Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 185 Don't worry, find a helper (4/4)

"Don't forget the scientific researchers. If you want to implement the technical information I gave you as soon as possible, you need a large number of scientific researchers to participate." Ye Shu finally said.

"I know, we will immediately start the recruitment of scientific researchers." Guo Dongsheng replied.

Originally, Ye Zishu wanted Wancheng Foundation to establish a specialized architectural research institute, including research in the fields of architectural design, construction machinery, and building materials.

But when the words came to his lips, he didn't say anything. Although the establishment of such a research institution is very beneficial to the intensive scientific research resources, it can concentrate efforts to accomplish major tasks.

But this also limited the scope of their research, concentrating their research field only on the field of architecture, which was nothing to Wancheng Jiye.

However, it restricts the development of the various subsidiaries under Wancheng Foundation. He hopes that these subsidiaries will not only be limited to the construction field, but will expand their business scope if they have the energy and ability.

Development resources are not restricted by the head office, just like what he did in Xuanwu Technology, allowing subsidiaries to have the freedom to develop independently, and the head office does not have too much right to interfere with normal business development.

After hanging up Guo Dongsheng's phone, Ye Zishu thought for a while about the future development of Wancheng Foundation. He felt that besides improving its own industrial chain, Wancheng Jiye just wanted to acquire more land.

Now commercial housing has not been fully opened. If people do not buy houses with loans, it is difficult to buy these properties with their own funds, which naturally limits the development of other real estate.

The development of other real estate needs to borrow bank loans for development. If the house in hand cannot be sold for a period of time, it will face huge losses.

As a result, this period of time is a vacuum period for the development of the domestic real estate market, and it is also a window period for Wancheng Foundation. During this window period, it will acquire as much land as possible and land in a good location.

When real estate is really opened up, basically all the good places are taken away by Wancheng Foundation, and the rest are leftovers, with very limited development potential.

It is difficult to sell the house quickly in such a leftover lot, which slows down the development speed of other real estate companies in disguise, leaving more time for Wancheng Foundation to grow itself.

With enough land, Wancheng Foundation can develop slowly and prioritize development according to the city's economic activity. The real estate developed in this way, even if it is a self-owned property, can also get a better return.

Then use the funds brought by these properties to continue to develop real estate in other cities in China, so that rolling development can occur,

In the later stage, he didn't even need to continue to invest in it.

Therefore, he plans to continue to inject 1 trillion yuan into Wancheng Foundation within 10 years. If the industries brought by these funds develop well, Wancheng Foundation will be able to achieve self-sufficiency without relying on bank loans every year.

Since the land is very cheap now, and the labor cost is not high, although it costs a lot of money to build the industrial chain, the technical information is provided by him, and the research and development cost is not high.

Moreover, these building materials industry chains are all controlled by Wancheng Jiye itself, which makes its raw material supply more stable and can properly adjust market price changes.

The most important thing is that as long as the entire industrial chain is completed, most of the 1 trillion yuan invested will actually remain in this system, and only labor expenses and non-key raw material industries will cause some funds to overflow.

In fact, most of the funds after going around and going around still stay in his industry, and the bigger and more sound this system is, the more benefits will be left behind.

It is very likely that the scale of funds absorbed by this system is greater than the funds overflowed, resulting in a larger scale of funds in the entire system, which does not include the value of real estate assets created.

If the subsidiaries under this system strive for success on their own, each subsidiary has the potential to develop into a giant, depending on the ability of the leaders of these enterprises.

For example, construction machinery companies can develop other construction machinery businesses. When their profits are sufficient, these companies will also be prompted to invest their profits.

As long as the head office does not desperately mobilize the profits of its subsidiaries, any company will unconsciously use the remaining funds on hand to expand its industrial scale and business scope. It is enough to maintain a safe line of funds on the books.

If a company has a lot of money in its account but does not need to go out, then it is not a qualified person in charge of the company, and such a company is doomed to have little development potential.

Not to mention Ye Zishu, when the time comes, Wancheng Foundation will ask the subsidiary to expand investment. If it does not expand, it will have to take the funds in the subsidiary's account back to the head office.

In order to protect their own interests, the subsidiaries are definitely unwilling to take away the funds in the account from the head office, but the company's salary system and welfare system need to be supervised, and it is impossible to simply distribute benefits to consume the company's profits.

In the end, these subsidiaries will be forced to expand themselves, and the benefits brought by the expansion will remain in the subsidiaries, and they will get nothing if they turn over the profits.

