Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 334 Who can monopolize and who is willing to share the benefits (1/4)


The operating difficulties of state-owned enterprises in the communication industry are just a microcosm of this era. Except for monopoly and capital-intensive industries, state-owned enterprises will become more and more unable to compete with private and foreign companies.

In addition to the gap in initiative, the biggest difference lies in the different burdens. Apart from wages, private enterprises do not need to bear any other expenses for employees, and the cost is at least half that of state-owned enterprises.

Everyone is engaged in the manufacturing industry with little technical content, and whoever is cheaper will definitely have an advantage. In addition, there are many cases of private companies cutting corners on products, which further leads to lower prices for products produced by private companies.

The two sides are not competing on a level playing field, one travels lightly and the other wears shackles, how can they compete? Even Ye Zishu didn't know how to win.

This is also one of the reasons why Leaf Book must establish a whole industry chain. If you want to gain a terminal advantage, you must gain an overall advantage. Partial advantages will only fall into a brutal price war.

Take the textile and garment industry for example. If everyone uses the same textile raw materials and produces similar products, it is too difficult to distance themselves. The only way to go is to use capital advantages and crazy brand building.

If you have advantages in everything from basic raw materials to terminal manufacturing, the accumulated advantages will be terrifying, and the competition will naturally have greater advantages, and you can also extract yourself from the price war and obtain more substantial benefits.

As long as the benefits are substantial, employees will be paid more salaries. If the output value is larger, the salary level of the overall industrial workers can be raised.

There is also the triangular debt problem, which involves many state-owned enterprises and cannot move. If it is only a small-scale problem, it is not too big, and it is relatively easy to solve.

But when most of the state-owned enterprises in the country are trapped in the quagmire of triangular debts, it will be very troublesome to solve them. Unless there is a great determination, it will not be solved anyway.

Of course, it is relatively easy to solve it, that is, to establish a triangular debt network model, and enter the debt problems of all domestic state-owned enterprises into this model.

Then calculate the model to find an unlocking path with the lowest cost, that is, the path with the least cost and the fastest speed.

Then the central government took out a sum of money and began to solve the problem of triangular debts along this optimal solution path, so that it took about a year to solve the triangular debt problem.

Now it is because there are too many state-owned enterprises that are caught in it, and many state-owned enterprises that were originally well-run have also fallen into a difficult situation because of the triangular debt problem.

In my previous life, I solved this problem by directly injecting large-scale capital into the bank, and then exempting the debts of many state-owned enterprises. This is a quick way to cut through the mess.

It's just that the cost of this method is a bit high.

It is not a market-oriented approach, and companies that have lost money cannot return to the market-oriented track.

In addition, the best opportunity was missed. If the problem could be solved a few years earlier, there might be hope for a well-run state-owned enterprise to develop, but it is difficult to make up your mind to solve it.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu originally wondered whether to make such a model by himself, which would be very helpful to solve the triangular debt problem.

But after thinking about it, forget it, I don't need to go through this muddy water, it's better to stay out of my own business, doing my own thing is better than anything else.

The most important thing is that it is difficult for me to get benefits from it, and I may even touch the cheese of some people. The benefits are not much, and it is easy to cause a commotion.

"Mr. Ye, our cpu and other chips have already started tape-out, how should we manage this business by then?" Ren Zhengfei said.

The reason why this question arises is because Ye Zishu mentioned a sentence before, that is, the separated solution will be opened up, and the integrated solution will be exclusively reserved internally.

But according to Ye Zishu's idea just now, he wanted to wipe out all other chip manufacturers and computer manufacturers, so the business strategy could not be done like this.

Ye Shu also thought about this issue. If the separate solution is opened up, other chip competitors can be solved more quickly.

For computer manufacturers, whichever chip is more advanced will naturally be used, otherwise it will be difficult for the market, and no computer manufacturer will foolishly insist on using outdated components.

But if we can defeat the global computer manufacturers in the computer market, wouldn't we indirectly defeat the chip manufacturers behind them.

It's just that the effect of doing so has yet to be verified. Although Qinglong Technology Company has an absolute advantage in terms of product advantages, no one knows how the market will perform.

So he said to Ren Zhengfei: "Not open for the time being, all chips are used internally, let's see how you compete with other computer manufacturers.

If there is a one-sided situation, there is no need to open up at all. Killing computer manufacturers is equivalent to killing the entire electronic semiconductor industry chain behind it.

If the fight between the two sides is inextricably linked, it is necessary to consider whether such a stalemate is worthwhile. If it is not worth it, then it is better to open it up, at least it can defeat some competitors. "

In fact, you can’t make much money from simple computer assembly, which means you can make some money in this era. After all, computer assembly seems to be high-tech.

But when the modularization becomes more and more standardized, assembling a computer is a labor-intensive task. In addition, various spare parts can be easily purchased, and you can assemble a computer by yourself.

At that time, computers were an industry with small profits but high sales, and the average profit per unit was very low. The main source of profit shifted from desktop computers to notebook computers.

Because notebook computers are non-standard products, it is difficult for individuals to assemble them by themselves, but as competition intensifies, profits on notebook computers are not particularly lucrative.

On the contrary, the industry chain behind it is making a lot of money, so when it is impossible, it is a good choice to give up the front-end interests and seize the back-end interests.

"If it's a one-sided situation, although we can dominate the market, whether it will cause a strong rebound may cause us a lot of trouble." Ren Zhengfei said.

Because this has touched the interests of too many people, and behind these interests are the interests of capital. In other developed countries, things may go wrong if they have trouble with capital.

Ye Shu thinks that this possibility cannot be ruled out. It is the best way for everyone to earn money. However, most of these situations are unavoidable. It is not true that some people like to share profits. That is not the rule of businessmen.

It's only when you feel that you can't monopolize the entire market that you have no choice but to give up some people's interests and focus on the areas you are good at.

It can be said that there is no businessman who does not want to monopolize the industry, but most people are unable to do this. Ye Zishu has the ability to do this now.

As a member of the businessman, he has the opportunity to monopolize the entire industry. Naturally, he will not give up the interests that should belong to him in a pedantic manner. There is no reason for this.

"How much trouble can there be, the most is to prohibit our products from entering their market, and if this happens, just delay it, or even sanction them in turn.

We are now in an absolutely dominant position, and this dominant position can be maintained for a long time, there is no need to shrink back, only we have to sanction them, and it is not their turn to sanction us. "Ye Zishu said domineeringly.

In modern society, to gain a leading position in technology, and still have the advantage of not being able to see the back in the short term, you can really do whatever you want.

"It's true to be cautious, but when you should be aggressive, you must be aggressive. Shopping malls are not about treating guests to dinner, hello, me, hello everyone, but a place of profit.

Some people do all kinds of unconscionable things for the sake of profit, but we just operate according to the formal business rules, there is no need to be timid. "Leaf Book said.

Ren Zhengfei was shocked by Ye Zishu's sentence "Only we can sanction them". Domestic businessmen have never thought that a company can impose sanctions on a country, and they dare not even think about it.

In order to express his admiration, Ren Zhengfei willingly gave Ye Zishu a thumbs up, and said: "It's still Mr. Ye who is domineering!"

Although the words are enjoyable, Ye Zishu also understands that if he does this, there will be endless troubles. If he can't do it, try not to do it. After all, he went for money, not for vindictiveness.

"Of course I hope not to go to that step, after all, it will harm our interests." Ye Zishu said.

Ren Zhengfei breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. Although he did feel that Ye Zishu was domineering, he was afraid that Ye Zishu would really fall into this state, which would not be of great benefit to doing business.

The boss hasn't lost his mind yet!

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