Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 759 I feel a little uneasy about earning money


Perhaps because the economy has developed to a certain level, some things are bound to happen. For Baihe Software Company, last year was a crucial year.

With the needs of social and economic development, governments at all levels are also aware of the importance of government informationization, and began to advocate and promote the popularization of government informationization systems from a higher level.

As Baihe Software Company, which has been preparing for a long time, it is natural to come out on top. In China, they are the companies that talk about government informatization capabilities and theoretical research.

So last year, their development was very good, and their revenue in the government information business reached 100 billion yuan. Although it is incomparable with other brother companies, this achievement has been hard-won.

This is only the first year since the national government informatization work. In the future, as governments at all levels have a more thorough understanding of government informatization, there will be more demands for this kind of information.

Due to the nature of the industry that Baihe Software Company is engaged in, their market can only be in the domestic market, and it is difficult to expand to the international market. This is a no-brainer.

As for other businesses, they have been taken away by many brother companies, and they specialize in this kind of work. Even if they have businesses that can be internationalized, they will face certain difficulties.

Fortunately, the clouds bloom and the moon shines. With the gradual increase of government tax revenue and the development of society to a certain stage, their business will always come.

Of course, being able to achieve such results is not just the result of their own efforts, but the inevitable result of the entire industrial layout of Ye Zishu.

Compared with completely market-oriented business, government informatization is not necessarily theirs. Everyone knows the joints here, so I won’t go into details.

The reason why Baihe Software Company has achieved this level in this field that is not fully marketized is naturally that the relationship is at play.

However, this relationship is not the one we think it is, but the good interactive relationship between the many companies under Yezishu and the local government, which allows it to get rid of the influence of some factors and get orders with its technical strength.

Therefore, they are not only a company with low income, but also the most exhausting company. This achievement is achieved by many of their employees running from place to place.

It can be said that in the entire Phoenix Technology Company, Baihe Software Company is the hardest enterprise. Under the same system, employees will inevitably complain.

Everyone's level is not bad, why are they living a hard life and not making money, so in terms of remuneration, apart from technical factors, they will also be given some hard work care.

Therefore, the income of their employees is generally slightly higher than that of other companies. In the enterprises of Ye Zishu, it is not enough for a company to earn a high enough income.

Instead, it depends on how the employees really contribute to the development of the company.

The employees of some enterprises do not necessarily make much contribution, and the development of the company is mainly due to the reasons of the industry itself.

This is the so-called "Standing on the wind, even pigs can fly". If it is completely market-oriented, in order to compete for talents, it will use its own company's revenue advantages to improve employee benefits to achieve the goal.

Obviously, such a phenomenon does not exist in the entire Phoenix Technology company system. The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, and most of the technical contributions come from the boss, which has nothing to do with most employees.

Except for some outstanding talents, most of the employees are only doing relatively basic work, and it is not so easy to get the dividends of enterprise development based on this.

Therefore, although the employees of Baihe Software Company have worked a lot, their income is relatively high, and they don't have many complaints. If they don't want to be so tired, they can be transferred.

Anyway, it is very easy to transfer jobs within the entire system of Phoenix Technology Company. If there are suitable positions in the entire company, you can go there, but the income may not be as high as here.

Of course, you can also choose to jump out of the circle of Phoenix Technology Company and work in other companies under him, but it is relatively more difficult, unless it is the talents they urgently need.

If you jump out of the circle, you will be treated according to the new circle, but the treatment of Phoenix Technology Company is relatively better among many group companies. After all, they make so much money, and their employees can get a little bit of glory.

In addition to the government information business, their intelligent security system, which is the former Skynet system, is just the name of a certain project, so they collectively call it the intelligent security system internally.

Their main income came from this area the year before last, and they maintained a good momentum in this business last year. Everyone has become more and more aware of their advanced level in this area.

Whether it is domestic cities, streets, or public places in residential areas, these systems have been installed one after another, which has played a very positive role in improving social security.

Moreover, their business has spread all over the world. Due to the fully intelligent management of the background, the data is encrypted, and only by applying for specific permissions can these surveillance videos be retrieved.

This setting achieves a relative balance between taking care of social security and personal privacy. As long as you don't commit crimes, you don't have to worry about the video being viewed by others.

This can prevent wanton snooping by irrelevant people, and it is the best choice to solve personal privacy protection, so it has been recognized by many countries.

They just want to obtain their purchases and require the entire data to be deployed on their side. Naturally, there is no problem with this request for Baihe Software Company, which is what it should be.

However, some countries also proposed to view the source code of their entire system, which is a bit too much, and Baihe Software Company naturally directly refused.

