Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 743: There must be something that calms the mind


Many things still cannot be kept absolutely confidential. In the past two months, various anti-aircraft aircraft produced by Baihu Technology Company have made their first flights one after another.

Although there are not many satellites in the sky in this era, such intensive flights have allowed satellites from many countries to capture relevant photos.

During the period when Ye Zishu was retreating at home, news about the development of domestic aviation and military equipment flooded the entire Internet, and a lot of news content was born around this topic.

The so-called professional analysis institutions in various countries take the obtained satellite image data and interpret it from various angles, trying to figure out the development level of domestic aviation and military equipment.

No matter what angle they analyze from, there is no doubt that the emergence of these aviation equipment has broken the original development pattern of military equipment and made many countries panic.

The reason is very simple, that is, my country has become the first country to have four-generation fighter jets. Although they cannot obtain specific parameters, they can still analyze some things from the overall design of the aircraft.

And this time there is not one advanced fighter, there are as many as 6 types of fighter platforms alone, the fourth-generation fighters are divided into heavy, medium and light, and the same is true for the three and a half generations of fighters.

Others, such as transport aircraft, bombers, reconnaissance aircraft, air early warning aircraft, etc., are divided into various categories, suitable for various actual scenarios, and there are many types.

The mood of the domestic people is completely different from that of foreign countries. The domestic economic development in the past few years is obvious to all, and a large number of enterprises with strong competitiveness have been born.

The salaries of the people are also increasing at a rapid rate, and life is much better than before. The employment problem of surplus labor in rural areas has gradually been solved. A large number of people have flooded into cities, and the urban economy has also developed rapidly.

The scale of urban construction is also getting bigger and bigger, and the construction of expressways is also in full swing this year. It can be said that all aspects are thriving.

But many people also have hidden worries in their hearts, that is, whether our country's national defense capabilities are worthy of our country's economic development speed. Anyone with knowledge understands the importance of national defense.

It’s just that even if many people have this worry, they can’t do anything about it. After all, the development of the defense industry cannot be achieved overnight. It takes a long time to explore and study before it can be improved.

But unexpectedly, it suddenly broke out that the country has so many achievements in the field of aviation and military industry, which gave the domestic people a huge surprise.

According to relevant reports on the Internet, my country's aviation military industry has been directly promoted to the top ranks in the world, and the future depends on the number of installations.

Even if it is not as powerful as what the Internet says, as long as it can be completely independent and reach the mainstream level in the world, it can gradually improve in the future.

It is only a matter of time before becoming a global leader.

With the rapid economic development, people's sense of pride and patriotism have been much higher than before. For the difficulties of economic development, no one has blamed system problems, because the facts are right before our eyes.

This wave of information about aviation and military equipment has been exposed, but this enthusiasm has been further developed, and the people are more confident in the future development of the country.

However, compared to the hustle and bustle outside, the Chinese government has not made any comment on this matter, and Baihu Technology Company will not pay attention to the disturbance from the outside world.

As a production and R\u0026D enterprise, they don't need to pay attention to these things at all, as long as they do their own things well, what they hope now is to complete all the testing work as soon as possible, and to be able to deploy troops as soon as possible.

Although Ye Zishu promised to borrow 300 billion yuan, as an independent company, it still hopes to be able to support itself as soon as possible, and earn money to maintain the development of related projects of the company.

At the beginning, Ye Zishu reached an agreement with relevant departments. Baihu Technology Company focused on R\u0026D and production, and would not engage in specific customer development work, and would not even let its name appear in any military industry.

This decision is correct. On the one hand, it protects Baihu Technology Company, especially Ye Zishu himself, because once a problem occurs, other civilian industries under his banner may be implicated.

On the other hand, it is very important for Baihu Technology Company to focus on scientific research. If it pays too much attention to the development of customers, it will inevitably create a different atmosphere, only giving them the right to research and development and production, and restricting their other fantasies.

Apart from focusing on technology research and development, Baihu Technology Company has no other ideas, and as a private company engaging in such a business, Ye Zishu will also restrict itself.

He was not afraid that he would swell, but he was afraid that the management of Baihu Technology Company would swell in the future. Only by restraining them could Ye Shu feel at ease.

His cautious approach is actually not only reflected in Baihu Technology Company, but also in many other companies under its umbrella.

It’s just that even if there is a disturbance in private enterprises, it will not be very big, at least within the controllable range, so soft restrictions are used, allowing artificial intelligence to limit the power of various management levels, and allow artificial intelligence to monitor.

For a company like Baihu Technology, it is difficult to rely solely on artificial intelligence to limit it. Only hard institutional restrictions can be used to prevent problems before they happen.

White Tiger Technology currently has two most important tasks. One is that Ye Zishu asked them to develop virtual helmets, quantum chips and hardware related to quantum communication technology.

Since the technical information given by Ye Zishu is very detailed, there is no way. If it is not detailed, they can't even guess it. They have to follow the steps to realize it step by step.

After more than two months of experiments, they have figured out all the technical information. Even if they don't understand the deep theory inside, they can still understand the operating principle of the system.

Give them another month, and they will be able to develop all the materials and parts, not to mention the assembly, and the project will basically come to an end by then.

The second job is to promote their two sets of satellite systems. Under more intensive launches, the remote sensing satellite system finally completed all launch tasks on December 5, and all 66 satellites entered the predetermined orbit.

Now what Baihu Technology needs to consider is how to commercialize it quickly, maximize the potential of these two systems, and earn more money for itself.

So during this period of time, their management frequently flew around the country, negotiating with major commercial companies, mainly several large industrial companies and software companies under Ye Zishu.

For example, Phoenix Technology Company has entrusted a large number of professional institutions to complete the labeling of various landmark buildings under the supervision of relevant national departments.

