Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 720 Cognitive World Reality


Next, Ye Zishu was basically in a closed state, staying at home and busy with the things at hand, and directly asked the staff of the administrative department of Phoenix Software Company to deliver meals at noon.

Because it was extra work, Ye Zishu would still give him an extra meal delivery fee. At first, the staff was very polite and didn't want life or death, but Ye Zishu forced it on him.

Ye Zishu has never been willing to ask others to pay extra labor without reward, even if he is the boss, he can't order his employees casually.

Maybe it was because he had passed the psychological hurdle, knowing that there was no problem with taking the money, but later he stopped being twitchy, which also made Ye Zishu feel a lot more comfortable.

If he has to tease or be polite every time, he will feel uncomfortable all over, and he might be really embarrassed to let the staff continue to deliver meals to him.

In fact, when he encountered this situation, he kind of missed the food delivery in his previous life. Although there were many controversies, it did solve the needs of some people like him, and at the same time created a lot of employment.

This is a new industry that really creates jobs. For example, e-commerce only competes with brick-and-mortar stores, turning offline sales into online sales. The former salesperson has become a small e-commerce owner or customer service personnel.

In fact, there is no large-scale job creation. In terms of job creation, he feels that the food delivery industry is much better than e-commerce.

It's just that the mobile Internet has not yet achieved full coverage, and smartphones have not yet started to be sold. This industry cannot be carried out for the time being, but Phoenix Technology is preparing for this.

Phoenix Technology has registered a subsidiary company whose main business is online and offline. Businesses such as online food delivery, online taxi-hailing, and local life are all operated by this company.

This hummingbird life service company is currently building its own various platform systems. The recruitment of offline personnel has not yet started, and it may not start until next year.

If you want to develop this business well, you must have many support systems to satisfy it. The first is the mobile Internet, the second is smart phones, and the last is advanced navigation.

If these conditions are met, it also depends on the local economic situation. For example, the current economic situation in our country makes it very difficult to develop.

Those who make money now are those who have suffered before. When the income is not high, it is almost impossible to ask them to pay extra for food delivery, unless it is a last resort.

Even if their income is high in the future, it is not known whether they will be willing to spend like this, but he believes that as long as the income of the people is sufficient, they will still enjoy it appropriately.

However, Hummingbird Life Service Company is not only aiming at the domestic layout. In fact, they are aiming at internationalization from the beginning. Although it has not officially opened to the outside world, various subsidiaries have been distributed all over the world.

Because if you want to do a good job in this kind of business, you must be localized and start from solving the needs of local residents in order to gain market recognition.

He has always been opposed to a one-size-fits-all development model. In the absence of competitors, such a development model may be possible because consumers have no choice.

But when the market is in a state of fierce competition, there is no doubt that the better the localization, the better the chance to win the competition.

The main reason why it is difficult for everyone to achieve complete localization is that the cost is too high. It is not an easy task to build an advanced system that meets the needs of localization for each region.

In addition, it is more difficult to manage the headquarters. It is difficult for the headquarters to supervise the business of the following regions and countries, because they are not standardized, so they cannot use the standardized set for supervision and audit.

As long as these two problems are solved, there will be no obstacles to localization operations. Of course, localization must be done with sufficient respect and a respectful attitude.

These two problems are not a problem for Phoenix Technology. Based on their own advanced productivity tools, even if they build a system for each region and country, the cost will not be more than others.

In the face of non-standardized management models, they do not have the problem of being difficult to supervise, because they are all intelligent management systems, and under the monitoring of big data and artificial intelligence, there is no way to hide any tricks.

In fact, the Internet companies under Phoenix Technology are not without competitors. In fact, there will be one or two in every country. Unless it is a small country without any information technology capabilities, it will have no competitors.

Seeing how profitable these companies are, it is impossible not to be tempted without capital. Like old m, there are no less than a dozen competitors, all wanting to come in and get a share.

Naihe's technology is far behind that of Phoenix Technology's companies, and at the same time, it has not taken advantage of localization, and its financial strength is not comparable.

From the beginning when many companies participated in the competition, after a period of time, many companies basically disappeared, because they really couldn't keep going.

This is not just a question of money, but that many of their companies can't see hope. They see that their competitors are gaining more and more market share, and their operations are more impressive, and their income is rising steadily.

And I not only operate at a loss, but also keep shrinking market share, no matter how determined a person is, he can't maintain a good attitude in this competitive situation.

Take the streaming media platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company as an example. After their streaming media platform was launched, more than a dozen peer companies appeared within half a year.

Some of them were even invested and established by media giants, but so far, all the peers with less background have closed their doors and gone out of business.

And companies with backgrounds are also struggling to support them, especially after the intelligent film and television content creation system is launched, they are retreating steadily and are already dying.

