Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 182 Huge exhibitor group (1/4)

"Yinan, we need to speed up the progress of our digital program-controlled switches!" Ren Zhengfei found Li Yinan who was working, and said earnestly.

"Mr. Ren, the people in our digital program-controlled switchboard project team are working overtime. It is impossible to go faster unless a large number of people are added." Li Yinan said.

Hearing what Li Yinan said, Ren Zhengfei thought for a while and said, "I didn't force you, you should have read the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications' household communication plan last time.

The above clearly stated that the annual investment should be at least 20 billion yuan for five years. This is a market of 100 billion yuan. Their bidding work is about to start, and we don't have much time to wait. "

Hearing what Boss Ren said, although Li Yinan felt that it was still very difficult to advance, but what Mr. Ren said was true, he could only say: "We will do our best to finish it as soon as possible!"

Mr. Ren smiled brightly when he heard what Li Yinan said. He knew the situation well. The R\u0026D department had been working overtime.

What he wants is an attitude, hoping that the R\u0026D department can work a little harder to catch up with the good times. If they don't catch up, the next opportunity will be unknown.

This is also the helplessness of not having a technical boss. In the face of R\u0026D personnel, he cannot severely criticize and accuse him, but can only rely on coaxing, otherwise he will not know who to find to replace him.

A boss who knows technology like Ye Zishu, although he will not boss around the R \u0026 D personnel, but there is absolutely no need to coax them like this.

It doesn't matter if the company's research and development work leaves anyone, anyway, the technology is provided by him, and he just needs some executors.

Of course, he is still very eager for great talents, not because he wants them to develop great technologies, but because such talents can save him a lot of work.

Ren Zhengfei, who returned to the office, thought that the Canton Fair in autumn would start soon. He wanted to see the development of the domestic technology industry. The first phase included electronic and electrical products and computer communication products.

In Ren Zhengfei's eyes, in addition to foreign communication giants, there are also many domestic competitors, such as Wu Jiangxing's 04 machine, which is currently the most advanced digital program-controlled switchboard in China.

According to the history of the previous life, the Julong Communication Group was actually established only in 1995, and it disappeared completely after a few years. Now it adopts the method of technology authorization for use by some state-owned communication companies.

Although they are indeed leading in technology, Julong Communication Group itself was established by a group of second- and third-rate electronic communication state-owned enterprises.

Although doing so can make Julong Group huge in momentum, it faces a great test in management. The company's operation does not mean that it has advanced technology. The success of management is also an important part of the success of the enterprise.

At this time, Lingtong Technology Company is not well-known, mainly because they have not published any publicity, but are only silently engaged in research and development.

If they hadn't invited the leaders of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to inspect it, even the officials would not know the research results of Lingtong Technology, let alone other companies.

Moreover, Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. directly deployed the entire field of Internet equipment, instead of just developing telephone switches, so its competitiveness was obviously much weaker.

The most annoying thing about Ye Zishu is to compare prices with others. The current telephone exchange has been developed for decades, and the technology is very mature.

Not to mention the foreign communication giants, but even more and more domestic communication companies will master this technology, and he is still confident in the price war with foreign companies.

However, he does not have much confidence in a price war with domestic companies, because he needs to make a profit, while other companies only need to survive, and the bottom line of the two is different.

Although he has an advantage in research and development costs, he does not have an advantage in production costs, because the benefits he gives to employees are much higher than those of other companies, which invisibly increases costs.

In his opinion, this is not how business is done. Although the terminal sales price will be higher, it will also lead to more benefits flowing to the bottom workers, which is very good for raising the wages of domestic workers.

The higher the wages of workers, the stronger the purchasing power, and the larger the entire market, which is of great benefit to the expansion of the domestic market.

my country has a population of more than one billion and produces almost all categories of products to supply consumers all over the world. However, the domestic market has not been able to develop, which is not unrelated to the desperate efforts to lower prices and compete with labor costs.

Since Gu does not have much confidence in cost competition and is unwilling to do so, he can only compete in technology and make products and technologies that others cannot.

To make other people's cost advantages directly useless, in addition to leading technology, he is not blindly selling high prices, and eventually killing many of his own industries like Japan did.

The specific pricing strategy depends on what goals he wants to achieve. For the advanced Internet communication products of Lingtong Technology Company, the price he plans to set is above the middle level.

Although it is an absolute leader in technology, if the price is really set too high, it will only be cheaper to other Internet communication equipment companies in the end, leaving more room for them to survive.

Not only can he not make the price higher than that of existing Internet equipment companies, but also lower than them, directly eating up the other party's market.

At present, Internet communication equipment companies are basically foreign companies, and their research and development costs and production costs are very high. Even if they directly get them no profit, Lingtong Technology can still make a lot of profits.

As long as the Internet communication equipment market is monopolized, the future will be endless. In the next ten years, the Internet will be a huge market.

Another example is the home game console he plans to develop. Although it has almost no competitors due to its technological advantages, it will not sell at a high price in order to satisfy users' home game needs as much as possible.

Because the home game console market is also exclusive, the average user will not buy a second one after buying one, unless there are new game consoles that are much more advanced on the market.

As long as it occupies the living rooms of enough consumers, it will directly block the way of competitors, so that the opponents have no chance to enter this field at all.

In the future, you only need to collect tolls. The equipment manufacturers can get 50% of the games released on home game consoles. This is when someone sends money to your door while sitting at home.

This strategy is also used by the Japanese, it is not unusual, but it is very useful, and he does not mind using it.

Just when Ren Zhengfei was planning to go to the Canton Fair to see the situation, Ye Zishu stayed in the R\u0026D center of Xuanwu Technology Company headquarters, but always paid attention to the situation of participating in the Canton Fair.

The exhibitors this time are not only the products and equipment of Lingtong Technology, but also many electronic equipment and electronic components from Xuanwu Technology.

In the middle, he took time to go to the Canton Fair, and found that the booths of his companies accounted for 35% of the first session of the Canton Fair.

No way, although the entire electronics industry chain is only four words, it contains too many things, and now it is divided into more than 200 subsidiaries.

These subsidiaries naturally hope to get more orders, so that they can have enough money to continue to grow the company. It is difficult to support them by purchasing from the head office alone.

This is also the meaning of giving them greater freedom of operation, that is, to allow them to support themselves as much as possible, and to live well, to reduce the bloated state of the entire system, and to make the entire system run better and faster.

Although this will inevitably put a lot of competitive pressure on Xuanwu Technology's electronics manufacturing industry, but for the entire system, the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages.

In addition to their large number of products, there are not many domestic products that can be displayed in the first phase of the exhibition, because the categories of exhibits in the first phase are all products with high technical content.

Large machinery and equipment, small machinery, bicycles, motorcycles, auto parts, chemical products, hardware, tools, vehicles, construction machinery, household appliances, consumer electronics, electronic and electrical products, computers and communication products, lighting products, construction and decoration materials, bathroom equipment.

Among these products, what we can produce is limited, and even if we produce products, there are not many high-end products. From this perspective, it is not surprising that his products account for 35%.

There are still many products that have not been displayed. For example, Phoenix Software has only produced a few limited products such as the Phoenix operating system and office software, which are also products that have been used on a large scale in the market.

As for other products, let alone those that are not completed, even if they are completed, they do not intend to release them now. Many projects are still in the confidential stage, and we will wait until later to surprise global application software companies together.


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