Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 705: Implanting advertisements in the invisible


He thought it was a great idea. Of course he thought of this idea, but there were many problems in it that were not easy to solve, so he didn't bring it up at all.

Although the country is a little more tolerant of games now, after all, the domestic game industry is now very large, with an annual income of hundreds of billions of yuan, it is impossible to just give up.

But don’t expect everyone to applaud it unanimously. Playing things and losing one’s ambition is still the idea of ​​most parents. It’s enough to develop the game industry secretly.

Seagull Interactive Entertainment Company has taken many measures to prevent the game from arousing great dislike in China. It implements real-name authentication, and children under the age of 16 can only play small puzzle games.

There will be a time limit for those under 18 years old to play games, no more than two hours a day, and they will be forced not to play when the time is up, so as to prevent teenagers from indulging in games.

Although there are not many restrictions for those over the age of 18, if they play games continuously for more than a certain amount of time, they will still be forced to take a break, which can be said to be heartbreaking.

It is also because of so many restrictive measures that the domestic people feel that Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment is not a company that only knows its own interests. Of course, Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment has also suffered a lot of losses.

But everyone thinks it is worth it, because it can balance the interests of all parties, reduce parents' resentment, and create a better external public opinion environment for Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment.

Wanting to hold game events now would put Seagull Interactive Entertainment on the cusp. He didn't think it was a wise move, and he thought it would have to wait.

Ye Zishu stated her thoughts, but Ye Ziqi didn't agree with it. She thought that such an approach was only temporary and could not stop the development trend.

Even a person like her who doesn't play games very much can think of this, and other people may also think that if Seagull Interactive Entertainment does not hold it, other game companies will hold it.

It is very likely that after this game becomes popular, others will develop a similar game, and then rely on world events to gain a competitive advantage. This is entirely possible.

Regarding Ye Ziqi's statement, Ye Zishu is noncommittal. Just holding a world-wide competition cannot drive the popularity of a game, and the relationship between the two is confused.

It should be the popularity of the game that promotes the holding of world events. What's more, the reason why it was so popular in the previous life was mainly due to the influence brought by the live broadcast.

However, it is hard for him to say whether anyone will be able to think of a complete business plan. If anyone is underestimated, he will suffer a lot. Webcasting is also a huge industry.

Although in his opinion, webcasting can’t be said to make a lot of money,

After all, the cost of the live broadcast industry is too high, basically you can't make much money, but it can solve many employment problems.

Although the headline effect of the live broadcast industry is very large, and those who make money do make a lot of money, most anchors can still get basic living expenses.

He doesn't think that these anchors are considered labor, and there are many types of labor. It is not only hard work that counts as labor. Every anchor has also paid a lot of hard work behind the scenes.

What's more, the future trend of industrialization will inevitably be unmanned, and there will be fewer and fewer jobs for ordinary workers. This is the trend of future industrialization and cannot be stopped by manpower.

Now that labor costs are low, he even asked his industries to recruit more employees, because their profits are enough to support more employment, and there will be no major problems.

But when the domestic monthly average is tens of thousands of yuan, or even tens of thousands of yuan, let alone the ordinary manufacturing industry, even the cutting-edge manufacturing industry will not dare to recruit more people casually. They will employ as few people as possible. .

Otherwise, it will face the risk of declining competitiveness, or it will die, or the industrial chain will migrate to a country with lower labor costs. This is an inevitable trend.

And he doesn't want either, he can only use technology to achieve full automation, reduce labor demand, and allow the industry to survive. This is the choice he has to face in the future.

Therefore, if you want to get more people employed, you need to create more jobs, even if they are jobs that are not regarded as labor by many people, it is also possible.

And this is the same as commodities, the less practical the product, the more expensive it can be sold, the same is true for jobs, the more jobs that cannot produce physical products, the higher the income they can get.

The reason is very simple, the real thing can be measured, and the value can also be calculated. Only when it is separated from the real thing, can the value be defined casually.

The reason why high-tech products can be sold at high prices is not to say that high-tech is worth the price, but that there are very few companies that have mastered high-tech and have market pricing power.

This is the same as above, but any product whose price can be accurately calculated and completely determined by the market will not be sold at a high price.

From this perspective, it is not entirely a bad thing to start world competitive events and promote the development of the live broadcast industry at the same time, and it is completely worth doing.

As for whether the live broadcast will produce bad content, he believes that there is no need to worry about it at all. Artificial intelligence is not a decoration, it is supervised by artificial intelligence, and any small action cannot escape its eyes.

