobs in the construction industry alone can reach more than 50 million, not to mention these long-term goals.

If all the Lujiazui area in Shanghai enters the construction stage, hundreds of thousands of jobs can be solved, and the entire Shanghai can accommodate up to a million construction workers.

There are still many cities in China that are capable of developing the real estate industry. Together, it is not a problem that the number of employed people that can accommodate exceeds tens of millions.

Valley plus the related industries brought by the real estate industry, if this industrial chain is activated, it will be very beneficial to the development of the domestic economy, and it will also solve the problem of a very large population and allow many people to make money.

According to statistics from previous lives, my country's per capita GDP this year is more than 2,300 yuan, which means that the per capita monthly salary is only more than 100 yuan. Even if tens of millions of people are employed, the annual labor cost is only tens of billions of yuan.

As for the price of land, except for big cities like Shanghai, which can sell for several hundred yuan per square meter, other second-tier cities can sell it for 100 yuan per square meter.

The industries he established before are all high-tech and high-output industries. The software industry has brought him huge economic benefits, but the number of employees is not estimated to be large.

He wanted to expand the staff quickly, and he could afford it in terms of funds, but the threshold for this industry was relatively high, and it was difficult to benefit people with low levels of knowledge.

The health care products he calls cash cows do not require a high degree of education, but this industry is also a high-profit industry with high output value, but not many workers.

And for the sake of safety, it is necessary to reduce the participation of personnel as much as possible. If you can use automation equipment to complete production, you should use automation equipment as much as possible. The more people there are, the easier it is to make mistakes, leading to more accidents.

He now needs an industry with a short investment cycle and quick results to further increase employment. Obviously, light industry is the most suitable.

Among all light industries, the textile and garment industry employs the largest number of workers, has relatively low barriers to entry, and does not have a particularly large investment scale. It is an industry with a short investment cycle and quick returns.

He had actually considered this before, but at that time he felt that it was still necessary to establish a complete industrial chain, that is to say, start with advanced textile and garment manufacturing machinery, and then build a complete set of advanced textile and garment industrial chain.

It's just that now he has changed his previous thinking. Although his previous thinking was good, if it really succeeds, he can keep more interests in the country and earn more profits.

But many people simply can't wait that long. Under such circumstances, why not import other people's equipment to produce clothing, at least it can solve the current problems.

Of course, if the clothing industry wants to develop, there is still a lot of work to be done. At least there must be more orders. It is not a short-term thing to create your own clothing brand.

The domestic garment manufacturing industry is still at the stage of processing incoming materials. Even high-quality clothing fabrics need to be imported, and we only do a processing link.

This has fallen into an endless loop. It's not that my country's garment industry doesn't want to expand its scale, but because it can only get so many overseas orders.

If he joins in and competes with existing industries for overseas orders, he will fall into a serious involution, and everyone will take orders at a lower price, which will eventually lead to no money for everyone.

In this case, apart from increasing employment opportunities, we will not get much benefit. On the contrary, it will make the operation of the entire industry more difficult, and it is very likely that a number of garment manufacturing industries will go bankrupt.

So the idea that he just wanted to get the order first and establish an advanced garment manufacturing industry is actually not very operable, unless he opened a small workshop-style factory.

Therefore, he intends to do the opposite, that is, first establish his own clothing brand, and then desperately promote and publicize these brands overseas, and then hand over the order to the country to increase the order volume of the domestic clothing manufacturing industry.

It takes time and huge funds to build a brand. During this time, he can slowly build a complete textile and garment industry chain.

When the construction of this industrial chain is completed, the level of my country's textile and garment manufacturing industry will reach the world's advanced level, and it will have more competitiveness against the textile and garment industries of other countries.

If we want to increase jobs, we can only increase the proportion of my country's textile and garment industry in the world. If we want to make more money in this industry, we need to establish a large number of well-known brands.


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