Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 736: Satisfactory Results, Insufficient Income


As the president of the company, Lu Desheng reported the work progress of Baihu Technology Company to the leaders at the meeting. This time, the first flight was a heavy-duty full-stealth fighter jet. Using ground radar, the reflection area could not be observed at all, and the stealth performance was very superior.

However, other aircraft are also proceeding in an orderly manner. In the next two months, these aerial platforms will make their first flights one after another, and all first flight tests will be completed within this year.

The leaders were very happy to hear this, which means that our country will completely get rid of the state of technology introduction, realize completely independent research and development and design, and reach the world's leading level.

In fact, the establishment of Baihu Technology Company caused huge discussions internally, because it is a completely private enterprise, but it is involved in the aerospace and military industries.

There is no precedent for this in the country, and the country's important equipment is generally not easily handed over to private companies, but the founder of this company is Ye Shu, which has caused many people to think carefully.

If it is someone else, the establishment of such an enterprise will most likely require technical support from the state, otherwise it will be difficult to develop, because this is not a simple industry.

Like Musk’s space exploration company in the previous life, regardless of its powerful technology, if there is no technical support from NASA behind it, it is impossible to make such rapid progress, and it will always exist like a younger brother.

If this is the case, why set up such a private enterprise? Could it be that the state-related enterprises are not doing well? Therefore, it is impossible to obtain such recognition if it is someone else.

Ye Zishu is different. Although he has not demonstrated his ability in this area, he has always been a miracle worker. From the perspective of the development of related fields in the country, it is always beneficial for people like him to participate.

The result did not disappoint them. Although Baihu Technology Company seconded a large number of scientific researchers from relevant units to participate, it seemed that it also borrowed the power of the state.

However, these people are all involved in the research and development of top technology, and they have also come into contact with top technology in the process of participation, which plays a very important role in the improvement of personal strength.

If these people return to the original unit, the scientific research strength of the original unit will also be greatly improved, which means that Baihu Technology Company has driven the development of science and technology in the entire industry, and the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

The fact that Baihu Technology can achieve such brilliant results in just over a year directly proves how correct the original decision was.

During the entire meeting, Ye Zishu basically did not speak, and it was the management of Baihu Technology Company who reported. In contrast, the management knew much more about Baihu Technology Company than he did.

After the meeting, the leader and his team ended the inspection, while Ye Zishu returned to Baihu Technology Company and held a small meeting with the management.

It is mainly to discuss the next project of Baihu Technology Company,

It is said to be a discussion, but it is actually to prepare them and reserve talents in advance.

Because the air flight platforms will gradually enter the right track this year, and the main task next year is testing and improvement. Most of the scientific research tasks have been completed, and there is energy to start new projects.

In this internal meeting, Ye Zishu talked about the research and development and construction tasks of the global satellite communication system that will start next year. He has mentioned this aspect before, but it is not so detailed.

When it was necessary to spend hundreds of billions of yuan to build a global satellite communication system, the entire management felt that the boss was crazy. The scale of the investment was too large.

Now Baihu Science and Technology Company has spent a lot of money, and the construction of the global positioning navigation satellite system and the global remote sensing satellite system has spent more than half of the funds.

The rest of the funds were spent on the construction of the industrial chain. Baihu Technology now owns hundreds of thousands of factories of various types, ranging from large to small.

Building such a huge military industrial system requires an equally huge amount of money. These consumptions have resulted in less than 10 billion yuan in the accounts of Baihu Technology.

These funds cannot be tampered with, and need to be reserved to pay the salaries and research expenses of scientific researchers, and they are only enough for low-intensity persistence for about a year.

Now the company has few sources of income. The first is the income from the two satellite systems. The result of negotiations with relevant departments is that they will pay the relevant service annual fee next year. The total is not much, only 13 billion yuan.

This kind of income is considered a lot of income for ordinary enterprises, but for Baihu Technology Company, it is not a big income, and it can only start the research work of small projects.

In addition to the annual service fee agreed with the relevant departments, it is the civilian field. Qinglong Technology has added navigation satellite services to their smartphones, but the smartphones will not be released until next year.

Then there is the car navigator. Phoenix Technology is developing its own electronic map. At present, it has entrusted relevant companies around the world to help with field data collection.

Because electronic maps involve national security issues, some countries do not allow them to directly collect information, and must entrust enterprises in the country to do so.

It’s just that such an approach can only solve part of the tasks. It is impossible to make electronic maps with these uncertainly correct data. It needs to be combined with high-precision images from global remote sensing satellites to achieve marketization.

The remote sensing satellite system is still under construction and has not yet been fully completed, but it is already capable of shooting earth images, which will not affect the progress of Phoenix Technology's electronic map production.

The amount of funds paid by Phoenix Technology is not large, and it plans to pay 2 billion yuan per year for the purchase of satellite remote sensing image related data. This figure is actually not small, but it is not worth mentioning compared to the system construction cost.

