Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 764: Kirin Textile Industry Group Explodes


Kirin Industrial Group is a relatively different existence. The entire group is not so much a company as an industrial alliance, and each sub-group company is very independent.

However, compared with enterprise alliances, the capital exchanges between them are very close, forming a whole, and having a stronger ability to resist risks.

In terms of industrial structure, they also cover a very wide range, including heavy industry, light industry, precision manufacturing, and agriculture, etc. It is simply a kaleidoscope.

The same is true in terms of technology types, involving biology, physics, chemistry, agricultural planting, climate and environment, etc., and it is the most extensive in terms of technology.

The reason for this situation is very simple. The reason is that they are the latest industrial group established by Ye Zishu. Previously established industrial groups had a clear business scope.

However, these industrial companies specializing in a certain field are destined to have a limited scope, and there are certain loopholes in the closed industry loop. Even if they have a sound industrial chain, they will also involve cost management issues.

Therefore, a kaleidoscope-like industrial enterprise is needed. On the one hand, it is to gather basic businesses to reduce the overall cost, and on the other hand, it is to make up for the missing links of the entire system.

Of course, it is also related to Ye Zishu's positioning of Kirin Industrial Group as the ballast stone of the national economy. In the future, even if other industrial companies face difficulties, Kirin Industrial Group can guarantee the basic operation of the overall economy.

Therefore, Kirin Industrial Group mainly focuses on basic industries, such as food and other daily necessities, which are always needed by residents. Although the value is not high, the lack of them will cause major problems and cause social unrest.

The year before last, Kirin Textile Industry Group achieved a good start, and it was the unit that turned over the most profits among all sub-groups. It also achieved impressive results last year.

The self-operated clothing, shoes, hats, luggage and other industries have become the largest income, with annual revenue of 4 trillion yuan, becoming the world's largest clothing, shoes, hats, luggage and other enterprises.

The reason why they achieved such impressive results in just two years must be because they had an advantage, otherwise it would be basically impossible to fight their way out of an industry surrounded by powerful enemies and successfully climb to the top.

They have four advantages: The first point is to take advantage of raw materials. Compared with traditional textile materials, they have many new materials with particularly high-quality properties.

This advantage instantly distinguishes them from other brands, making their products very unique and unique, which is extremely important for brand building.

In addition to traditional advertising and marketing, the most fundamental purpose of brand promotion is to create a difference and make your own brand more recognizable.

The uniqueness in textile raw materials not only enhances brand recognition,

And it also makes consumers feel a very real quality of life improvement, which is more practical than the psychological improvement brought by the brand.

The second point is the strong marketing channels. All platforms under Phoenix Technology are closely cooperating with them in publicity, and they also offer relatively favorable prices, which are much more considerate than other publicity partners.

Although this requires a lot of money, it is an essential part in the early days of brand establishment. No matter how advantageous it is, if you want to live well in this industry, publicity is always indispensable and requires continuous investment.

Last year, they spent as much as 500 billion yuan on advertising and marketing. According to this investment in publicity, there is no problem in becoming the world's largest advertiser.

Of course, they have invested so much in publicity because they must be very confident in the ratio of input to output, otherwise they would not have dared to invest so much in publicity.

The third point is strong technical strength. With advanced clothing production equipment, they can produce products that others cannot produce at all. The most typical is seamless technology.

The clothes we usually wear can obviously feel the traces of various sewing, but here, they can be seamlessly sewn to make them look seamless.

This technology is not obvious on outerwear, but when used on underwear products, it can greatly improve the user experience and give most users a reason to choose them.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of their many advanced technologies. With the support of advanced technologies, they can make many distinctive products and further enhance their uniqueness.

The fourth point is strong design capabilities. Although they may not have the most designers, they have artificial intelligence technology to minimize design costs, and the design efficiency is unmatched by traditional designs.

People have both strong creativity and strong inertial thinking in design. After a designer's technology is finalized, it is often difficult to make too much breakthrough innovation.

