Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 732 Need to get used to making money slowly


After reading the situation of Qilin Food Industry Group, he took a look at the situation of Qilin Agricultural Development Group. After all, the mission of this group is bigger than that of Qilin Food Industry Group.

At present, their business is mainly divided into four parts. The first part is agricultural investment, including self-owned agricultural investment and cooperative agricultural investment. Most of their funds will be used in this area.

The second is the production of meat products. With the advanced technical support provided by him, it is actually not difficult to do well in this area, and it can even be said to have unique advantages.

The third piece is the research and development of new varieties. In this regard, he also provides a lot of advanced technical support, but it is not an easy task to do well.

The fourth is the construction of sales channels, which is the key to the success of agricultural development. How to ensure that the products from the field appear in major shopping malls, supermarkets and vegetable markets at the most reasonable and fastest speed is the key to gaining benefits.

In addition to channel construction, they also need to always pay attention to market changes, have a correct judgment on the future demand trend of agricultural products, and make a good layout in advance to ensure that the production of agricultural products in the next year meets market demand.

Although there are only four aspects of business, it is not easy to do well. Even the easiest meat production is not simply copying existing meat varieties.

They must invest more in research and development to research meat products with better taste and higher nutritional value, so as to keep up with market demand, instead of clinging to existing achievements.

According to the information provided by their management system, in terms of agricultural investment, the fastest growing is the independent business. The reason is very simple, that is, the interest involved is not so complicated.

With the acceleration of economic development, the industrial and commercial industries absorb more and more rural labor force, and the rural areas have actually experienced huge population migration.

It's just that Wancheng Jiye, which is currently taking on the big responsibility, has not completed urbanization on a large scale, and the city is still unable to accommodate so many rural people living in the city for a long time on a large scale.

Most of them still maintain a strong family and go out to do things, while women, children and the elderly work at home. He doesn't like this state very much.

Many social problems in the previous life actually have their roots here, so it is necessary to speed up the development of Wancheng Foundation, promote the expansion of the city's capacity, and let the rural labor force have a foundation to take root in the city.

But it is undeniable that the surplus labor force in rural areas will become weaker and weaker. Men who have made money have begun to make women at home work less, because they really do not earn much money from the first year to the end of the field.

Such a situation is very conducive to the acquisition of land by Qilin Agricultural Development Group to engage in independent agriculture. The area of ​​the high-standard technical agricultural industry they are building has reached 1 million mu.

Due to the adoption of a high standard temperature control system,

Although the construction cost per mu is not as high as planting medicinal materials, it has reached 300,000 yuan, and the scale of this investment alone is as high as 300 billion yuan.

These funds include a high-standard temperature control system, commonly known as a greenhouse, but it is much more technologically advanced than ordinary greenhouses. It can achieve independent temperature control, and can use mechanical operations inside, etc.

Due to the high demand for such greenhouses, the overall cost has also dropped significantly. At present, the investment cost per mu is 200,000 yuan, which is already relatively low.

The remaining 100,000 yuan is basically for the construction of internal facilities and overall facilities. For example, they use hydroponic technology on a large scale, so that nutrition can be precisely and controllable.

At the same time, necessary auxiliary planting facilities and harvesting facilities are needed to reduce labor consumption and improve planting efficiency. These are necessary basic investments and are indispensable.

If fully unmanned management is to be launched in the future, the investment cost per ten acres of land may increase by at least 100,000 yuan. From this perspective, how much investment cost is required to invest in high-tech agriculture.

Years ago, he asked Tidal Investment Company to invest 100 billion yuan in this group, which was obviously not enough. Fortunately, Tidal Investment Company has been making money and added another 500 billion yuan to them, bringing the total investment to 600 billion yuan.

At present, their self-invested agricultural production bases are basically concentrated in Shandong and Henan. The flat terrain here is very suitable for large-scale construction of such high-standard temperature-controlled greenhouses.

In terms of cooperative agricultural investment, they currently have an investment scale of 200 billion yuan, which is mainly used for technical support and training, agricultural machinery procurement, and standardized management.

This amount of money alone has benefited as many as 10 million rural households, with an average investment of 20,000 yuan per household, mainly concentrated in the southern region, and the distribution is relatively scattered.

Most of the remaining 100 billion yuan is used for the construction of sales network and brand image, and 50 billion yuan will be spent, accounting for half of it.

The remaining 50 billion yuan is used for the research and development of new varieties. Due to the advanced research and development technology, the research and development efficiency is very high, the research and development cost is relatively low, and it does not cost much.

Most of them are still used to build meat production plants. Although this type of industrialized meat production model is very efficient, it can also be autonomous and controllable.

But the disadvantage is that the investment is very high. A standardized meat production factory requires a total investment of tens of billions of yuan, with an annual output of 1 million tons of meat. Including production costs, it will take two years to pay back.

