Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 788 Buying land to build a personal laboratory


After talking with the county leaders on the phone, Ye Zishu drove out and went to the county seat to discuss the purchase of land with the land management department.

This is his personal laboratory, and the facilities inside are only for him, and he will not recruit assistants, so it doesn't matter where it is built, so the closer to home, the better.

After some choices, he still put his laboratory on the mouth of the lake behind his village, which is now a vegetable garden belonging to another village.

The advantage is that there is only a small forest separated from their village, and the front is just facing Poyang Lake. The terrain is very high, so there is no need to worry about being submerged by water.

Moreover, this area is a terraced field, which is not high-quality farmland, so there is no need to worry that others will not sell it. Apart from their village, the surrounding area is a certain distance from other villages, so security measures are better.

After finding the place, he used surveying and mapping software to measure the area, and the area reached more than 80 mu, including everything from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

For security reasons and to prevent other people from intruding without reason, he directly expanded the area to 100 mu, and sold the mountain land of the village connected in the middle.

Seeing the land area of ​​Ye Zishuquan, the county is of course no problem, 100 mu is actually not that big, but it is useless for them to promise, they just allow him to do so.

As for whether it can be bought, it has to be discussed with the person concerned, and at the same time, the collective consent of the village where it is located is required. This matter is more troublesome and can be negotiated for a long time.

Now everyone is still very concerned about the land, whether it is useful or not, they have to hold it in their own hands. Fortunately, he plans to spend a lot of money to buy it, so there is no need to be stingy in this regard.

After getting permission from the county, Ye Zishu went home directly, told his father and Ye Zihua about the incident, and asked his father to talk to the opposite village, and Ye Zihua also participated in the negotiation.

He plans to set the initial price at 100,000 yuan per mu, which is still very high here, especially for the piece of land he painted, which is really not very good, but the location is good.

If the other party disagrees, it can also be increased to 150,000 yuan. If it still does not agree, it is necessary to consider changing the place, because if the price is increased, people think they can get more.

If the price is negotiated, an unanimous agreement must be signed, that is, as long as one person disagrees, the contract will become invalid, and the contract will not be implemented until everyone agrees.

The purpose of doing this is actually to prevent scoundrels. People from other villages like him are very difficult to entangle with them. Only people from this village can subdue these people.

And based on the consideration of their own interests, everyone will collectively force those who are careful to agree, otherwise everyone will not get the money, which will put a lot of psychological pressure on some people.

After telling his father and younger brother about these considerations,

He stopped taking care of it, but went back to his study and began to design his personal laboratory.

The entire main body of the laboratory will be underground, and he plans to build a huge garden villa on the ground, which cannot be seen as a laboratory at all from the outside.

On the one hand, this is to deceive people, and the other is to increase the living space. I used to think that the house he built was quite spacious, but now it seems that it is not enough.

While he was busy, his father and younger brother did not delay, and it was most appropriate to discuss this matter while they were both at home now.

They took gifts and went to the opposite village, found the person in charge of the village, and brought up the matter of buying the land. The other party was also very forthright and agreed to take the lead in this matter.

In fact, the person in charge of the natural village does not have much real power, and only plays the role of a convener. He does not dare to be sloppy in this matter, after all, everyone's interests are involved.

Everyone went home during the Chinese New Year, so it was very easy to call these people over to discuss matters. All the people related to that land were called to the ancestral hall for a meeting.

Father is also a person who has experienced big scenes now. Although there are a lot of people on the other side, he is not stage frightened at all, and he expressed his idea of ​​buying land.

It's just that when quoting the price, instead of quoting 100,000 yuan per mu as Ye Zishu said, he gave a price of 70,000 yuan per mu, because this price is not too low.

Now is the first round of quotations, and the other party will definitely not agree so readily. It will take several rounds of back and forth before it is possible to meet the other party's psychological expectations.

If the price is too high now, there will not be much room for negotiation in the future, and there may be a stalemate. In fact, this is the case. Although the price is indeed not low, everyone at the scene did not show a satisfied expression.

If it is for two or three years, the price is indeed very attractive, but it is much less attractive now, because wages have risen sharply in recent years, and everyone's life is not as difficult as before.

The more important reason is that no one has a large piece of land over there. Every household has only a small piece of land, some of which are less than a penny of land, and many of which are only a few cents of land. No one holds more than a mu of land. .

Because there are vegetable gardens here, if they sell them, it will be more troublesome for them to grow vegetables. If there is not enough profit, few people will sell their vegetable gardens at home.

But they couldn't give any reason to refute it, because the offer was almost the same as the fertile land around the county seat. Their land was not fertile land, and it was still far away from the county seat.