These are services aimed at the consumer side. The service accuracy is not very high, and it is difficult to receive huge authorization fees. If you want to obtain better income in the future, it depends on the authorization income in the professional field.

Almost all of his companies are developing and upgrading related equipment. Adding high-precision positioning and navigation can solve many practical problems, but it is still impossible to predict how big the market will be.

In any case, the income of the major satellite systems is a long-term business project, and it is impossible to suddenly become rich, but Baihu Technology Company lacks short-term funds, and this is the problem.

As for the income from military equipment, this year's income is not very much. Not only is there no income from rockets, but a lot of money is spent on it, because all the satellites launched are their own satellites.

As for the weapon system, mainly various missiles, it is still in the testing stage, and the purchase volume is not large, and it is unclear how much revenue will be generated in the future.

As for the income of various aircraft, this year is even more impossible, and it is not certain whether there will be income next year. If it can be installed quickly, the income will naturally not be less. If it is delayed and it is not installed for a long time, there will be no income. .

What is certain now is that next year's revenue will be more than 20 billion yuan, which can be used for the operation of the R\u0026D team, but it will not be enough to build a large-scale system.

This is because the 250 billion yuan borrowed from the bank is interest-free. Otherwise, this amount of money is not enough to repay the bank interest, and Ye Zishu is quite a headache after hearing it.

The research and development of naval equipment will be carried out next year. Compared with air force equipment, it will cost a lot of money, and it will also need to build a complete industrial chain, which will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

There is also the Global Communications Satellite System. Without the support of this system, the entire combat system will not be so smooth, and there will definitely be weak links in tactical command. This is also a system that has to be built.

Taken together, the funding gap next year will be 200 billion yuan. Such a huge funding gap has left the entire conference room in a state of silence. No one knows how to make up for this gap.

In the previous meeting, everyone rejoiced at the achievements made during this period of time, but this meeting exposed the weakness of Baihu Technology Company, that is, the rapid development has led to a serious shortage of funds.

Now there are only two ways to solve the funding gap. The first is to continue to borrow from the bank, but whether we can continue to get interest-free loans is uncertain, because the total amount is too large.

The money in the bank needs to give depositors interest. The previous 250 billion yuan is interest-free, and the interest will be paid by the state, which is already a great support for them.

If another 200 billion yuan is borrowed, the interest alone will need more than 40 billion yuan per year, which is not a small figure even for the country.

Therefore, it is definitely not a big problem to continue to borrow from the bank, but it is difficult to get an interest-free loan. If Baihu Technology cannot obtain enough income to repay the interest in the short term, there will be a snowball state, and the accumulation of debt will gradually increase.

Another solution is for Ye Zishu to take out the money. Ye Zishu himself is not short of money, not to mention the horrible annual operating income of his huge real estate, even Tidal Investment Company can also provide this money.

The funds of his real estate will definitely not be moved. If he really wanted to move, he would not have allowed Baihu Technology to borrow from the bank in the first place.

No matter how much Baihu Technology Company needs financial support, the current general direction in China is still based on economic development. Only when the economy develops well can we talk about the superstructure.

Therefore, not only cannot the real industries under his banner withdraw funds, but they must continue to inject funds, continue to improve the weak links in the domestic economic development process, and strive to create a set of high-tech, stable and reliable industrial economies.

No matter how the outside world changes in the future, relying on this set of solid industries can be used as the ballast stone of the domestic economy, making the domestic economy as a whole stable as Mount Tai.

After such an analysis, it seems that Tidal Investment Company can only inject funds. Tidal Investment Company is making money all the time, and the amount is very huge.

Their funds are divided into three parts. The first part is used for investment in his industries. Qilin Agricultural Development Group has received huge funds from Tidal Investment Company.

The second part is used for investment in other domestic enterprises. The shortage of funds for the industries under Ye Zishu is not obvious, but the shortage of funds for other domestic enterprises is normal.

The third part is to invest in international assets. Because the financial benefits are too huge, they dare not use such a huge amount of funds for financial operations, which will disrupt the international financial order and will definitely attract criticism.

So what they adopt is to withdraw funds when they reach a certain scale, so as to keep the stock market funds in a reasonable state, so that even if they are targeted, the funds in the financial market will be lost, and the money that should be earned has already been obtained.

These funds are used for national asset investment, including fixed asset investment in developing countries with good economic development, mineral resource investment, and small-scale enterprise acquisitions.

Anyway, the principle is not to keep too much money on hand, and spend the money as much as possible, because the money spent will still enter various financial markets after going around.

As long as these funds enter the financial market, Tidal Investment Company will be able to make money back, but they will have a lot of real assets in their hands.

For Leaf Books, money is just a pile of paper. If it is not spent, it will be useless. Only by exchanging it with various assets can the money become valuable.

"Ask the bank to see if you can continue to get interest-free loans or low-interest loans. If you can't, I'll find a way!" Ye Zishu said.

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