The entire production process is carried out in a sterile environment, and it is also fully unmanned operation, because using this mode of production, in addition to engineering personnel, ordinary employees cannot intervene at all.

Moreover, in the process of cultivating these meats, the look and feel is not good. Working in such an environment for a long time may have a certain impact on employees.

After all, anyone who watches a bunch of cells growing every day all year round has a creepy feeling. They are filled with tubes for delivering nutrients and various devices for controlling and regulating them.

In fact, it can also be made into a fully enclosed type, so that it is not so exciting, but it is not conducive to observation outside. There may be some places that are difficult to observe through equipment observation.

So it was simply changed to an unmanned production factory, which also saved a lot of costs, mainly because the production process did not require ordinary employees at all.

After the finished products are produced from these unmanned chemical factories, they are transported to the processing area through internal machinery and equipment. Although it is also in a sterile environment, ordinary employees are required for processing.

It’s just that the quantity is not particularly large, because there are also a lot of semi-automatic equipment inside. The cutting, sorting and packaging of these meats does not require workers to actually operate, just need to take care of the equipment.

A standardized factory like this needs to be equipped with 100 engineers and technicians for daily maintenance, including equipment maintenance, safety inspection, sample testing and so on.

The number of ordinary workers is 2,000. The main work is to take care of the processing link, pack and transport to the fresh-keeping warehouse or load the car, as well as environmental maintenance and so on.

These tasks are basically not tiring, because the whole process is done using equipment, and they only need to know how to operate these equipments, which is still very easy.

They invested a total of 40 billion yuan, which means that the annual production capacity is only 4 million tons, which is far from meeting my country's demand for meat products. At least the production capacity needs to be expanded to 40 million tons to fill the gap in the domestic market.

Now the price of pork has risen from more than 2 yuan last year to 5 yuan, and it is estimated that it may rise to 7 yuan by the end of the year. This fully shows that everyone's income has increased, but the supply of meat has not kept up.

Because at present, domestic farms are mainly free-range breeding, and the expansion of the number of breeding is very slow. With the further increase of salary next year, it is very likely that it will rise to about 10 yuan.

This is not a big problem for high-income groups, but for the majority of low-income groups, it will be even worse if they cannot eat meat several times a year.

So he hopes to control the price of ordinary pork at around 7 yuan. With the increase in income, this price is still acceptable. After all, it is not good if it is too low.

Of course, Kirin Agricultural Development Company can also provide better meat products for high-income groups, so that they also have places to spend money.

At present, their production capacity is limited. In order to obtain enough profits as soon as possible to accelerate the expansion of this industry, they only produce mutton and beef, which are three times the price of pork.

But their production costs are basically the same, so the profit of Qilin Agricultural Development Group will be much higher, and if it is exported, the price will be higher.

Calculated in this way, Kirin Agricultural Development Group has only invested 10 billion yuan in technology, which seems to be a lot, but in fact it is not much.

They need to purchase all kinds of advanced equipment. Although the research and development system provided by Ye Zishu does not require money, buying a supercomputer requires more than one billion yuan.

Other biological experimental equipment is expensive, and the cost of experimental equipment alone will cost more than 5 billion yuan, including a complete set of laboratory seed production equipment.

It may be that the time is still short, they are not very flexible in using the complete set of advanced research techniques provided by the leaf book, and the current research results are lacklustre.

It also improved several common fruits, such as apples, pears, and grapes, and only came up with an improved variety. It is currently being tested and planted. After seeing the finished product, it is confirmed that it meets the standards before it will be promoted.

Even if auxin is used in this process, it will take until next year to produce results, so there is no new variety that can be used for actual production.

Looking at it as a whole, there are no big problems in other things. Even if the research and development is not as strong as imagined, he doesn't care. After all, the time is short and there is nothing to see.

The biggest problem is the construction of a high-standard temperature control system. It costs 300,000 yuan per mu of land, but it is not known whether the annual income can reach 50,000 yuan.

Even if it is a high-end brand under the banner of organic, the domestic consumption level is so high, it is impossible to sell at a too high price.

If you are planting these current crop varieties, it is very difficult to pay back the cost and obtain the due income. Although the use period of a greenhouse is 50 years, the payback period may take more than 15 years.

He now hopes that the domestic economy will develop in the future, the consumption power of residents will increase, and the demand for this organic agricultural product will increase significantly.

In addition, it is hoped that more high-quality new varieties will appear to replace existing varieties, so that they can also be sold at high prices and increase the rate of return.

This is only from the perspective of the rate of return. Compared with the quick money he has made in these years, the rate of return on investing in agriculture is really too low.

But from a social point of view, this is very necessary. Our country can't stay in low-end agriculture all the time, and it won't be able to meet the needs of social development in the future. It seems that we need to adapt to making money slowly.

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