Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 260 I have to do it (3/4)

Guo Dongsheng really wanted to say shit, he thought his approach was already bold enough, and even planned to take a lot more land on the basis of what Ye Zishu said before.

But basically they are not out of the scope of urban complexes. No matter how big the urban complex is, it is an urban complex after all, and it is still incomparable with the new city.

The area of ​​the new city is often much larger than the area of ​​the old city. Even the scaled down version of the new city is basically the same area as the old city, and the scale is also beyond Guo Dongsheng's imagination.

In addition to the larger investment scale, the complexity of new city construction is much higher than that of urban complexes, not only involving residential and commercial functions, but also tourism, urban parks, education, medical care, etc.

In addition to being shocked, Guo Dongsheng was also excited, but then he was a little scared. On the one hand, he was worried about whether his ability could handle such a huge project.

On the other hand, whether such an approach is feasible or not, we need to know whether our country's political system allows private real estate companies to operate such a large project.

Moreover, the real estate industry has not yet been fully opened up. Wancheng Foundation is developing with its own funds, which can be regarded as bypassing the relevant national policies. The property is also mainly self-sustained, which avoids many problems.

However, if such a large project is operated and all rely on its own funds to support it, it is completely unknown whether it can be sustained. At least Guo Dongsheng does not have much confidence.

Don't look at Ye Zishu's commitment to invest more than 100 billion yuan per year, but these funds are a bit small for new city construction.

Even if the government is considering urban development and sells the land to Wancheng Jiye with half sale and half giveaway, the price per square meter will definitely exceed 100 yuan.

If all the capital of 100 billion yuan is used to acquire land, it can only acquire 1,000 square kilometers of land at most, which seems to be a lot.

However, if they are scattered to first-tier cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, each city can only obtain a maximum of about 250 square kilometers. In fact, the land obtained is far less than that.

Obtaining the land is still the second priority. To build such a huge project, the cost will be about 10 times the cost of buying the land, which requires an investment of trillions of yuan.

What's more, they can't just invest in these new city projects all the time, and also invest in construction projects in other cities, and the scale will be even larger.

So after hearing this, Guo Dongsheng shook his head and said: "This is too risky. Once there is a problem with the capital chain in the future,

The consequences are disastrous, and I think it's better to be on the safe side. "

After Ye Zishu heard Guo Dongsheng's words, he also felt that his idea just now was a bit whimsical. At least with his current strength, he is not capable of running such a huge project.

However, it is necessary to accelerate the speed of urbanization, because only the higher the urbanization, the faster the country's economic development, and the faster the income of the people will increase.

Although economic development accelerates the development of urbanization, it is very beneficial to accelerate economic development if there is a plan to carry out urbanization construction in advance.

Although many people criticized the high housing prices in the previous life, it is undeniable that it is precisely because of the acceleration of urbanization that my country's economy has achieved qualitative development in just about 10 years.

"I also know that my ideas are a bit radical, but you can still do this when you promote, but how to do it depends on your own strength.

Anyway, your main job this year is to build the industrial chain, so you definitely won't be able to spend so much money, and the rest of the money will be used to buy land. "Leaf Book said.

Guo Dongsheng's words were sensible. After thinking about it, he decided to follow Guo Dongsheng's idea and focus on stability, but the slogan of Xincheng still had to be shouted out.

At least his new city construction slogan is much more reliable and more likely to be successful than blowing up the Himalayas and allowing the warm current of the Indian Ocean to enter the northwest of our country.

Hearing Ye Zishu let go, Guo Dongsheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that the boss would suddenly make so much money, and his mentality would swell to the limit. This is definitely not a good thing.

But even if the discount is discounted, a considerable part of the funds will still be used to buy land this year, but can so much land be bought?

"Mr. Ye's idea is very good, but it is estimated that it will be difficult for us to buy so much land." Guo Dongsheng said.

"There is nothing wrong with trying. You can first design the new city planning picture and show it to the local government. When the time comes, the new city picture will definitely be much more beautiful than the old city, and it will be more livable and the facilities will be more complete.

We are not fooling them with words, but with strength to conquer the heart of the government. Just last year, we further strengthened our determination to reform and open up.

Although we are engaged in real estate, investing such a huge amount of money will still play a very important role in the development of the city's economy, and it is very likely that the city's economy will grow by dozens of percentage points.