Artificial intelligence does not have this problem, because it overcomes the shortcomings of human thinking and emotions, but can feel all human emotions, and naturally designs from a higher dimension.

Therefore, the designs they make are often unique, but they make consumers feel that they are what they want, and they feel love at first sight. This ability can only be achieved occasionally by top designers.

The fifth point is the powerful demand analysis ability. With the help of advanced information technology and powerful data collection ability, it can accurately locate each consumer, analyze its preferences and more possibilities.

This kind of analysis ability is something that other clothing brands will never be able to achieve, and then with the help of precise advertising capabilities, the products that consumers see seem to be tailor-made for them.

The largest advertiser of Phoenix Software's personal security software is Kirin Textile Industry Group, and they often choose the first lock screen advertisement, with a purchase rate as high as 30%, the highest among all advertisements.

Of course, they are not really tailor-made for each consumer, and the cost will be too high, but after big data analysis, they form classifications and design products according to the classifications.

Classification will be carried out from various dimensions. Some classifications are as high as hundreds of thousands, while others have only hundreds of classifications. Artificial intelligence will classify from various dimensions to formulate design plans.

There is no fixed rule for this kind of analysis. It is completely artificial intelligence that analyzes data at any time. This can better reflect market demand. If it is artificially divided into several categories, it will fall into a disadvantage.

Especially after using the service robot, the ability to collect user information has been greatly improved. For every user who comes to the store, the service robot instantly collects the consumer's body shape.

When communicating with consumers, it can also collect more detailed information such as consumers' preferences, and even analyze the psychological characteristics of consumers, all of which are done without perception.

Then through the membership system, a data file is established for each consumer, and they even cooperate with Fengming Technology Company. If there is a product that meets the needs of consumers, they will notify members as soon as possible. It is like a caring little padded jacket for consumers.

The sixth point is the strong turnover of goods. What the garment industry is most afraid of is overstocking. Why are there so many garment companies with such high profit margins? It is because there are too many overstocks.

Generally, a stock ratio is calculated. As long as it is below this ratio, it can generally operate safely. If it exceeds, and exceeds a lot, clothing companies will face huge losses.

For Kirin Textile Industry Group, relying on its strong market capabilities, the overstock is not high in the first place, and they use powerful information technology to dynamically realize global commodity adjustments.

This approach can reduce the backlog rate of goods to a minimum, thereby increasing profit margins. This is currently impossible for any clothing company, and it is also one of the important means for them to achieve overall high profits.

The seventh point is an efficient operation cycle. In order to improve the high turnover rate, they form a complete set of data chains from market analysis, product design, product production, product logistics, inventory analysis, and distribution adjustments.

Every link is closely coordinated, excluding transportation time, and can control the entire process to be completed within one week, which is something other clothing companies cannot do.

This approach can not only increase the turnover rate of funds, but also allow consumers to buy their favorite products at the smallest interval, shortening the purchase cycle of consumers.

The eighth point is strong sales channels. They have established a large number of brand stores around the world, so that every consumer has the opportunity to come into contact with their brands and make purchases more convenient.

In addition to offline channels, they have also worked closely with E-commerce companies to carry out online business and further expand their sales channels.

Others may face the problem of losing money by opening so many stores, but they have the above advantages, which can not only attract consumers to come to buy, but also retain consumers.

As long as customers who have consumed in their stores have a very high repurchase rate, they will become their loyal customers over time. After all, they can provide services that other brands cannot provide.

Anyway, for consumers, it costs money. If they want to choose, they will definitely choose the brand that makes them most satisfied. With its many advantages, Kirin Textile Industry Group can do its best in all aspects.

The ninth point is a complete brand system. The number of their brands is as high as several hundred, and each brand has a clear brand positioning. Even if it is the same type of brand, there will be a focus.

If it is placed in other clothing companies, such operation is undoubtedly looking for death, but there is no problem here in Qilin Textile Industry Group, because they have realized full digital management.

