Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 784 Changes in hometown and changes at home


Going home from the county this time, the road is much easier. The main road is two-way 10-lane, and the road that turns to his village is much narrower. It is also built according to two-way four-lane, and there are sidewalks on both sides.

Rows of trees are planted along the sidewalk, and the road surface is also very clean. To maintain this kind of cleanliness in rural areas, you must clean it frequently, which shows that it is well maintained.

The road construction uses a new type of paving material developed by Kirin Basic Industry Group, which has high water seepage performance and does not require special installation of road sewer pipes.

However, a special guide groove pattern will be laid under the road surface, which can divert excess water seepage from the road surface to the underground ditches on both sides, and the water in the underground ditches will connect to nearby ponds and lakes.

Although the cost of this design is higher, the maintenance cost is very low, and there is no need to worry about the sewer being blocked by a large amount of garbage, because the seepage road surface has already filtered out these things.

Moreover, unlike cement roads, it is easy to expand and contract with heat and contract, causing the road surface to crack. It does not need to be repaired as soon as the asphalt pavement is damaged, otherwise the damage will be more serious.

And it is very easy to repair. You only need to fill the damaged part with the same material, and then use a high-temperature musket to heat it to 800 degrees Celsius. The damaged part can be integrated with the original road surface, and it can't be seen that it has been repaired.

The most important thing is that this kind of pavement is very environmentally friendly, and there are no substances that are harmful to the human body, because this material is artificially produced and has a very high degree of purity.

But asphalt is extracted from petroleum. No matter how sophisticated the technology is, there will still be impurities dug up from the depths of the ground, and these impurities are often harmful to a certain extent.

All the highways built by Wancheng Jiye also use this material, which has brought a lot of business to Kirin Basic Industry Group. This material will surely become the main paving material in our country.

In the past, it took at least half an hour to return to the village from the county seat, but this time it only took 15 minutes to return to the village from the county, which is very fast.

When he returned to the village, what he saw were brand new houses, which were much more beautiful than other villages, probably because his house was used as a reference.

The houses built by the villagers are no longer the traditional house structure, but are built in the form of villas, and the exterior decoration is very beautiful.

When he got closer, he found that these houses were not ordinary reinforced concrete structures, but were built of wooden materials used by Qilin Timber Industry Group to build rural villas.

This made him even more surprised. In this era, the cost of rural villas built in this way is very high. Don't think that wooden houses are cheap, it depends on what kind of wood it is.

In order to make the wooden villa perform very well, Qilin Timber Industry Group,

Many advanced wooden building materials have been developed. The starting price of a two-story wooden villa like this one is 300,000 yuan.

This kind of wooden material specially used for building houses has a minimum service life of 50 years, and if it is well maintained, it can be used for a longer period of time.

If you buy better wooden building materials, the service life is longer, and it is not a problem to reach hundreds of years. As long as you are willing to spend money and can use materials that can last for hundreds of years, Qilin Timber Industry Group can also manufacture them.

If you choose better wooden materials, the price ranges from 500,000 yuan to 1 million yuan, which is much more expensive than the current brick-concrete structure houses.

Like an ordinary brick-concrete structure, to build a three-story rural house, the material cost of 40,000 to 50,000 is enough. If labor costs are included, 70,000 to 80,000 can build a beautiful house.

Of course, don't think that the cost of wooden villas is too high. The high price naturally has a reason for the high price. First, the construction period is short. Building a villa is like building blocks, and it can be completed in more than ten days.

This is a very good choice for those who are in a hurry to live and are not short of money, and the construction process is very environmentally friendly and saves time and effort.

The second is that it has the characteristics of reuse. If you want to change the place one day, these materials can be dismantled into various parts like building blocks, loaded and transported away, and rebuilt in another place.

If it is a reinforced concrete house, it is very difficult to move. You need to buy new materials to build another house, and the reusability is very low.

Taking a step back, if one day you don't want to live here, you can directly sell the materials of the house, and you can get a lot of income, and you can recover a lot of construction costs.