I believe government officials in many cities cannot refuse such a temptation, but I hope that the new city plan you get must be well-designed and well-thought-out.

We must know that once a new city is built, it will need to be used for dozens of hundreds of years, or even hundreds of years. It is worthwhile to spend more energy on planning and design. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Guo Dongsheng said helplessly: "Okay, let's try what Mr. Ye said, but I dare not guarantee it."

Ye Zishu nodded and said, "You can just do it, and I didn't ask you to issue a military order. You are the front line of actual operations, so of course you have actual discretion."

After Guo Dongsheng heard this, he nodded. It would be much easier with this sentence. He will make a decision based on the actual situation, instead of rushing ducks to the shelves, which will make him very passive.

"Boss Ye, why are you so anxious about real estate development?" Guo Dongsheng couldn't help asking.

Because Ye Zishu himself is engaged in the technology industry, but his enthusiasm for real estate development does not appear to be a technology boss at all, which is far from his previous cognition.

"It doesn't matter if I tell you, I am so radical because of three considerations:

The first aspect is to spend the money earned as soon as possible, so that huge funds will flow into the pockets of ordinary people. When they make money, they will naturally be willing to spend money, so that the domestic market can grow as soon as possible.

I work in the technology industry. In the future, the proportion of people's consumption in the technology field will be very high. The expansion of the domestic market is very beneficial to the development of my technology industry.

The second aspect is to increase employment, and the level of knowledge of ordinary people in China is definitely not enough to do high-tech. There needs to be an industry that can absorb them. Real estate is a very good industry.

I'm here to tell you, don't tell the outside world that in the future, there will be a huge wave of laid-offs and unemployment in our country. I must make preparations in advance to minimize the problems caused by laid-offs and unemployment.

If you develop smoothly, tens of millions of jobs may be created. If my previous ideas can be realized, hundreds of millions of jobs will be created.

Not to mention, the total number of laid-off workers in state-owned enterprises this year may reach 3 million, and the number will only increase in the following years. The total number of laid-off workers may reach hundreds of millions.

You should know something about the situation of state-owned enterprises. Most of their employees don’t have much savings. As long as they don’t work for a year or two, life is very difficult.

This is only the number of laid-off workers in cities. In the future, a large number of rural laborers will flood into cities to compete with laid-off workers for jobs.

With the superposition of these two factors, my country needs to provide 300 to 400 million new jobs in about 8 years. You should be very clear about how huge this number is.

Although we can't do it by ourselves alone, we must also be prepared. The so-called greater ability comes with greater responsibility. Anyway, so much money has to be spent.

It is more beneficial to the country to spend it in a place that can provide more jobs, and real estate can not only provide a large number of jobs, but also provide a large amount of new living space.

You also know that my country is a country with a large population and few resources per capita. The development of urbanization will greatly increase the utilization rate of national resources, which is an important step in improving the quality of life of the people.

Moreover, the urban ecology is much more complicated than the rural ecology. The complexity of the ecology means that many derivative jobs will be created, which will further increase the number of urban employed people.

There are many ways to spend money, but why I spend on real estate, this factor occupies the main reason.

The third aspect is to lay out the layout for the development of my other industries in the future. Since many people still rely on agricultural production to survive, even if I have technology, I can't use it to avoid threatening the livelihood of these agricultural population.

However, if the urban population increases greatly, it means that the number of people who depend on agriculture for survival will be greatly reduced, and some technologies and industries for industrialized production of agricultural products can be established.

The reason why we want to carry out agricultural industrialization is because the per capita arable land area in our country is too small. With the further increase of the population, many problems will arise when relying on land output.

In fact, many rural lands have begun to lose their fertility, and the amount of chemical fertilizers used in the future will increase. However, my country is a country with low oil reserves.

You can imagine how much impact it will have if there is a problem, so if you want to feed the people of the country and make their lives better, high-tech agricultural product production technology is essential.

At that time, rice, wheat, and corn will no longer need land for planting and production, but will be produced continuously from factories, just like the production of other industrial products.

Even meat is produced directly in the factory, and there is no need to raise livestock and poultry. Can you imagine what it will be like when the time comes?

It is not my wish to develop real estate, but I have to! "


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