Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 247 Complete the acquisition of Miramax (2/4)

He basically didn't do much work in the morning, thinking that he could be busy with the things at hand in the afternoon, but just after sitting down, Zhang Guoli ran over after ten minutes of work.

"It's almost Chinese New Year, why did you come to my place all of a sudden?" Ye Zishu asked Zhang Guoli after he was pouring tea for him.

Zhang Guoli hesitated, but the smile on his face was blooming like a flower. After the tea was poured, Zhang Guoli took a sip.

Then he said: "We have just completed the acquisition of Miramax, and the two parties have signed the acquisition contract."

Hearing what Zhang Guoli said, Ye Zishu was surprised and said, "Why did you complete the acquisition so quickly?"

The acquisition of any company is relatively complicated. First, an acquisition offer must be sent to the other party. If the other party does not accept it, the listed company has other operations, but there is nothing to do with a non-listed company.

After the other party accepts the acquisition offer, they still need to check the financial status and assets of the acquired company. If you don't know this, you won't know if you are tricked.

After these are completed, the two sides start the stage of bargaining. This stage is also the most time-consuming, and a month or two of negotiation is considered short.

Ye Zishu thought that it would be great if the acquisition could be completed in April or May, but it was unbelievable that the acquisition would be completed in just a month or so.

"Actually, we felt a little incredible that the acquisition was completed so quickly. We originally planned to fight a protracted war, but we didn't expect the other party to be straightforward." Zhang Guoli said with a smile.

"Why did they agree so simply?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

"We began to think that the other party would play tricks. After the two parties discussed the content, for the sake of prudence, we not only carefully considered the terms of the proposed contract within the acquisition team.

At the same time, more experienced professional lawyers were invited to participate. After analysis, there were no traps at all, and they were all very normal commercial terms. "Zhang Guoli said.

This aroused Ye Zishu's curiosity even more. What he was worried about just now was that he was afraid of tampering with the terms and bullying Shengshi Film and Television Company. He might not be familiar with their laws.

"After our analysis, there are two main reasons why the acquisition can be concluded so quickly. The first is that the strength of Shengshi Film and Television Company has been recognized by the other party.

The previous year's "The Lion King" became the box office champion in the United States.

Last year, there were three consecutive animated films, and the results of each of them were very good. It can even be said that they beat their own people.

If placed in a single year, each has the potential to become a box office champion. It can be said that we have swept the global film market with our three animated films.

At first, everyone thought it was over, but when we finally breathed a sigh of relief, our "Titanic" made a strong debut, and it still maintains the throne of the global weekly champion, and has never been down.

Due to the outstanding performance of "Titanic", major theaters around the world have announced to extend the release time of this film, which is likely to last for about half a year before choosing to release it.

If we just proved our strength in the field of animated films before, we would not have any temper to suppress the animated film giant Disney, and we could only act as our distributor in North America.

Then "Titanic" was our first appearance in the field of live-action movies, but it shocked the entire movie market when it first appeared, and it is still sitting on the weekly champion until now.

As of now, less than a month after the release of "Titanic", the global box office has reached 300 million US dollars, and the box office performance outside North America is much stronger than that in North America.

According to the forecast of the box office forecasting agency, the global box office of "Titanic" may exceed 1.8 billion US dollars. If it comes true, there will be no problem in securing the number one position in the global box office.

Due to the strong performance in the past two years, we can make up for the lack of our company's historical background. On the contrary, in the eyes of outsiders, our cutting-edge film company is more creative.

This feature is very attractive to independent film companies. They themselves aim at independent and exploratory film investment, and realize the possibility of small and big.

Therefore, the characteristics of our Shengshi Film and Television Company are almost the same as those of independent film companies at present, and there is a common language between the two, which is the basis for the two parties to reach an acquisition agreement.

The second thing about Gu is that the acquisition capital we offered was not low. Although the other party initially quoted US$100 million, after negotiations between the two parties, the final purchase price was set at US$95 million.

If it hadn’t been for Mr. Ye, you think it’s a quick decision, we are still ready to continue negotiations on the acquisition funds, and we are confident that the price will be lowered to less than 85 million US dollars. "Zhang Guoli said.

Hearing Zhang Guoli's analysis, he felt that there was some truth to it. If someone wanted to sell himself, he must be looking for a capable buyer, so that the employees in the company would be more secure.

Of course, the purchase price is also the most important factor. Compared with the purchase price given by Disney in the previous life, they have 15 million US dollars more, which is not too low in this era.

"The two Weinstein brothers still have certain abilities, so let them continue to serve as the heads of this company. Apart from the need to cooperate with some work at the headquarters, the company has a high degree of independence in other aspects." Ye Shu said .

"We also think the same way, most of the people in our company have not even been abroad a few times, and they don't have a very clear understanding of the film market in North America.

If the script hadn't been provided by you, Mr. Ye, and the filming had been completed under your guidance, we would never have achieved the great results we have achieved so far, and we still have self-knowledge in this regard.

With this company as a springboard, we plan to send a group of employees to work in this company every year, mainly to learn their film production process and film production thinking mode.

Then combine our own technology and cultural advantages to form our own film production industry capabilities, which will accelerate the growth of Shengshi Film and Television Company. "Zhang Guoli said.

Ye Zishu agrees with Zhang Guoli’s words, and it’s not wrong to learn from anyone who is advanced, but Zhang Guoli also thought that he can’t just learn from each other, but also needs to combine with his own technology and culture, and bring forth the new through the old, which is a bit interesting .

Due to the existence of Phoenix Special Effects Company, Shengshi Film and Television Company is indeed very different from Hollywood's method when shooting movies. This is our technical advantage, and we must give full play to it.

As for combining with their own culture, it depends on which market they are targeting. At present, Hollywood-style blockbusters are easier to promote globally. Who says the United States is currently the most powerful.

This is why Ye Zishu has no plans to launch a blockbuster film based on Chinese culture even if it is technologically advanced. It is out of such considerations.

In addition to worrying about the difficulties in the promotion of such films, there is also the need to avoid arousing the vigilance of ordinary people in developed countries towards my country's economic and technological development.

Although everyone knows that movies are fake, they are very easy to be used by people to incite emotions, which is very detrimental to the current development of my country's international trade.

It is enough for him to develop technology by himself and gradually occupy the world market. There is no need to publicize how advanced our technology is with great fanfare through movies.

According to the strategy of keeping a low profile and biding our time, if we really plan to promote it like this, we had better have that strength, otherwise the situation will definitely get worse and the loss outweighs the gain.

Why our underground films are very popular in the Western film market, because they satisfy their needs for the alienation of Chinese society, and at the same time show their sense of superiority to ordinary people.

Ye Zishu is not good or bad about this. Is it possible for the things under the lens of these domestic directors to exist? He thinks it is possible. China is so big that any situation is possible.

But it is definitely not a common phenomenon. If it is really a common phenomenon, there is no need to use cinematic lens techniques to shoot it, and it will be a documentary film directly.

Of course, Ye Zishu does not think that doing so is discrediting his country. If a country wants to develop, it must not have only one voice.

We not only need to be full of visions of prosperity and development, so that we have more confidence in the future, but also need to pay attention to reality or the living conditions of marginalized people.

Whether a country is strong or not depends not only on the development of the head, but also on the development of the backward parts, because it determines where the lower limit of a civilization is.

In such an era of drastic reforms, it is bound to be accompanied by various situations. Some people get rich overnight and enjoy singing and dancing every day, while others struggle and are dilapidated.


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