The third is strong earthquake resistance. For a single-family villa like this, it would be too expensive to use anti-seismic devices. Just a set of anti-seismic devices would cost hundreds of thousands of yuan at least, which is not worth it at all.

And such a wooden villa, even if it is an earthquake of magnitude 8, there is no need to worry about serious damage. At a higher earthquake level, at least personal safety is guaranteed.

In summary, in addition to the high cost, houses built with wooden materials are the most suitable houses for rural areas, and their indicators far exceed ordinary reinforced concrete houses or brick-concrete houses.

Then the question came, where did these people in the village get the money to build such a good wooden villa? Although he didn't know the specific price, it looked high-end, and the cost was estimated to be around 400,000 to 500,000 yuan.

Although the villagers did earn some money with the help of his family, they were still unable to build such a house. Could there be ways to make money that he didn't know about?

With this question in mind, Ye Zishu came to the door amidst greetings all the way. As usual, uncles, aunts, and children from the village all ran over.

When people come over, they naturally have to greet them. Ye Zishu, as usual, offers cigarettes to the elders, while the children are greeted by Ye Ziqi and Ye Ziqin, and give them various snacks.

Now it is no longer a simple candy. After everyone gets richer, candy is no longer a rarity, so he prepares a lot of high-end snacks at home to entertain relatives and friends.

These were all arranged by Ye Zihua. According to his father's opinion, it would be nice to have something to eat, so he was so particular about it, and the salary Ye Ziqi received was not high, so he just kept the flowers for himself.

After all, the foundation is considered a public welfare undertaking, so it is impossible to give her a high salary. Her monthly salary as the person in charge is only 20,000 yuan, but the daily expenses are borne by the foundation.

In contrast, Ye Zihua earned a lot of money. Even if 1% was used as a reward, he took half of the bonus by himself. Last year, he got a bonus of 15 billion yuan.

Of course, his bonus needs to pay personal income tax. Even so, the money that fell into his hands was nearly 10 billion yuan. A proper local tyrant naturally pays attention to a lot of money.

To be honest, Ye Zihua has much more money in his personal account than in his personal account. The money in his personal account is only a few hundred million yuan, which is all the income from music these years.

He is also much more generous than him in spending money. The financial city built by Wancheng Foundation in Shanghai also has a high-end residential project with river view in a good location, but the price is very high, similar to Tang Chen Yipin in the previous life.

It's just that the quality is better than Tomson Yipin. After all, the construction technology owned by Wancheng Foundation is not comparable to that of the previous life, and the corresponding price is not acceptable to ordinary people.

It has not yet been completed, and the external quotation is 300,000 yuan per square meter. The minimum area is 600 square meters, and the largest area is as high as thousands of square meters.

Such an offer is currently priceless, not to say that others don’t want to own it, but that they can’t afford it. The minimum price for a set is 180 million yuan, and most bosses are reluctant to part with it.

Especially compared with the current housing prices, it seems more expensive. Although the housing prices in Shanghai have risen a lot, the price in the city center is only more than 5,000 yuan per square meter.

But with such an expensive price, Ye Zihua actually bought three sets at once, one set for himself, and the remaining two sets were directly given to Ye Ziqi and Ye Ziqin.

It's just that Ye Ziqi's set told her, but Ye Ziqin's set hasn't told her. After all, Ye Ziqin is preparing for the college entrance examination, so there is no need to tell her the news.

In addition, he also bought a piece of land in the center of the capital, and is entrusting Wancheng Foundation to help him build a villa. The total cost is as high as more than one billion yuan, which fully demonstrates the true qualities of a local tyrant.

Ye Zishu did not criticize him for this behavior. The reason why he set such a high reward at the beginning was to give him money in disguise, but compared to giving money directly, he can be regarded as self-sufficient.

As long as you don't compete with ordinary people for resources, you can do whatever you want. There is nothing wrong with being rich and enjoying better material conditions, but he is very disgusted with spiritual depravity.

The reason why he didn't directly give shares to Ye Zihua is because of this. If he is not satisfied with Ye Zihua, he can get back what he gave out, which can form a constraint on Ye Zihua, and he dare not do anything casually.

