Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 707: Double Harvest


The live broadcast and games are just a small episode. During this period, the outside world has also fully felt the efficiency and madness of our country in satellite launches, which is simply too exaggerated.

After the successful launch experiment of the new rocket in June, after several days of correction and analysis, it was determined that the conditions for formal use were met, and frequent launches began later.

Basically, the launch is carried out at intervals of 2 to 3 days. The weight of the navigation satellites is relatively large, and many satellites have relatively high orbits. Although the method of launching multiple satellites with one arrow is adopted, one arrow cannot carry so many satellites.

Satellites that are launched to the height of geostationary orbit are basically launched with two arrows, and if they are lower orbit satellites, they are launched with three or four satellites with one arrow.

The entire launch process lasted for more than a month, and finally 35 navigation and positioning satellites were sent into the predetermined orbit, with a 100% launch success rate.

What's more meaningful is that 100% of the rocket was recovered during the entire launch process, including the third-stage rocket and fairing. This success rate is more meaningful for our country's space launch.

It can be said that the previous launch experiment was lucky. During the recovery process of the third-stage rocket, the intelligent system operated very accurately, and the weather was also very good, and there were no major changes.

However, in the next dozen or so launches, all three-stage rockets have been fully recovered. This is a remarkable achievement, which shows that the stability of rocket recovery is very high.

During this period, it is not that we have encountered very large climate changes, but after timely adjustments, safe recycling has been achieved without any danger, and there has been no failure.

After this period of continuous launches, the rockets participating in the launch basically only suffered damage to the surface coating, and the internal rocket body materials were basically not seriously damaged.

According to the damage degree of the current materials, these rockets can achieve the goal of being reused hundreds of times with a high probability. This is the unanimous opinion reached by everyone.

Due to the excellent performance of the rocket, the launch cost that originally cost hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars has dropped sharply, and the average launch cost of each satellite is about 50 million yuan.

It is lower than the price negotiated by White Tiger Technology Company and the launch department before. The purpose of doing this is naturally to strengthen the relationship between the two parties, because they have great common interests.

Just after Ye Zishu finished writing all the medical books to be written, and was about to go to the capital to meet with Pei Qing and discuss what to do next, the global satellite positioning and navigation system established by Baihu Technology Company was completed. .

In the first phase, all 35 satellites were sent into the predetermined orbit, and they revolved around the earth according to the predetermined rules, basically ensuring that any device can receive at least 6 navigation satellite signals at the same time.

Generally speaking,

At the same time, the more navigation satellite signals received, the higher the accuracy of navigation and positioning provided. With 35 satellites, Baihu Technology can achieve millimeter-level navigation accuracy.

This is a very remarkable achievement. This kind of precision positioning is applicable to almost all scenarios, such as military, civilian, engineering construction, etc., can come in handy.

Military and civilian use are well understood. In addition, this kind of precision positioning and navigation can be used in the construction of almost all large-scale projects in China.

For example, for the expressway under construction by Wancheng Foundation, if navigation and positioning are used, the difficulty of construction will be further reduced, especially for tunnel excavation and positioning, which is of great significance.

In addition to expressway construction, the real estate construction of Wancheng Jiye can also use the navigation and positioning system. With the assistance of this system, many engineering problems can be easily solved.

Now that the positioning and navigation satellite system is completed, many things will start to get busy. Baihu Technology has established a system monitoring and operation center.

There are not many people in this center at present, only 20 people, all of them are recruited from relevant units, or it can be said that other units support Baihu Technology Company.

Because such talents cannot be recruited casually, they must be approved by the original unit, otherwise no matter how rich they are, they cannot be recruited. Next, the relevant talents need to be cultivated by Baihu Technology Company itself.

Fortunately, the entire monitoring operation process has been automated, and the daily operations are all taken over by artificial intelligence. The small number of people has little impact.

Before, everyone still had reservations about Baihu Technology's independent construction of the navigation and positioning satellite system. If it weren't for Ye Zishu, such a high-tech project would definitely not be done by Baihu Technology.

It's just that Baihu Technology Company only spent about a year to complete the construction of the entire system. After testing, it performed very well, exceeding many people's expectations.

The next step is to discuss how to operate it. This system is destined not to be used purely for civilian use. Baihu Technology Company has spent so much money, it must not be a loss-making business.

At present, the cost of the positioning and navigation satellite system is 37 billion yuan. There is no need to worry about the civilian part, Baihu Technology can do it by itself.

They will formulate different price strategies for the general navigation and positioning market and the engineering navigation and positioning market, but they will not directly charge users, but will charge chip equipment companies.

Like the navigation chip developed by Qinglong Technology Company, ordinary navigation chips only charge a one-time fee, because the accuracy is not very high, and the price is the cheapest.

Then there are high-precision commercial uses, such as the surveying and mapping industry, and vehicle navigation. The accuracy is relatively high, so the price is naturally higher. This will be the most profitable part of the navigation satellite system.