As for the detailed road and geographical coordinates, it is actually very difficult to obtain, even if it is obtained, it may not be accurate, because it is confidential data.

Fortunately, Phoenix Technology does not need these data. They can use remote sensing satellite technology and positioning and navigation technology to get all the road and building information on the earth.

Then you only need to entrust a professional company to collect some non-confidential data to complete the production of the electronic map. If there are changes in the future, you only need to update it.

Qinglong Technology Company needs to build navigation chips and built-in Phoenix Technology Company's electronic map in their smartphones and other electronic devices.

Huanyu Group intends to include a built-in car navigation system in the new models launched next year, so that the car's automatic driving technology can be better utilized.

Kirin Industrial Group also added navigation and positioning devices to their industrial machinery and equipment, mainly to prevent the equipment from being misappropriated.

At the same time, many of their devices also need high-precision positioning requirements. These high-precision positioning is the real money-making part. Ordinary map navigation will not actually bring much income to Baihu Technology.

In the huge industrial industry of Xuanwu Technology Company, there are also a large number of positioning and navigation technologies that need positioning and navigation technology. At the same time, the industrial equipment they sell also needs built-in navigation and positioning technology.

Moreover, Baihu Technology Company has also started the global licensing business. Before, old m's global positioning system, that is, gps, required paying a high licensing fee and had to pass an audit.

Now that Baihu Technology's global satellite positioning system came out, they immediately canceled the review process, began to deregulate without limit, and also greatly reduced the authorization fee.

Fortunately, they haven't made money for many years, because their system was actually established around 1992. During this period of time, the degree of commercialization was not high, and it was difficult to make a lot of money.

Therefore, the two systems are almost in the same business competition environment. Naturally, Baihu Technology Company cannot let them specialize in the former, and it is necessary to start the road to global commercialization.

In terms of international cooperation, they only took out the navigation and positioning system, but they did not intend to take out the remote sensing satellite system for international cooperation.

If they really want to cooperate, they will also let Phoenix Technology provide similar software services, and they only need to collect licensing fees from Phoenix Technology.

This year is about to pass, and our country has made brilliant achievements in three important fields: aerospace, aviation and military equipment, and satellite system construction.

Originally, the rapid economic development of our country in recent years, especially the industries under Ye Zishu, caused heavy losses to many international counterparts, and the international environment is actually gradually deteriorating.

After all, the market is so big, if you occupy more, others will occupy less, especially if the meat in their bowl is robbed by others, it is normal to feel uncomfortable.

And at that time, what our country showed was only the rapid development in the field of civilian technology, and they did not have an advantage in the field of civilian technology, so they naturally wanted to adopt unconventional methods.

Especially with the support of a strong military force, they have enough confidence to carry out many actions, but they didn't expect that many of them would be slapped in the face shortly after they said their words.

The advancement of aerospace rocket technology means that our missile technology has made a huge breakthrough. In particular, we can realize the full recovery of rockets, and the technical level is already among the top in the world.

Advanced aviation and military preparations mean that we can have absolute control over our country's territory and surrounding waters. If we want to visit the surrounding waters in the future, we must weigh our own capabilities.

Two sets of advanced satellite technologies mean that our missiles will be more accurate, our detection capabilities will be stronger, and it will become less likely to sneak in.

It can be said that we have made major breakthroughs in these three areas. At the right time, it just dispelled the feverishness of many people caused by dissatisfaction with the distribution of benefits, and allowed them to calm down and think about problems.

However, there is no ability to adopt restrictions under trade rules. Even if the tax rate is increased for high-end products, they should still be needed, and it will only suffer for the people of their own country.

Although low-end manufacturing can be restricted, there is no need for them to continue producing this kind of product because the cost is too high, and only our country is the most suitable one who has searched all over the world and is capable of doing this job well.

And if they do not use our country's manufacturing system, it is impossible for them to start anew, because our country does not lack technology. If they start anew, it means that we will build more independent brands.

With his industry as an example, the domestic enterprises that used to do simple processing of supplied materials are no longer satisfied with doing coolies, but have greater ambitions.

Before, I just suffered from lack of funds and technology, and it was difficult to upgrade, and I didn’t have the strength to build a brand, so I could only continue to work for others.

Now, unlike in the past, Tidal Investment Company has begun to increase investment in domestic companies, and many companies with potential in themselves have obtained financing one after another.

After these companies got the money, they immediately carried out reforms in three aspects. The first one was to upgrade technology and production lines to improve the quality and efficiency of their products.

The second is to invest in the research and development of independent products. With the support of advanced design software, the work in this area is not as difficult as before, especially for enterprises with the support of intelligent design systems.

Although they have not completely stopped the processing business, due to the improvement of quality and management efficiency, they have greater bargaining power, and the industrial profit is much higher than before.

The third is brand building. This year, many manufacturers have launched their own brands, while continuing to carry out OEM business, so as to ensure that the basic disk of the enterprise will not have problems.

While speeding up the construction of its own brand, it not only increased the investment in advertising, but also began to learn to carry out brand operation and brand channel construction.

There are ready-made examples around them, and they naturally learn from others. Chinese companies are actually very capable of learning, but because of the overall environment in the past, it is not possible to learn in a short period of time if they want to do well.

They lack technological competitiveness in the high-end field, they lack cost competitiveness in the low-end field, and they will soon lose their absolute advantage in the mid-end field.

In such a competitive environment, it is not difficult for many companies to think of tricks. This is one of the reasons why Ye Zishu believes that Baihu Technology must be done well.

In the past two years, most of his energy has been devoted to this enterprise. Although he has not made much money so far, the additional effect he has brought is exactly what he wants.

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