Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 237 Becoming a Neighbor (4/4)

In the previous life, private medical treatment was very controversial, but no matter what, it is impossible to prevent private capital from entering the medical industry, and the state has no intention of blocking it.

That being the case, there is no need for Ye Zishu to feel that it is a psychological burden to enter this industry, not to mention that everything depends on who does it and how to do it.

When he entered the medical industry, on the one hand, the funds needed more places to go, and the continuous operation of capital was of great benefit to economic development.

On the other hand, he is confident that he can do a good job in private medical care, which is also a thinking mode for the development of the industrial chain, which can reduce overall operating costs and improve overall operating efficiency.

Ye Zishu and Pei Qing walked out of the office and called out Ye Zihua who was staying in the lounge. The three of them went out together in two cars to Wangfujing for a big purchase.

If he is alone, he can do whatever he wants during the Chinese New Year, but if Ye Zihua is around him, at least he needs to have a taste of the New Year, otherwise it will be really boring.

On the one hand, I came here this time to buy some new clothes for Ye Zihua, and Ye Zishu also bought some clothes for himself, and then to buy new year's goods. I didn't need it before, and I need it now.

When the three of them came to the place and parked the car, Pei Qing took the lead and walked upstairs and downstairs with Ye Zihua, and Ye Zishu followed behind, responsible for payment.

Pei Qing really regarded Ye Zihua as her younger brother, and personally selected a lot of clothes for Ye Zihua, which looked very suitable, which also saved Ye Zihua's trouble.

While Ye Zishu was watching the two of them gesticulating in boredom, Pei Qing shouted, "Ye Zishu, come here!"

To be honest, shopping in a shopping mall is a very boring thing, especially shopping with a lady, it is even more boring. Sometimes I go to a shopping mall without buying a single thing.

This is unbelievable to Ye Zishu. I feel that this is a very waste of life. Moreover, I don’t have a mobile phone now, so I have no way to pass the time. I can only look around, look left and right.

According to Ye Zishu's words, he is like the second idiot, especially when he saw Ye Zihua being manipulated by others, he imagined that he was a little scared.

When Pei Qing yelled, he had to stand up, walked over and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I found this dress suits you very well. Try it on and see how it looks?"

After Pei Qing finished speaking, she handed a piece of clothing to him. He saw that it was a sweater with yellow as the main body and a trendy pattern. When he saw that it was a sweater, he tried it on.

In fact, he likes sweaters quite a lot, because this kind of clothes are easy to wear, and they don't have high requirements on the figure. They can be used as interlayer clothes or jackets, and there is no need to wear flesh-permeable clothes underneath.

Of course, his figure is still very standard, and he doesn't need to rely on a sweater to cover up his figure, but the convenience and trouble saving is the reason he likes it, at least it feels much better than wearing a shirt.

What he dislikes the most is wearing a suit and shirt. He feels that his whole body is bound. He cannot keep warm in winter and cool in summer. Apart from looking stylish, he has no other advantages.

She took the clothes that Pei Qing had chosen to try on in the fitting room, and glanced at them in the mirror. They were not bad, at least they fit well, so she put them on and showed them to Pei Qing.

When Pei Qing saw him coming out in his clothes, her eyes lit up, she turned back and forth, left and right, and said with a smile, "It suits you quite well!"

Since Pei Qing said so, Ye Zishu simply put this dress on top of the clothes she wanted to buy, and they will pay the bill together later.

In this way, the group of people strolled until dinner time, had dinner together, and then they were about to go home, when Pei Qing suddenly asked, "Ye Zishu, where is your home?"

Hearing what Pei Qing said, Ye Zihua on the side also looked over. He also wanted to know this question, because he had never been there before, and Ye Zihua lived in the company during this time.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Ye Zishu said awkwardly: "To be honest, I have been living in the company, but I still have quite a lot of houses in the capital. You can just drive and follow me."

