Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 800 Let everyone know the Huanyu Group again


Huanyu Group's automobile business is developing too fast, and the new market is actually very limited except for the domestic market. This shows that the international market he obtained originally belonged to other automobile companies.

Although it is not unbearable for so many auto companies to share the loss, it will still be very painful. Huanyu Group already has a serious competitive relationship with them.

Competition in the commercial field is a very normal thing, and Huanyu Group should not be afraid of grabbing too much market from others, but there is no need to be in a state of complete confrontation.

They come up with advanced car batteries, which can effectively ease the relationship with other car companies. After all, if they want to use their batteries, they need to rely on themselves to a certain extent.

As long as others are dependent on themselves, it will be easy. Even if the two sides compete, they will not tear their skins. This is why it is difficult to separate each other after economic integration. If they insist on decoupling, it means that everyone's life will not be easy.

In addition to the above reasons, there is another reason that they hope to jointly promote the development of new energy vehicles. It is not a big problem to rely on Huanyu Group as a company in China, but it is very difficult to monopolize power internationally.

This time, they not only sell the car battery products to the outside world, but also authorize the charging standards and technology to the outside world. Other companies can produce charging equipment by themselves after obtaining the technology authorization.

Just getting technical authorization does not mean that it can be produced, because many special materials are used in it, and these special materials will not be authorized by external technology.

Among them, there are many key technologies that will not be licensed to the outside world, even if the license fee will be high, in short, they can still make a lot of money from it.

Huanyu Group is not afraid of competition, as long as they still have autonomous driving technology, artificial intelligence technology, and advanced vehicle technology, they will always have their own place in the market.

Moreover, no matter how advanced their technology is in the entire automobile market, they will not be able to eat it all, and they will not be able to eat it. Even if they have good teeth, others will not let them eat it all.

Instead of this, it is better to carry out some product sales and technology authorization to the outside world, and make some money from other people's markets on the premise of ensuring that their own market is not damaged.

Also at this press conference, Huanyu Group announced for the first time the super maglev train technology they developed, and it is a complete set of technology.

It claims to have a mature super maglev train with a maximum speed of 950 kilometers per hour and a stable speed of 850 kilometers per hour, which will change the existing rail transit pattern.

If the new energy vehicles and all kinds of cool car upgrade technologies just now caught everyone's eyes, their technical parameters of the super maglev train completely blinded everyone's eyes.

The reporters at the scene disregarded the rules of the press conference,

Stand up directly to confirm whether there is a problem with the parameters. After repeated confirmation, everyone does not know what to say.

This speed is already comparable to that of a passenger plane. It is definitely not too much to be called a land aircraft. Everyone wants to know the technical details of it and confirm whether they are lying.

It's a pity that Huanyu Group didn't disclose too many details, because they understand very well that there are not many truly powerful countries in the world, so there is no need to disclose too many details.

If a country is willing to cooperate, it will naturally explain more details to customers. The real market is still domestic, and even if other countries want to build, the number is very limited.

Old M has this condition, but he has intricate interests in the transportation field. In his previous life, he couldn't even build a high-speed rail, let alone this kind of super rail transportation. It is estimated that he couldn't even approve the project.

As for other developed countries, the land area is too small, and there is no need for such advanced rail transportation, and ordinary rail transportation is enough.

So after announcing the super maglev technology, they announced the super high-speed rail technology, which can reach a top speed of 500 kilometers per hour and a stable operating speed of 450 kilometers per hour.

Compared with super maglev, the construction cost of hyperloop is relatively low, generally only about half of that of super maglev, but the operating cost is much higher than that of super maglev.

For countries with a relatively small land area, Hyperloop technology still has certain conditions for use. They also want to gain a certain international market for launching such technology.

Not to mention the super maglev train technology, even the super high-speed rail technology is far beyond the existing world level. If you consider it from a technical point of view, their products and technology are definitely the best choice.

However, Huanyu Group's current mentality is not bad. It is not as urgent as before. Anyway, they have the technology, and if they are willing to use them, they are warmly welcomed.

