Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 204: The Birth of an Internet Communications Giant (3/4)

"According to the news, on November 18, at the communication equipment bidding meeting held in China, the international communication equipment giant failed.

The eight international communication giants NEC, Fujitsu, Lucent, Ericsson, Siemens, Nortel, BTM and Alcatel, and many other communication companies in mainland China, share a total share of 1 billion yuan.

The biggest winner is a newly established telecommunications company, Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd., which won a share of 19 billion yuan, turning other telecommunications companies into small players in China's telecommunications market.

With its advanced three-network-in-one solution, Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. fully complies with the requirements of the Chinese ZF bidding meeting, and greatly exceeds the requirements set forth in the regulations.

We won't mention whether it's a coincidence or something else, but this Lingtong technology company achieved a great success in this bidding meeting by virtue of its real Internet technology advantages.

According to relevant information, representatives of other communication companies protested on the spot, but Lingtong Technology Company invited them to observe their technical solutions on the spot and experience it on the spot.

The final result proves that Lingtong Technology's Internet solution is currently the most advanced solution, and it is a technical standard that other communication giants cannot achieve for the time being.

Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. demonstrated commercially available 40GB/s SDH equipment on the spot, and also provided terminal routing products that can achieve the highest 100MB/s.

Although such a high terminal network speed needs to be supported by equipment hardware, it is currently difficult to meet ordinary Internet users in the process of actual commercialization.

But through their relevant parameters, it can be concluded that our development in the field of Internet technology has begun to lag behind.

When the Chinese government uses these high-level Internet equipment to build its own Internet, maybe the world's Internet development center will shift to the east, and maybe the Internet field will really change! "

This is the headline on the front page of The Times. Since there are no communication giants in their country, it is only based on factual reports and warns against the development of the Western Internet.

In addition to The Times, mainstream media such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Yomiuri Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun, Deutsche Zeitung, etc. have carried out related reports.

It's just that although the various newspapers have basically stated the facts clearly, after all, there are benefactors behind the money, and the basic situation cannot be vague, so that there will be no opportunities for cooperation in the future.

But even though the facts are clearly stated,

However, each has its own focus. Those who have communication companies in their own country naturally worry more and put forward some suggestions.

In addition to these reports based on facts, some media also published their own comments, and the content of the comments did not have too many restrictions. Some were happy that the Internet ushered in new development opportunities.

Naturally, there are also concerns, and even published biased content, which is unavoidable, after all, they have a long history of doing this kind of thing, and it will be difficult to change for a while.

In any case, Lingtong Technology Company, which was a small and transparent company before, made a big show of its face, making many people remember this new communication company.

As for Linktone Technology Co., Ltd., shortly after the news media met with the audience, they received consultation calls from Internet operators in various countries.

As for how they know the phone number of Lingtong Technology Company, it is very simple. They can find it directly on the Kunpeng search engine. Kunpeng Information Technology Company specially prepared it for these Internet operators.

In addition to Internet operators, some telephone network operators also called to inquire about the situation, because they also saw new business opportunities.

At present, some telephone network operators only operate the telephone network and do not have Internet operations, but they see the possibility of business expansion from Linktone's three-in-one network solution.

If the current telephone network is replaced by optical fiber, and the three-in-one solution of Lingtong Technology Company is used, the simultaneous operation of the three networks can be realized directly on the basis of the current telephone network.

This will greatly expand the business scope of telephone network operators, which is very beneficial to the development of their enterprises, at least revenue will increase significantly.

The most important thing is that there are no particularly strong Internet operators at present. As an emerging industry, it is relatively chaotic in the early stage of development, and a lot of capital wants to come in and get a share.

Only when the development becomes more and more mature, some capitals and enterprises that are obviously not strong enough will be gradually eliminated by the market, and only enterprises with real strength will remain.

The main content of the consultation is still the price and key parameters, and some will ask about the specific application scenarios and ask if Lingtong Technology has a solution.

In order to monopolize the Internet equipment and solution service market, Lingtong Technology has a great advantage in price compared with the excellence of the equipment they provide.

Although the price of a single device is definitely higher than other devices of the same type, the unit data service cost has dropped significantly, and the competitive advantage is very obvious.

Moreover, Lingtong Technology can also provide various high-quality solutions for various application scenarios and requirements, which is currently difficult for other communication companies to do.

In fact, all this information can be found on the overseas official website of Lingtong Technology Company, which contains many equipment introductions and many ready-made solutions.

It’s just that the introduction on the official website is not particularly detailed. Some information is not suitable for widespread dissemination on the Internet. The most typical one is the secure communication network solution.

There is only one sentence on the official website of Lingtong Technology Company, but because of this sentence, many people call to inquire about the specific situation.

Even if they make a phone call, they can't really explain it too clearly. It's just that there are more details than what is disclosed on the official website. For more specific questions, they need to send a representative to discuss in detail.

But no matter how outlandish the request is, Lingtong Technology Company can satisfy all of them in the reply, which is enough.

Sure enough, in the following period of time, many companies came to seek cooperation, resulting in a lack of personnel in their marketing department.

In just one week, cooperation agreements were reached with nearly 20 communication operators, and the signed cooperation amount was as high as 10 billion US dollars.

More importantly, Lingtong Technology has reached an overall agreement with some countries to build a confidential network and Internet network, which is equivalent to directly occupying the entire market of this country.

The most creditable thing is Lingtong Technology's extended network agreement. For many countries that have concerns, this is the best solution, and the order is naturally handed over to Lingtong Technology.

Moreover, Lingtong Technology Company helps to design a whole set of Internet sub-protocols, but for Lingtong Technology Company, it is a large additional service fee.

If Lingtong Technology's Internet solutions are used, then many countries will be able to realize an independent and integrated Internet development pattern.

And because of such advantages, Lingtong Technology excludes many Internet equipment providers and can monopolize market shares in many countries.

The most wonderful thing is that in the current Internet field, there has not been a super Internet equipment giant. Cisco, the giant in the previous life, is now just a small company.

This means that in this new field, there are neither strong competitors nor huge existing interest groups. Such a development environment is very friendly to Lingtong Technology.

The only big obstacle is the previous eight telecom giants. If a considerable number of telephone network operators participate in the field of Internet operations, the damage to them will still be quite large.

In the following one or two months, the contract value signed by Lingtong Technology Company exceeded 100 billion yuan, which officially announced the birth of an Internet communication giant.


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