Although the intelligence level of the exported system cannot be compared with the domestic top system, it is also the top technology in the world, and it is impossible for people to view all the source codes casually.

And if it is made public, it will be a huge security risk to the entire system, so they all carry out international cooperation with the mentality of cooperating if they can cooperate, and failing if they can't.

In the beginning, there were only individual buyers. They often purchased cameras and installed them at home and around them. The cloud platform was directly used in the background, which can improve the security of the home.

In just one year, they sold 30 million home system accounts worldwide, and each account brought them an average of $1,500 in revenue.

The reason for its popularity is very simple, that is, the real-time alarm function, which makes this system widely welcomed by home users. They don’t need to wait until after the incident to report to the police, but can be dealt with in time when the danger is happening.

As these home users have used it for a period of time without any data leakage cases, some government departments have gradually relaxed and began to try to build security systems in public places.

It’s just that compared with the income brought by home users, the income in this area is not very impressive. It only has an income of more than 10 billion yuan, which was not bad in the year before last, but not so good in this year.

Therefore, their main energy is still on family and individual customers. In contrast, foreign government orders do not need to spend so much energy.

Therefore, the international revenue of their intelligent security system is as high as 400 billion yuan, which has become their main source of income, but the income they can get is only half of it.

The remaining half needs to pay for the cost of camera hardware and the cost of the background cloud platform, so the actual income is only 200 billion yuan, but it is not bad.

Although the domestic income is not as high as the international income, it has reached 300 billion yuan. In addition to government orders, property companies such as Wancheng Foundation also have a lot of orders.

In particular, Wancheng Foundation will install such a security system in all of their built communities and public areas of commercial buildings to improve safety.

Other property companies or community owners will follow suit and gradually become popular in the residential sector. After installing such a system, you feel a lot more at ease.

Those who have money use panoramic cameras, such as Wancheng Jiye, so that no dead ends can be left, and even a fly can be caught.

Those who have no money can choose cheaper equipment to monitor key areas, which can also play a certain role. In this era, such measures are very necessary.

These devices purchased by the government are generally installed on various streets in the city. In addition to their security functions, they can also monitor traffic conditions, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

On the whole, their revenue is not the lowest, and the total revenue has reached 800 billion yuan, but the hardware cost is relatively high, and the actual net profit margin is not high, only 30%.

Fengming Technology Co., Ltd. was established the year before last and has achieved impressive results. Last year, it also achieved very good results. It is the fastest growing company among all brother companies.

The total revenue has exceeded 1 trillion yuan. In addition to ordinary customer service, there are hundreds of other services, but they have not left behind any business that can be imagined.

There are so many services that almost meet the needs of global consumers in all aspects. If you find that there are no, it doesn't matter, they will launch new services as quickly as possible.

Even the artificial intelligence will provide temporary additional services on the spot, with only one purpose, that is, to allow customers to get the best service as long as they contact them, and it is no problem to chat with children about "a hundred thousand reasons".

It is this kind of service concept that has led to their rapid development. In less than two years, they have successfully achieved a revenue of 1 trillion yuan.

This was achieved when the mobile Internet did not develop significantly. When the mobile Internet becomes the mainstream of communication, their business development will be better, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future.

As for the Hummingbird Life Service Company, which was established in May last year, it has not launched commercial services and is still polishing its products, so it has no income, and its losses are not too large, which can be ignored.

After reading the financial report data of all the companies under Phoenix Technology, Ye Zishu suddenly realized that the company's revenue last year was also very scary, reaching 9.85 trillion yuan.

He thought it would be good for Phoenix Technology to have a revenue of 5 trillion yuan last year. Obviously, he seriously underestimated the development potential of Phoenix Technology. This has not included the revenue of e-commerce, which is special after all.

Although the net profit margin has declined, it has reached 60%, and the realized net profit is 5.9 trillion yuan. Its earning power should be second only to Taiji Group.

According to their posture, they have almost earned the world's money in the field of digital information. He is a little uneasy, but there is no good way to solve it. They must not be allowed to develop.

Then there is the distribution of benefits. Phoenix Technology did not make any foreign investment last year, and all the profits were in its own hands, so he directly took away 5 trillion yuan and left 900 billion yuan for his own use.

Although they have such a huge revenue, in fact, their own expenses are not high, and 900 billion yuan is enough for them to deal with any situation, so that the company will not be unable to operate when it encounters difficulties.

Their expenses are mainly in labor costs, then server hardware costs, and finally fixed investment costs, and the total number of employees in their entire group worldwide is only more than 2.5 million.

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