After announcing the super high-speed rail technology to the outside world, they came up with low-speed magnetic levitation technology, which runs at a speed of less than 120 kilometers per hour, and is mainly used in the field of urban rail transit.

The reason why the low-speed maglev rail transit technology is introduced is mainly aimed at the domestic urban subway field. At present, there are not many cities in China that have built subways, and the subway mileage is not long.

With the expansion of city scale, any city with a population exceeding a certain size will build a certain scale of subways and urban rails. Compared with railway tracks, low-speed maglev technology is more suitable for urban rail transit.

The reason is that the operating cost is lower, and the construction cost is not much higher than that of ordinary subways. Because of the low speed, the requirements are not as harsh as ultra-high-speed maglev.

However, the operating cost is much lower than that of ordinary subways, and there is no noise. It is very friendly to the living environment along the rail transit line and is the best choice for the construction of urban rail transit.

From the perspective of technical parameters, these technologies are very good. The only regret is that they are difficult to convince the public. For this technology, everyone believes that seeing is believing, and it is impossible to easily believe what they say.

This is also the reason why Huanyu Group is vigorously promoting the construction of ultra-high-speed maglev rail transit in China. Even if it is not fully constructed, it is also possible to build one or two test lines.

Fortunately, the ah government knows the role of Huanyu Group in their economic development. At present, Huanyu Group is a super enterprise in their province, so they can't take too much care of it.

Therefore, they are actively promoting the construction of the super maglev line from Wuhu to Hefei. The project is led by the provincial government, the Tidal Investment Company is responsible for the investment, and the Huanyu Group is responsible for the technical support. The construction is in the name of the experiment.

If it is not in the name of the experiment, it must be approved by the relevant state departments, and at the same time it must conform to the overall plan, and the process will be quite troublesome.

In the current cooperation model, the province does not need to pay money, it just needs to provide support in land acquisition and route planning, and the payment is not large.

Moreover, it can also connect the provincial capital with Wuhu, which is currently the most prosperous economy in the province, and promote the economic development of the two places and cities along the route. At the same time, it will open up the economic exchange channel between the cities on both sides of the Yangtze River.

The relevant state departments are also paying close attention to this, and they also want to see how the super maglev rail transit is. If the test results are very good, they don't mind further advancing this matter.

So they also acquiesced in ah's approach. Since Huanyu Group has such advanced technology, it would be a pity if it was shelved, but they can't make up their minds about the specifics, so they can only do this.

In terms of low-speed maglev rail transit, there are also cities for cooperation, and that is Wuhan. Wuhan itself has a large urban area and a large urban population.

In the past few years, Kirin Industrial Group has settled in Wuhan, which has led to a stronger agglomeration effect in Wuhan. In particular, a large number of students have gathered here to work and settle down, resulting in a sharp increase in population.

In addition, Wuhan's fiscal revenue is not bad, and it is fully capable of building low-speed maglev urban rails. Huanyu Group and the Wuhan government hit it off and started project cooperation.

If the cooperation in this project is successful, the domestic urban subways will be fully replaced with low-speed maglev tracks in the future. The project is invested by the Wuhan government, Huanyu Group provides technical support, and Wancheng Jiye and state-owned construction units are responsible for the construction.

As for their super high-speed rail technology, although Huanyu Group has the technology, it has no plans to promote this technology in China, because in their view, building such a line is quite wasteful.

At that time, there will be super maglev lines all over the country, just such a short section of super high-speed rail lines. The two are incompatible, and there is no way to jointly operate them.

They want to cooperate in a hyperloop project in a foreign country, but this goal is hard to find, so they can only give up for the time being and see if there is any country for cooperation in the future.

Originally thought that the press conference would be over after Huanyu Group announced these super rail transit technologies, but unexpectedly, the explainer of Huanyu Group's press conference still did not announce the end.

Instead, he began to explain the transportation research project that Huanyu Group is currently carrying out, and officially announced its entry into the field of civil aviation aircraft manufacturing and marine transportation ship manufacturing.

Everyone is very surprised that Huanyu Group has done a good job in the automobile industry and suddenly launched a super rail transit technology with dazzling parameters.