Whether the person in charge of a company has more voice in this system depends on them controlling the company's industrial scale and market competitiveness.

As long as a person with a little bit of idealism is definitely not willing to let himself be small, this forms a benign internal competition relationship and promotes the healthy development of the entire system.

Gu Of course, if there are people who really don't want to make progress, the monitoring system of the head office is not vegetarian, not to mention that Ye Zishu will also check the operating conditions of its subsidiaries, such people will eventually face the fate of being eliminated.

The only thing he worries about now is whether Guo Dongsheng can support such a big stall, because this stall is really too big, a bit beyond his ability.

Although Guo Dongsheng was full of confidence in front of Ye Zishu, as a boss, he couldn't fully listen to the words of the people below him, and had to make judgments based on the actual situation.

He saw Guo Dongsheng's hard work some time ago, but the time was short, and hard work was only part of success, not all.

Right now, he just bought the land, and nothing can be seen. When the whole industrial chain is about to roll out, his ability will be very important. It is normal for Ye Zishu to feel a little worried.

What's more, there is an investment scale of no less than 100 billion yuan per year. It is very difficult to spend this money efficiently. Sometimes spending money is more of a test than making money.

He doesn't have enough energy to keep an eye on this mess. At that time, the investment will be too much, but the income will not be high, so the loss will be second, and the embarrassment will be lost at home.

Don't let your other careers be booming, but you stumble on this matter. By then, people who see his jokes will probably be able to circle the world.

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone and called Guo Dongmei, Guo Dongsheng's younger sister, and asked others to supervise. Maybe Guo Dongsheng would not be convinced, and even felt that he didn't trust him.

But if Guo Dongmei is in charge, then Guo Dongsheng can only obediently listen to his sister. One is in charge of execution and the other is in charge of making suggestions. It is a very good combination of partners.

"Guo Dongmei, is things going well with Shengshi Records?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Boss Ye, why do you feel strange about what you said, is there something wrong?" Guo Dongmei didn't answer him immediately, but asked.

In fact, Shengshi Records' business is very stable. Recently, they just added a variety show department. Although there are many tasks, they don't actually consume much of her energy.

Now that Guo Dongmei asked, Ye Zishu didn't intend to beat around the bush, but said directly: "Your brother is in charge of the Wancheng Foundation, do you know?"

"I know, my brother mentioned it to me." Guo Dongmei said.

"That's good. The registered capital of Wancheng Foundation is 5 billion yuan. This is just the beginning. From next year, I will invest no less than 100 billion yuan in this company every year.

What level is your brother, you should know better than me. I think he has such a huge amount of funds and a huge industrial chain, so there may be some problems.

But he is the first person to work with me, and he has done his best before. I can't just replace him because of his lack of ability. I just hope that he can improve his ability as soon as possible.

As his younger sister, you are also a high-achieving student, and the Shengshi record company you are currently managing is not particularly busy. I think you should use some of your energy to help your brother. "Ye Zishu said straight to the point.

When Ye Zishu announced the annual investment of 100 billion yuan, Guo Dongmei exclaimed from the other end of the phone. She was shocked by such a huge investment scale.

She thought that Wancheng Foundation would play slowly with only 5 billion yuan of funds. Although this amount of funds was not small, it would not make Guo Dongsheng scurry, but with 100 billion yuan, the concept was completely different.

It is difficult to invest such a large amount of capital, not to mention self-built industrial chain, which is not only a matter of spending money, but also puts extremely high requirements on management.

"What should I do?" Guo Dongmei asked.

"What I think is that you are mainly your brother's staff, responsible for making suggestions, planning and implementing details and steps, while your brother is in charge of execution. His execution ability should still be competent enough." Ye Zishu said.

"That's no problem!" Guo Dongmei didn't refuse, and agreed directly. If his brother has the opportunity to take on this important task, she will definitely not refuse. After all, the opportunity is rare, and it is also a good training opportunity for herself.

"By the way, don't tell him that I sent you to help him!" Ye Zishu said.

After Guo Dongmei heard this, she was a little curious at first, why the boss did the same thing. After all, the boss has the right to make some personnel adjustments in order to ensure the company's development. There is no problem.

However, Guo Dongmei is also a smart person, and after thinking about it, she understood the meaning. She was surprised that Ye Zishu was so careful. At the same time, she was a little moved by his affection for taking care of her brother, and felt lucky for his brother.


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