It stands to reason that it cannot be sold at such a high price. Now that Ye Zishu's father has given this high price, if he stands up to oppose it, he may be considered greedy.

But it was sold like this, and it was not reconciled, so the scene suddenly fell into silence, and no one spoke, which made the atmosphere of the scene very awkward.

Fortunately, after going on for about 10 minutes, someone stood up and said, "To be honest, Boss Ye's price is really kind, but all my vegetable gardens are there.

If we sell the land to you, we will have no place to grow vegetables, and the whole family will have to eat and cook, so we can't just eat white rice.

It's not that we don't appreciate it, but that we really have no choice. There are still many people in my situation. We can't ignore the difficulties in the future for the sake of immediate interests. Boss Ye, you say yes. "

This reason seems to be sufficient, but it is just a bargaining chip in the negotiation. The other party is embarrassed to directly say that the price is not satisfactory, so they find this excuse.

Everyone is human. After this person started, the others also nodded to express the truth. Although the money is very attractive, considering the future, these lands really cannot be sold casually.

His father is also a human being, so he had expected this a long time ago, but he said unhurriedly: "Fellows in my hometown, I know your situation well.

Some of you have vegetable gardens over there, but it would be a bit of an exaggeration to say that you can’t eat vegetables. You also have fields in other places, and there is no problem with growing vegetables.

I have also planted land all my life, and I can understand your feelings for land, but this is only limited to our generation, and our next generation may not necessarily see it that way.

Now that everyone goes out to work, whoever still farms the land will not earn money at all, and has to work hard. If they don’t sell it now, these lands will also be abandoned in the future.

Even if it is contracted to other people to cultivate in the future, they will not want your piece of land. Apart from being a vegetable garden, that piece of land has no other value. You think I am right. "

His father's words were talking about the future trend. In the past, people couldn't find a good job, so they could only eat from the land honestly. It is understandable that they valued the land too much.

But now going out to do some work casually is much better than farming. Even if they do small jobs in the county, they can earn more than farming. Many of them actually have side jobs outside.

What's more, the next generation who have not experienced hardships, it is unlikely that they will be allowed to farm, and their place is not a plain, mechanized operations can only be useful for limited land, and it is difficult to mechanize operations on sloping fields on hills.

So they agreed with what Ye Zishu said, but they just wanted to make them let go, but it was still a bit close, so they needed to add fire.

"The reason why we want to buy this land is that it is very close to our village, just behind our village, and the location is also very good, and this land is not a fertile land, and it is much easier for the government to review it.

If you really don't want to, we don't have to sell this land. We don't have many other lands in the countryside, and the land to choose from is not bad. " Ye Zishu's father said.

Saying this made many people look a little ugly, and even those with a bit of a temper wanted to stand up and say directly: "Then we won't sell it!"

In the countryside, there are quite a lot of hot-tempered people. Although his father's words just now were not that sharp, they all understood the meaning and seemed a little threatening.

Seeing that everyone was agitated, Ye Zihua, who had been silent by the side, stood up and said, "Everyone, don't be agitated, although what my father said is true.

But we are all fellow villagers, so we should not be so hypocritical when doing things, and speak openly and honestly, which is much better than being secretive now.

In view of the fact that after everyone sold the vegetable garden, it would bring a lot of inconvenience to life, I made the decision for my father and raised the price to 80,000 yuan per mu. I think this price is already very high in our county. "

The person in charge of their village also spoke at this time, because everyone said just now that they couldn't sell it, but now they sell it after raising the price, which is obviously not good for face.

At this time, he needs to come out to smooth things over, and said: "Everyone just found out about this matter, and you have to go home and discuss it with your wife. I think you should come here first, and it will not be too late to discuss it after the discussion."

Ye Zishu's father also knew that there would be no results today, and they still had to conduct group discussions on their side, and only after reaching a consensus would there be follow-up negotiations.

So he also said: "Since this is the case, then I will go back. Everyone, think about it carefully. Everyone knows our sincerity, so I won't say more."

After the meeting, the person in charge of their village wanted to take Ye Zishu's father to his house for a meal. After all, his father was well-known here.

Pulling him to eat at home, one is to set the tone, and the other is to get closer. After all, being able to get on line with his father will make it much easier to find a decent job in the county in the future.

It's just that his father didn't mean it that way. He shied away and said that his wife insisted that he go home, and it would not be too late to go back next time, so the other party had no choice but to give up.

Here, men have the final say on things outside, but women have absolute control over eating and drinking at home, and there is no shame in talking outside.

After the two returned home, they told Ye Zishu about the situation at the scene just now. Ye Zishu felt that there was nothing wrong with it. It was still far away from the psychological price he gave, so we will talk slowly later.

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