Originally, he wanted to take Pei Qing and Ye Zihua to the courtyard where the trophies were placed before. Experts had been invited to repair it, and it had been cleaned all the time. There shouldn't be any problems with the occupants.

But living in a courtyard house in winter is not a good idea. No matter how it is heated, a courtyard house is still a bit colder than a building. The main reason is that two people live in a courtyard house, which is a bit deserted.

The courtyard house is suitable for a large family. His parents will not come to the capital for a long-term stay, so he prepared a 200-square-meter house in the staff quarter of Phoenix Software Company as his new home.

Pei Qing drove behind Ye Zishu, only to find that she had returned to the headquarters of Phoenix Software Company, and then turned left for a while, and came to the bottom of a building.

Pei Qing got out of the car, walked beside Ye Zishu, looked at the environment, and said, "I heard from Guo Dongsheng that you bought a lot of courtyard houses, why don't you live in a courtyard house instead of a building?"

Pei Qing grew up in a courtyard since she was a child. Although she lived in a courtyard, it was still full of childhood memories. Now that she has money, he bought the original courtyard.

The former neighbor happily went to live in the building with the money, so she renovated the courtyard and now lives very comfortably.

"Siheyuan is on the second ring road, too far away from the company, and it's a bit deserted for one or two people to live in. Unlike your house, where a large family lives, it can be lively." Ye Zishu said.

While talking, Ye Zishu took Ye Zihua and Pei Qing to the elevator. This elevator was imported, and the quality of domestic elevators was not good.

In fact, the foreign elevators are not very good in Ye Zishu's opinion. After Wancheng Jiye's industrial chain is completed, he plans to replace all these elevators.

The replacement product, in addition to being more advanced in technology, the most important thing is that it is very convenient to maintain. If the elevator does not want to fail, maintenance is the most important step.

These imported goods are not only costly to maintain, but they may not be able to arrive in time. Their offices are small, and the current domestic elevator market is not large.

The three of them took the elevator to the 18th floor on the top floor. There were two households on this floor, both of which were large-scale houses. Pei Qing carried her clothes and looked at the environment between the floors.

Then he said, "Who lives next door to you?"

"No one lives there!" Ye Zishu said as he opened the door.

"Then how about I move to this empty house?" Pei Qing looked into Ye Zishu's eyes and asked.

In fact, the house next door was not intended for people to live in at all. He originally planned to live in it for his family in the future.

But when Pei Qing said this, Ye Zishu thought about it and said, "Okay, I'll give you the key later, the interior has been decorated, and you can move in with your bags."

Once the headquarters of the Tai Chi Group is built, it will not be far from here, it only takes about ten minutes by car, and it is not too much trouble for Pei Qing to live here.

Moreover, this house was vacant in a short period of time, and Pei Qing would be able to take care of her if she came to live here, so she readily agreed.

Hearing that Ye Zishu agreed, the smile on Pei Qing's face became wider, and she said with a smile: "Then I will live in after the next year!"

"Let's move here after the headquarters of Tai Chi Group is built, it's too far away from where you work now," Ye Zishu suggested.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing was as good as others. From Pei Qing's point of view, Ye Zishu usually lives in the company, and it doesn't seem to make any difference if she moves here early or late.

Entering the house, Ye Zihua saw the decoration, made a surprised voice, and said, "Brother, the decoration is too luxurious, how much did it cost?"

"I don't know!" Ye Zishu said helplessly.

He is not responsible for the decoration of the home, he is not in the mood to pay attention to such a trivial matter, Guo Dongsheng is responsible for it, but seeing this decoration, the price is definitely not low.

After everyone put away the things in their hands, Ye Zishu entered the study room, took out the key of the house next door, and handed it to Pei Qing.

The two of them did not mention the ownership of the real estate, because Ye Zishu's house is also owned by the company, and it does not belong to his personal property. Naturally, the opposite house is also the same.


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