Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 714 Envious


After Wang Changtian left, Guo Dongsheng stood up and said, "Boss Ye, it's time for dinner now, go to my house for dinner, my mother always talks about you."

"That's a good relationship. I plan to visit my aunt." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

The two went downstairs and drove towards Guo Dongsheng's house. When they got close to his house, Guo Dongsheng stopped the car and went to the nearby vegetable market to buy some food, fearing that the food at home would not be enough.

When I opened the door and entered the compound, I saw Guo Dongsheng's mother was playing with the potted plants in the yard, very serious, and even the pruning technique was quite professional.

Turning around and seeing Ye Zishu beside Guo Dongsheng, he quickly put down the scissors in his hand, and said with a smile: "Xiao Ye didn't make a phone call when I came here, I haven't started cooking yet."

"I also went to see Dongzi temporarily. When it was time for dinner, I thought of coming over to grab a bite to eat. I miss the meals made by my aunt. I haven't been here for a while." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Guo Dongsheng didn't talk too much nonsense, he waved the vegetables he bought in front of his mother, and said, "I just passed by the vegetable market and bought some here."

"Then I'll go cook quickly, and you don't want to go outside anymore, the sun is very poisonous." Guo Dongsheng's mother said.

After speaking, he took the bag from Guo Dongsheng, and then walked towards the kitchen. Ye Zishu did not enter the house, but followed to the kitchen, ready to help, and Guo Dongsheng naturally followed.

Seeing the two of them following, Guo Dongsheng's mother quickly said, "It's enough for me alone. It's not comfortable to stay in the kitchen on such a hot day."

"It's okay, I'll help chop vegetables and light the fire, I'm good at that." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Seeing his insistence, Guo Dongsheng's mother didn't say anything more, and then Ye Zishu showed the two of them his knife skills. The cut vegetables were basically the same size and very neat.

Ye Zishu couldn't do this before. During the process of studying medicine and biology during this period, he often became a surgeon in the virtual laboratory.

The ability to master the knife skills has been greatly improved. Guo Dongsheng next to him felt his eyes opened when he saw it. The lightness of the knife feels like art.

The aunt, who was also chopping vegetables, also found it incredible, and quickly asked, "Did you practice it?"

He didn't intend to hide it either, and said directly with a smile: "I had to write a medical book some time ago, so I took the time to study it!"

"You also know medicine?" Guo Dongsheng asked in surprise.

"Looking at what you said, do you think there is no reason for the Taiji Group to develop so fast?" Ye Shu said angrily.

His mother didn't feel much when she heard it.

After all, she didn't know much about Tai Chi Group's health care products purchased by their brothers and sisters.

But Guo Dongsheng is clear that the development of Taiji Group is not enough to describe the development of Taiji Group as a rocket. The development is too fast.

Since it was confirmed at the previous annual meeting, the future profits should not be reserved for distribution after the year as much as possible, and these funds can be invested in the actual operation process.

As the super reservoir of his entire system, Wancheng Foundation has received a steady stream of operating profit investment this year, in addition to the remaining capital investment left to them last year.

Other groups are better off. Although they have made a lot of money, their own investment scale is also very large, and the investment left for Wancheng Foundation is still within an acceptable range.

However, the Taiji Group's development speed this year is too fast, and its operating profit is indeed exaggerated. In addition to the company's own investment, there is still a lot of funds left.

And a considerable part of these remaining funds went to Wancheng Foundation to continue to promote the rapid development of Wancheng Foundation. In two quarters, it received 2 trillion yuan of investment from Taiji Group.

According to this situation, the investment that Wancheng Foundation received from Taiji Group alone may reach 4 trillion yuan this year, so there are some guesses about Taiji Group's revenue.

Hearing Ye Zishu's flamboyant words, Guo Dongsheng lost his temper. He was right, but what he just asked seemed like a fool.

Although those who research and develop medicine and medical devices do not necessarily have good medical skills, they are definitely not ignorant. They have a good understanding of the causes and principles of various diseases.

Ye Zishu showed off his knife skills, and at the same time accelerated the speed of processing the dishes. In less than 5 minutes, he and his aunt finished the dishes.

Next, the aunt was in charge of cooking, and Guo Dongsheng knew that he hadn't done anything just now, so he consciously sat in the pile of firewood and helped to light the fire.

Originally, their family usually uses a gas stove to cook, so that the cooking will not be very hot, but in order to judge the taste of the dishes, it must be cooked by a wood-fired stove.

Only this kind of courtyard house has the conditions to burn firewood stoves. According to Guo Dongsheng, in order to sell these firewood, it took a lot of effort, and he went to the suburbs to buy directly from farmers.

And you have to agree with the farmers how much you want to buy. When they are ready, Guo Dongsheng will drive over and pull them back. You can't pull a lot at a time, because it is too conspicuous.

Now the firewood stove at home is not usually used. It is only used on weekends, or for food that must be cooked with a firewood stove, because firewood has been gradually banned here.