Fortunately, Ye Zihua is currently doing well. Although buying a high-end house may seem a bit extravagant, it is still a form of investment. He cannot ask others to be like him. Up to now, he has not had a house that is completely his own.

The houses in the capital are all owned by Phoenix Software Company. The house built by his hometown has his father’s name written in the house book. If you insist, there is only a courtyard house invested by the capital before.

It's just that these courtyard houses are just personal investment products, and they will be sold if the price is right in the future. It is unlikely that they will keep a set for themselves, the main reason is that he thinks that's the way to live.

Compared with him, Ye Zihua is obviously better for the two younger sisters. He will give Ye Ziqi a large sum of money every month, the amount is as high as millions of yuan, but he only gave one million yuan at the beginning, and there will be no money after that. Give again.

In his opinion, the one million yuan given back then is enough for Ye Ziqi to live well, there is no need to give it every month, plus the salary of the foundation, he is living better than most people.

Ye Zihua didn't dare to give Ye Ziqin so much money. After all, she was still working hard for the college entrance examination, and giving too much money would easily distract her, so she often bought her various high-end snacks and sent them to her school by courier.

From these perspectives, Ye Zihua was obviously more liked by the two younger sisters, but they didn't dare to prick Ye Zishu in front of him. They behaved well when they saw him. After all, the prestige established since childhood was hard to get rid of.

What's more, the current situation was created by Ye Zishu alone, so there is no need for Ye Zishu to say anything about helping and greetings. The younger brothers and sisters all came out to help consciously.

His mother was very happy to see him come back. It was necessary to ask for his relatives. His father went to the county and hadn't come back yet. According to Ye Zihua, he was going to give year-end awards to employees on his behalf.

Unlike other companies that issue year-end bonuses directly to employees' personal bank accounts, his father insists on cash, as well as various grains, oils, rice noodles, and New Year's meat.

He was noncommittal about his father's actions. His father's actions made it easier for others to remember his goodness. However, his business is so large that it is impossible to do such things by himself, and even the management has no energy to do such things.

Moreover, this approach is only effective for his father's generation. For many young people, distributing these things is better than directly distributing money. They can buy whatever they want.

At the beginning, there was a big disagreement with the management because of this matter. For the management, they felt that it was unnecessary to do so, but my father insisted on doing so.

So the lawsuit came to his desk. Both parties had reasons. The management must ensure that all funds are fully reflected in the system, otherwise some things are unclear.

It is precisely this kind of strict management system that can maintain the normal operation of the company, so that he does not have to worry about the company being hollowed out by others after he leaves for a long time.

In his industrial system, no private cash transactions are allowed, and all capital transactions need to be approved and transferred through bank accounts.

One is to reduce management costs, and the other is to eliminate corruption, including internal corruption and bribery in business operations. It is not uncommon to bribe relevant officials now.

He is strictly restricted from the system. If a business person bribes, it is his personal behavior, and the related expenses will be borne by the individual, and everything has nothing to do with the company.

The business people don't want to go in with their own money, and this kind of atmosphere no longer exists. It can be said that the company under him is the most serious company in the country.

He knew that he would have no problem persuading his father, but he had no intention of persuading his father. He finally got this idea, so just let him do it.

It's enough for the management to show it in the company's financial data, and it's only during the Chinese New Year. It must be his father who handles the matter.

As for other times, his father can't handle it like this, and if it's not handled by his father, he can't open his mouth. He must go through the system process, which is a compromise.

Fortunately, the two companies his father is in charge of are not large in size and the number of employees is relatively limited, so it doesn't take much time to deal with it, and it can make him enjoy it, so why not do it.

After the people in the village sat at his house for an hour, when they saw the meal time, everyone left one after another, and the originally lively scene became quiet in an instant.

During the chat, he understood why the villagers had the money to build such a house. It turned out that they borrowed money from his father. Each family borrowed 500,000 yuan, interest-free for five years.

If it is repaid within five years, only the principal will be repaid. If it is more than five years, not only the principal must be returned, but the interest will also be calculated for the previous five years, just in case someone delays the repayment.

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