Seeing that Ye Zishu was thinking about something, Ye Ziqi didn't say much, holding a teacup quietly, watching the night view of the city with thousands of lights outside the window, admiring it with great interest.

"You may be right!" Ye Shu said suddenly.

"Have you figured it out?" Ye Ziqi asked happily.

"What figured it out? Your plan is only to benefit one game, not a big picture!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Oh, I want to see what kind of big picture you have!" Ye Ziqi also said jokingly.

Hearing what Ye Ziqi said, Ye Zishu didn't hide it, and told her the whole set of business models she had just thought about, so that she could see what the big picture is.

"If it is operated according to my model, tens of millions of people will benefit from it. Is the structure bigger than what you said?" Ye Zishu said with a smile after finishing speaking.

Ye Ziqi had to admit that he was still a little immature. Just now his thoughts were only at the tactical level, but Ye Zishu's thoughts had risen to the strategic level.

In particular, Ye Zishu has seen that relying on smartphones will make the live broadcast industry much more prosperous than imagined, and the number of beneficiaries may be more.

Ye Zishu didn't wait for Ye Ziqi to reply, he stood up directly, then sat down behind his desk, and started to get busy.

He was going to spend an hour or two to make the live broadcast system. Originally, he could have entrusted Phoenix Technology to do it, so there was no need to bother himself.

The main reason is that the live broadcast he wants to do will use a lot of artificial intelligence technology. If Phoenix Technology is allowed to do it, it may not be completed in the short term.

The biggest cost of live broadcasting is actually network traffic. In previous lives, many live broadcasting companies struggled to make profits because of the huge cost of network traffic.

Now the cost of network traffic is higher, so he also gave Kunpeng Information Technology Company a set of streaming media data compression technology in order to reduce the cost of traffic.

Compared with streaming media, live broadcasting earns less money per unit of traffic. If you still use the technology of Kunpeng Information Technology Company, it will definitely be difficult to make money.

So he had to come up with a more advanced data compression technology, not only to reduce the data flow to one-twentieth of the normal flow, but also to ensure sufficient stability.

Indoor live broadcast is better, but outdoor live broadcast, the signal is often not very good, if there is no corresponding technical processing, the live broadcast effect will not be very good.

In addition to working hard to save costs, we also need to open source. If we simply share the revenue from the anchor, we won’t actually earn a lot, and the income is very limited.

Regardless of the high income of the top anchors, in fact, the income of most anchors is not high, and it is lucky to be able to maintain a basic survival. He really can't bear to grab food from these anchors.

Not only will he not grab food from these anchor bowls, but he will also subsidize these low-income anchors when necessary, so that they can maintain their basic lives.

If an outsider knew about his idea, he would probably call him a fool. Isn't a capitalist just trying to grab food from other people's bowls? If he doesn't do this, he can still be called a capitalist?

In fact, he never thinks that he is a standard capitalist. Compared with traditional capitalists who grab other people's food, he is more willing to create more food, so that he can benefit and others will also benefit. This is a beneficial approach to society.

If you want the live broadcast platform to generate more revenue, you must do a good job in the advertising business, but ordinary advertising methods cannot bring too much revenue to the live broadcast platform.

So he plans to use smart delivery technology in live broadcast advertising, which is more advanced than Kunpeng Information Technology Company's smart delivery technology.

The information content of Kunpeng Information Technology’s streaming media platform is determined. There are actually traceable places to insert advertisements, and the difficulty is actually not high.

However, the content of the live broadcast is ever-changing, and there is no unified model. It is a very technical test to place advertisements here.

Moreover, it cannot arouse the disgust of the audience. The advertisements placed must match the live broadcast style of the anchor, and cannot appear too obtrusive, which is different from the traditional advertising model.

Therefore, the advertising content is also generated in real time, instead of making the advertising content and then launching it according to the video content. This model is difficult to work on the live broadcast platform, and it will cause great resentment instead.

How to deliver advertisements efficiently and accurately, and make them acceptable to consumers, is a test of the accuracy of advertising content production and placement.

However, the intelligent advertising system he designed can perfectly combine the advertisement with the anchor's live broadcast content, which not only makes consumers not disgusted, but also increases the effect of the anchor's live broadcast.

Implanting advertisements in the invisible is the effect he wants. If it is done by Phoenix Technology, it will be difficult to achieve it in the short term.

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