Unexpectedly, this is not counted, and it officially announced its entry into the field of civil aviation and ocean ship manufacturing. I don't know where Huanyu Group's confidence comes from.

We must know that in the field of civil aviation, there are two super giants in the world that have monopolized the industry. It is not yet known whether the global aviation market can accommodate the three companies. At least two competitors will definitely not stand idly by.

If Huanyu Group is challenged by others technically, it means that it will not be able to obtain the airworthiness certificates of the two major markets, and will not be able to operate international routes, and can only operate on domestic routes.

In the field of civil aviation, not only the technical barriers are high, but also the market barriers are high. As a newcomer in the industry, it is not so easy to compete with established companies.

In contrast, the manufacture of ocean-going ships is not so eye-catching. After all, the technology in this area is very mature and the market is in a state of full competition. As long as the technology is excellent and the cost is low, it is still easy to gain market recognition.

Everyone thought that Huanyu Group would disclose more plans in this regard, but in the end they simply announced the news without elaborating on it.

So far, the press conference of Huanyu Group has officially ended, and there is no session for reporters to ask questions, because they think it is useless to talk too much, and their products don't need to be hyped up, they just need to win the market with their strength.

As for the aviation manufacturing and ship manufacturing that have not yet been filmed, there is no need to repeat that it will not be too late to promote the products after they come out.

The automobile business of Huanyu Group is already attracting attention, and the whole world is paying attention to their new automobiles. Both competitors and consumers want to know more about them.

It turned out that the auto business, which was originally the protagonist of this conference, was actually dominated by terms such as super magnetic levitation, super high-speed rail, and aviation manufacturing.

Many people suddenly discovered that Huanyu Group has so many businesses, and each business is much more advanced than their now famous auto business.

Seeing this trend of public opinion, many competitors in the auto business breathed a sigh of relief. They naturally hoped that public opinion would try to downplay Huanyu Group's auto business.

Because the car upgrade technology and new energy vehicles mentioned at this press conference have posed a more serious threat to their business, they don't know how to deal with it next.

Although they know that this cannot prevent Huanyu Group from occupying a larger market share, it can reduce the pressure of public opinion on them, especially the pressure from their shareholders.

Shareholders don't know how big the technical gap is, they only know that their stocks have depreciated and their income has decreased, and the management needs to be responsible for this and try to get out of the predicament.

But these managements know how big the gap in technology is. It's not that they don't work hard, but that hard work is useless. They need time, and the time is still uncertain.

Because Phoenix Technology has protected artificial intelligence technology very well, the whole world knows that Phoenix Technology has artificial intelligence technology, but no one can know the specific inside story.

Instead, they thought of digging the technicians under the Phoenix Technology Company, but these technicians didn't understand the specific technology of artificial intelligence, they were only responsible for the application.

As a result, even if the outside world offers a high salary, the employees of Phoenix Technology will not dare to go there, because once they go there, their secrets will be revealed, and the current good job will be lost by then, and they will not be able to stay there for a long time.

It is not that there are no companies that want to use hacking technology to steal artificial intelligence technology, but there are not many hackers willing to take on this job given the lessons learned from the attack on Phoenix Software last time.

If they use their own technicians, they will face a lot of trouble if they are discovered, and they also worry that they may not be able to break through the network defenses of any of the Phoenix Technology companies.

Even the network security protection provided by Phoenix Software Company is difficult to break through, not to mention it is their base camp, it is even more difficult to break through.

Competitors in the automotive business saw that the situation was going in the direction they expected, but they didn't know who was stunned, and suddenly posted: "Huanyu Group is the real technology company, even with such advanced super magnetic levitation technology.

No wonder their cars are so advanced and excellent. Everyone is attracted by these advanced technologies, but they don't notice how good their cars are at this conference. "

Then I began to popularize the car products at this press conference. After this post came out, it quickly got a lot of pushes, and everyone gradually turned their attention to the new car products of Huanyu Group.

As a result, the car business of Huanyu Group has been recognized by more consumers, and its sales in the world are even better, because everyone feels that Huanyu Group is more trustworthy.

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