The last thing is military use. This time, Ye Zishu needs to go to discuss this aspect. Originally, he planned to let the management of Baihu Technology Company take full control of it, but the relevant departments still wanted to talk to him.

The main reason is that the management of Baihu Technology Company has complicated sources. I am afraid that both parties will not be satisfied with the negotiated price. It is better for him, the speaker, to determine it himself.

If it is too cheap, Ye Shu, as the boss, will definitely not be satisfied. After all, the construction of this system costs a lot of money, and the cost needs to be recovered as soon as possible.

Like the global positioning system of old m, it took more than 200 billion yuan to build it. Baihu Technology Company spent less than 400 yuan to build it, and it is even better. This is already a miracle.

However, the low construction cost does not mean that the fees must be low. The amount of fees still depends on the market acceptance and the value of the services provided, not just on the cost.

If it is too high, it will dispel Ye Zishu's doubts, but it will damage the interests of relevant parties, and the management will be at odds with each other.

Fortunately, the place where they were discussing was in the capital, and Ye Zishu happened to be there too, so after finishing his work here, he immediately packed his things and headed to the capital.

On August 10th, he returned to the capital and directly lived in Pei Qing's house. This has formed his habit. He never even opened the door of the house next door.

"If you don't come here again, I want to find a chance to go to Xi'an!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"Isn't this here? Did you miss me?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

If it was before, Ye Zishu would never say such nasty words, which shows that Pei Qing has initially gained his approval, and her mentality has also undergone some changes.

"Ask knowingly, if it's not like you, I still want to find a chance to visit you?" Pei Qing rolled her eyes angrily, then took his arm again, and laughed happily.

Pei Qing didn't go to the company that day, and cooked for him at home, and then the two of us watched TV on the sofa. Of course, there was also a "fight" between the two of us, and finally let go of the lovesickness we had been apart for several months .

"The most important reason for coming here this time is that all the medical books I have written have been completed. You can find an opportunity to invite relevant domestic scholars to discuss these books." Ye Zishu said.

In fact, many of his supplementary materials have been posted on the electronic academic journal website of Phoenix Technology Company, but the response is not great, which shows that the weight of this website is not enough.

Although Leaf Book is determined to build its own academic journal system in China, no one agrees with it. Domestic related journals regard it as a competitor, while foreign related journals don't take it seriously at all.

The reason is very simple, because these journals have huge academic resources, and it is not easy for Phoenix Technology to open a website to pull these resources away.

So this website platform is basically not popular. Fortunately, Phoenix Technology Company doesn't care. Anyway, they don't need to rely on this to make money, and they do it entirely as a public welfare cause.

Ye Zishu didn't write many papers before, and his support for this academic platform was limited. Now he has written a large number of medical papers, and he publishes them all on this academic platform.

As long as everyone recognizes his achievements in the medical field in the future, it is necessary to have an intersection with his theses, and also need to use the academic platform of Phoenix Technology.

As for the publication of foreign journals, he never thought about it. Not only are the papers all written in Chinese, but the words in them are also very Chinese. It is not so easy to translate, but Chinese people can understand it after reading it.

"It's finally finished. I'm actually quite anxious. The school will start soon. If we don't finish it, we can only use the existing textbooks." Pei Qing said with emotion.

This matter has been agreed since last year, but Ye Zishu has been busy, procrastinating and delaying, and finally started writing this year. If she didn't believe in Ye Zishu, Pei Qing would probably be furious.

"Next, you have a lot of work to do. On the one hand, you have to cooperate with Shengshi Cultural Group to obtain the serial numbers of the books and publish these books.

On the other hand, it is necessary to organize relevant experts to conduct academic discussions on these books. The medical knowledge involved in them is all-encompassing, and it is necessary to invite some medical experts from various fields.

The main reason is that the content in it is quite different from the existing medicine, and there may be academic disputes. In this regard, you should maintain a tolerant attitude and don't get annoyed because I wrote it.

You can record what they have doubts about, and then divide them into two routes. The first route is very simple, which is to conduct experiments on the doubtful areas to verify whether they are correct.

The second way is for the difficult part of the experiment. You can send me the questions and I will answer them. You can even hold a symposium to solve these problems on the spot. "Leaf Book said.

"I'll do it tomorrow. It shouldn't be a big problem, but will you stay in the capital all the time?" Pei Qing asked.

Pei Qing is very confident now, because the influence of the Taiji Group is different from before, and it has a very high appeal. It is not a big problem to invite top domestic well-known experts.

"I'll stay here for a while." Ye Zishu thought for a while, as if there was really nothing important for him to attend to, so he said.

Pei Qing was very happy about this, she jumped up and said happily, "That's great!"

Seeing Pei Qing's happy look, Ye Zishu felt that this decision was correct. Maybe the two of them got together less often and separated more, which made Pei Qing so happy. It seems that they will come here more often in the future.

Originally, he planned to pay attention to the scientific research project of Baihu Technology Company, but it seemed that he would delay it for a while. Anyway, it is not too late for the next few days. It is also a good choice to spend more time with Pei Qing.

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