It's just not complete yet, because the city's gas pipelines are not perfect, and residents either use gas tanks or briquettes. Since briquettes are not banned, the ban on firewood does not make much sense.

"This firewood stove probably won't last for a few years!" Ye Zishu said with emotion.

Guo Dongsheng nodded, and said: "That's true. The gas pipeline will be fully laid here soon, and burning firewood in the city will definitely not be allowed at that time."

"Then when will it not be allowed to burn?" asked the aunt.

"It is estimated that it will be completely banned by the end of next year." Ye Shu said.

"How do you know?" Guo Dongsheng asked curiously.

"You may not know much about the business of Kirin Industrial Group. Isn't Kirin Energy Industrial Group building solar power plants?" Ye Zishu said.

Seeing Guo Dongsheng nod his head, this matter has caused a lot of uproar. It is difficult for everyone to know, but is there any necessary connection between solar energy and gas?

"The biggest disadvantage of solar power generation is that it is difficult to store. If it is not stored, the electricity generated during the day will not be used at night. This is not only a huge waste, but if it is not solved, solar power generation cannot be developed on a large scale.

So they used a technology to convert the excess electricity generated during the day into chemical fuels such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel and natural gas.

Wait until night to burn these fuels for power generation. In addition, there will be a large amount of surplus natural gas supplied to domestic residents.

In fact, the natural gas pipeline on the capital side was built by Kirin Energy Industrial Group, but it is still in the negotiation stage with the city government. "Leaf Book said.

For the municipal government, the construction of natural gas pipelines is naturally a good thing. Natural gas is much safer than the current gas tanks, at least there will be no incidents such as poisoning.

However, the ex-factory cost price of natural gas of Kirin Energy Industry Group is more than 2 yuan. If it is delivered to households through pipelines, the price will definitely be higher, at least 2.5 yuan per cubic meter.

Such a price is too high, and it seriously does not match the income of the current residents. Even the residents of the capital cannot afford natural gas at such a high price.

The focus of both parties is here. The municipal government hopes to set the price of natural gas at 1 yuan per cubic meter, so that it will be of value and significance for promotion.

But at such a price, Kirin Energy Industry Group can hardly make any money, and it is even less cost-effective than direct power generation, so it is difficult to accept such a low price.

The two sides have been negotiating on the price for a period of time, and in the end they should both make concessions, and reach an agreement on a price of 1.5 yuan per cubic meter.

Kirin Energy Industry Group also knows that too high a price is not conducive to promotion. In the case of insufficient income of residents in the early stage, they must be prepared for book losses.

The municipal government also knows that such a price is actually inappropriate, and will definitely set a baseline, that is, when the income of urban residents reaches the standard, the price of natural gas will be raised to what price.

Kirin Energy Industry Group hopes that the municipal government can provide subsidies, and set the actual price of natural gas at 2 yuan per cubic meter, and the lesser 0.5 yuan will be subsidized by the municipal government.

There is a high probability that such a plan will be passed. The capital city government still has a lot of financial revenue. After all, so many of his companies have industries here and pay a lot of taxes.

For the municipal government, the subsidy is not unaffordable, and the benefits are obvious, that is, the air in the capital is much better than it is now, especially during the heating season in winter, there will be no such severe smog .

Kirin Energy Industrial Group is not only in talks with the capital government, but also with almost all major cities in China, including provincial capitals, because they are preparing to build the first batch of natural gas pipelines in these cities.

After listening to Ye Zishu's words, Guo Dongsheng had an expression of enlightenment, with a hint of envy on his face. He knew very well that the energy industry made a lot of money.

In a country as big as ours, the annual energy consumption is not a small number. Even if it is not a huge profit, such a large volume still earns a lot of money.

In the future, it will be equivalent to sitting and counting money, which is much easier to make money than their companies, and mastering such technology is almost a monopoly situation, and other companies cannot compete with them.

In fact, Wancheng Foundation took natural gas and other facilities into consideration when designing the building. He thought it would take many years to use these facilities, but he didn't expect that they might be available next year.

Of course, I have to feel in my heart that it is too easy for the boss to make money. Others really can't do such a thing, only the boss can do it.

Next, while lighting the fire, Guo Dongsheng talked with Ye Zishu about the energy strategic plan of Kirin Energy Industrial Group. The whole plan is naturally quite grand, and this is an industry with a scale of several trillion yuan.

This is not counting exports. If we talk about the export of the energy produced, the influence is definitely not weaker than that of the oil-producing countries in the Middle East on the global energy industry.

Moreover, these energies of Kirin Energy Industrial Group are industrialized products, which can be continuously produced without worrying about the depletion of resources, which is the envy of countries with rich oil reserves.

The three of them only fried four dishes, and they were done very quickly. After Ye Zishu finished eating here, Guo Dongsheng's mother took out the cakes she had made, and continued to chat about some homely things over tea.

I didn't leave until four in the afternoon. At this time, the sun was not so poisonous, and Guo Dongsheng also went out to the company.

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