A platform like this, which already relies on technology and content, has no advantage in these two aspects. It doesn't make much sense to continue to compete. Many media giants have essentially given up on this business.

It's not that they don't want to, but that they really can't win the competition, and now they have begun to actively cooperate with Kunpeng Information Technology Company. On the contrary, although their own platform has not been closed, they have left it alone, and they probably won't last long.

Because they can’t make money by themselves, but lose a lot of money, and cooperate with Kunpeng Information Technology Company, but can make money, so naturally they have no motivation to continue.

There are many others, such as social platforms, which have lower technical requirements in comparison, but the strong adhesion properties of social platforms make it impossible for many later companies to surpass.

More importantly, these platforms under Phoenix Technology respond very quickly. As long as the other party has a really good idea, they can go online the next day and do even better.

In terms of innovation, it is very difficult to succeed in the face of companies like Phoenix Technology. Many companies not only failed, but became nourishment for companies under Phoenix Technology.

Except for "takeaway" at noon, Pei Qing basically comes back to cook at night. He cuts the vegetables in advance, prepares the ingredients, and cooks the rice. Anyway, the rice cooker is very convenient.

It usually takes Pei Qing more than ten minutes to complete the work when he comes back, and he does these tasks as a relaxation item, and he doesn't find it troublesome.

During this period of time, he has been writing virtual reality software systems on hand. It is not an easy task to imitate the real world. He thinks that his technical reserves are already good.

But when I really started to do it, I still found that there are some places that need to spend a lot of time to study, and even some problems can't be solved for a while, so I can only go to the virtual library to find materials.

Or ask the virtual teacher in the classroom through the virtual classroom, but the virtual teacher is sometimes not very smart, and is unwilling to answer technical questions that are too much beyond his learning progress.

I just asked them to take one step at a time, not to be so ambitious, it almost drove him to death, there was a shortcut to go, but they didn't let him go, it was very tortured.

There are so many books in the virtual library, and it is not so easy for him to find them, and some of them are not ready-made at all, and he needs to innovate based on theories.

But such difficulties did not make him choose to give up, because he thought it was a very meaningful job, even more meaningful than writing artificial intelligence at the beginning.

Seeing a virtual world that was originally dilapidated, built up little by little with his own efforts, and became more and more real, that sense of pride filled his heart every moment.

A week later, he has built the basic framework, but the realism is only about 10%. If it is used as a game scene, it is already very advanced.

On the surface, many things in it conform to the laws of real physics, but only he knows that this level can only deceive ordinary people, and it is completely untrue.

Next, he plans to spend a week to increase the authenticity to at least 50%. As for whether he reaches the goal he set, which is 80% authenticity, it depends on luck.

In fact, there is no measurable standard for how much authenticity is, because it is difficult for even him to know what 100% authenticity is, even if he lives in the real world.

Because no one can tell clearly what the world we live in is like, and the real world we see is also the superficial world.

So this judgment standard is perceptual, that is, based on his level of cognition of the world, more than 80% is considered qualified, so this upper limit is his level of understanding of the real world.

Therefore, the virtual world he is currently constructing with a degree of reality of 10% is actually quite high in the eyes of ordinary people, but such a system is far from meeting his expectations.

What supports this system is the countless formulas, because what he builds is not a game map. The game map is deterministic, and it can actually be made very finely on the surface.

And what he built is a system that can imitate any scene in the real world, which means that there is no fixed scene, and it needs to be temporarily generated according to actual needs.

And supporting this system can temporarily and quickly generate a scene that fits the real world, behind these countless scientific formulas and artificial intelligence technology.

Operators only need to set some parameters on the front end according to their actual needs, and the system behind it is based on these demand parameters and a set of theories behind it, using artificial intelligence technology to quickly realize it.

Through the development of such a system, Ye Zishu feels that he has been improved in all aspects. As long as he digests this knowledge, there is still a lot of room for growth.

The reason for digesting is because a lot of his knowledge has not been carefully thought out, but he just obtained it from the virtual classroom or the virtual library.

Due to time constraints and the difficulty of understanding some knowledge, he simply wrote down the formula without carefully watching their reasoning process, nor did he think about the real meaning and application field behind this formula.

To be clear, he is still at the stage of rote memorization. He has memorized a lot of ready-made formulas, but it is not that simple to use these formulas flexibly.

He needs to chew it over and over again in the future, and truly transform the knowledge he has learned by rote into his own knowledge, which will take time to digest.

And he believes that through such a set of systematic projects that simulate the real world, he has a good understanding of the entire knowledge system, which is very different from the previous step-by-step learning.

The previous learning method was always limited to partial cognition, but the current model, although a bit rote, can establish the entire knowledge system in advance, which is very helpful for overall grasp.

In this way, learning these knowledge points one by one will be much faster and more systematic, and the learning efficiency will be higher.

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