Coupled with the use of artificial intelligence, each brand can give full play to its own advantages and avoid brand confusion. This is an important reason why they dare to do so.

Whether you are poor or rich, whether you are a child or an elderly person, whether you are a man or a woman, there is always one or more brands that meet your needs.

The tenth point is to have the advantage of the whole industry chain. Although market division of labor can bring about cost reduction, large and comprehensive enterprises will face many problems and their operating costs will be higher.

But it depends on how to do it. If traditional enterprises follow the large and comprehensive operation mode, there will definitely be problems such as increased management difficulty, difficult quality control, and high production costs.

After all, it is difficult for a company to achieve perfection in all aspects. It is a big gap between being responsible for each company and forming a specialization and precision. Market-oriented division of labor is the best choice.

However, Kirin Textile Industry Group has achieved an absolute leading position in the entire industrial chain, and the high management costs that are difficult for large enterprises to overcome do not exist here.

Without diamonds, I would not dare to do porcelain work. Before the Internet and artificial intelligence, it can be seen from the industry laid out by Ye Zishu.

They are all industries that can beat opponents as long as they have technical advantages. This kind of industry has relatively low management requirements, and he can guarantee the technical advantages himself.

After the emergence of artificial intelligence and the Internet, he established a company like Kirin Industrial Group. If this kind of kaleidoscopic company does not have some advantages in management technology, he will definitely not be able to play it well, at least not so well.

It can be said that the emergence of artificial intelligence is a qualitative leap in the improvement of enterprise management capabilities. Otherwise, there would be no giant enterprises like Wancheng Jiye, and management would be a disaster.

Even a company like Wancheng Jiye can manage it freely with the support of information technology and intelligent technology, let alone Kirin Textile Industry Group, which is much less difficult.

Among the above ten advantages, except that the textile and garment production technology has little relationship with artificial intelligence and informatization, all other advantages are based on these two.

The improvement of information technology can be achieved by other companies as long as they work hard, but it is impossible for other companies to own artificial intelligence technology in the short term. This is a unique advantage.

This is equivalent to a dimensionality reduction blow to other competitors in terms of marketing, design, production, marketing, and post-processing. It would be strange if it could not make some excellent results.

In addition to the exclusive textile materials of Kirin Textile Industry Group, which are reserved only for its own clothing brands, the remaining conventional textile materials are also sold externally.

Last year, their textile materials business was highly recognized by the market with its more advantageous cost, higher quality, and stable supply capacity not affected by raw materials.

Don't think that synthetic traditional textile materials are naturally low-end. In fact, they can be sold at a higher price because of their better quality.

Kirin Textile Industry Group was still aggressive in textile materials last year, and became the textile enterprise with the most complete range of textile materials in the world. All kinds of goods can be found here, and the quality is better.

They also have the textile materials that are not available in the market, but the ones that are sold to the outside world are not particularly distinctive, and the textile materials with particularly obvious characteristics will not be sold to the outside world.

Therefore, in the whole of last year, the revenue of their textile products sold abroad reached as high as 1 trillion yuan, and they became suppliers of textile materials in many countries around the world.

Apart from that, they also have their own textile products business covering industrial textiles, home textiles, decorative art textiles, household textiles, special textiles.

These are all textiles that have nothing to do with clothing, shoes, hats, bags, but there is also a large market, so naturally they did not let it go, and set up a subsidiary group company to manage it.

Last year's revenue in this area also reached 100 billion yuan. Although it is incomparable with the above revenue, it is also a strong supplement to its business, and its future development prospects will not be bad.

It's just that the development time is short at present, and the management idea is different from that of the clothing industry. It takes time to grind slowly, and it is difficult to see explosive growth.

For the whole year of last year, the total revenue of Kirin Textile Industry Group was 5.1 trillion yuan, the net profit rate was 50%, and the net profit was 2.55 trillion yuan. This data is quite impressive.

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