Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 820 Inspecting the General Robot Factory


Ye Zishu has been busy until November, and he is still working on the artificial intelligence upgrade. It is not because of the heavy workload, but because the effect has not met his psychological expectations.

I thought it would be relatively easy to upgrade artificial intelligence. After all, the knowledge accumulated before is very rich, and the effect of conceiving in my mind is also very good.

However, the effect he made was far from what he had imagined, so he had to spend a lot of energy and time analyzing the reason, and at the same time, he needed to find a solution.

The happiest thing about doing scientific research is to have a clear train of thought, and follow this train of thought to reach the end point directly. Obviously, this is difficult to do in scientific research.

No matter how reasonable the plan is and how clear the thinking is, there will always be accidents in the process of implementation, not to mention the upgrade of artificial intelligence, which is much more difficult than ordinary scientific research.

So he lost the composure he had before, and embarked on the path of analyzing and solving problems, but he still had a huge virtual library, so he had no idea, so he went to the library for a stroll.

Although the library does not have ready-made artificial intelligence technology, it does have intelligent robot technology. During this time, he spent most of his time in the intelligent robot book area.

Compared with the last time I checked the information of intelligent robots, the goal this time is more clear, that is, I hope to find more ideas for artificial intelligence from the technical information of intelligent robots.

It's just that his idea is not easy to realize. There are too many robot technologies in the virtual library. It still takes a lot of time to find what you want.

It would take a long time even if he just looked at the outline of the robot's technical information, and he never thought that he could find a ready-made solution to the problems encountered in the process of upgrading the artificial intelligence.

So he had to carefully read the intelligent technology part of these intelligent robots, maybe one idea can solve the problems he encountered.

Occasionally when he gets tired, he will go to the mathematics book area to look at books on mathematics. After all, the upgrade of artificial intelligence is ultimately a mathematical problem.

After groping all the way in this way, the time came to November, and more than half of the problem was solved, and there was still a small half that had not been solved in time.

Originally, I would continue to make persistent efforts and plan to upgrade the artificial intelligence before the end of the year. As long as the artificial intelligence upgrade is completed, it will be another world.

At that time, he will have unlimited scientific research resources under his banner, and the development momentum generated will not need to rely on him alone, and the industrial development will proceed at a faster speed.

It's a pity that a piece of news forced him to stop this idea. The reason is that Kirin Basic Industries Group has developed a universal robot.

Even the production facilities have been built,

Now they are confronted with an option to go public quietly, without hype, or even in the actual use process without telling them that it is a robot.

The advantage of doing this is that it will not attract everyone's attention, and it will not cause social panic, so that these general-purpose robots will naturally make up for the lack of social positions.

The other option is to make a lot of publicity. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to keep it secret, and it will definitely arouse the covetousness of various forces. After all, such an advanced technology, everyone wants to find out.

The advantage is that it is more convenient to conduct business, and they don't even need to come to the door to sell. People in need will automatically contact them, which can save a lot of operating costs.

In addition to this, they wondered whether they should report to the relevant departments. After all, this is not an ordinary commodity. If the country does not allow it to be done, then the previous work will be in vain.

They have such concerns because the general-purpose robot is too special, and it has been separated from the attributes of ordinary commodities, making it difficult to make up its mind.

Moreover, Kirin Basic Industry Group used to do business on the enterprise side, and rarely involved in the business on the consumer side, which is why he handed over the management of general-purpose robots to Wancheng Foundation.

The direct reply from Ye Zishu was that it should not be taken care of so much for the time being. If it really needs to be supervised, it will be fine to change it at that time. There is no need to look forward and backward.

Besides, since such an advanced product has come out, it is impossible to plug it back. At most, there are strong restrictions on the scope of use, and the procedures are much more troublesome.

And the reason why he came up with this advanced robot product is not only that there is a real need, for example, if there is a robot, his problem of eating can be easily solved.

In addition, New Oriental Education Group will not be so short of teachers, and it will be more convenient for artificial intelligence to participate in scientific research. These are all advantages.

In fact, these are not the main reasons. After all, these problems can be solved, and there is no need to make such an advanced robot.

The main reason is to promote social change and encourage all parties to conduct research on the future social form in advance, otherwise it may not be so calm when it is really necessary to use it.

But this incident also reminded him that it's time to go out for a walk. The Kirin Industrial Group that he manages goes once a year, which is really a bit out of tune.

What's more, the artificial intelligence upgrade was not so smooth, which made him a little dizzy. If he wanted to find a chance to relax, going for a walk might be a good choice.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu told Pei Qing, bought a plane ticket that day, and flew to Wuhan with the security personnel without any delay.

When I came to Wuhan, I did not convene various departments of the headquarters for a meeting as usual, but went directly to Kirin Basic Industry Group to learn more about the universal robot project.

According to their report, the supporting industries of the brother company have been completed, and the current production capacity is built according to the standard of an annual output of 2 million units.

Their production equipment has also been installed in place. The number of high-precision 3D printing equipment is as high as 30,000. According to each equipment, it takes 5 days to produce a general-purpose robot, and can produce 2.19 million units a year.

Of course, there may be problems in the actual production process, such as routine maintenance and other work, which will cause the production capacity to not be so large, which is why they need to expand the production capacity.

The labor service company on Wancheng Jiye has also completed registration, and has even started labor service business. Many companies under him have handed over some of the labor service business to Wancheng Jiye.

For such a huge industry under his umbrella, the labor service business is very complex and huge. There are some labor service business that are too late to handle, and it is just right to hand over the newly established company of Wancheng Foundation.

On the other hand, Kirin Basic Industries Group has actually started producing general-purpose robots, but it has only been produced for a few days, and the inventory is not large enough.

After meeting the management here, Ye Zishu, accompanied by the management staff, went to the production factory to check the production situation.

The place he came to was a huge industrial park. The industries here were basically owned by Kirin Basic Industry Group, mainly producing industrial machinery and equipment.

In addition, there is a huge staff living area around it, which makes this area even bigger. The number of people working here is as high as 500,000 people, so it is not an exaggeration to call it a small city.

And their robot production factory is arranged in the center of this industrial area, the reason is that it is conducive to production and security.

Naturally, Ye Shu had no objection to their arrangement, and a group of people came to the universal robot production factory. The factory area here is not very large.

It's about 50,000 square meters. Except for the security personnel outside, the outside looks very quiet and spacious, which is a bit out of place with the surrounding factories.

Before entering the factory building, everyone needs to change their coats and other clothes, mainly to prevent dust from being brought in. The inside is an ultra-clean factory, so as to avoid dust affecting the accuracy of the equipment when it is working.

After entering the factory, there was no one inside. All the equipment was operated automatically, and there was a special feeding port. After going through multiple processes on the conveyor belt, it was sent in for processing.

After everyone came in, they saw a large number of 3D printing machines working non-stop. The size of the printing machines is not very large, but the volume of supporting equipment is relatively large.

Although Ye Zishu has long been familiar with such a scene, it is still very shocking to see rows of machines running at high speed, and general-purpose robots slowly taking shape under the ultra-precision 3D printing machine.

Cooperating with the 3D printing machine is a flexible robot arm around it, which is mainly used to install parts that the 3D printing machine cannot do, such as fixed program memory, auxiliary computing chips and so on.

There are also things like eyeballs, eyelashes, hair, etc. that need to be installed, and then these external parts are perfectly integrated by a 3D printing machine to form a complete whole.

After the robot is produced by the 3D printing machine, it will be sent to the next inspection process to check the quality of the finished robot.

After the inspection is completed, it will be sent to the next process, which is to inject intelligent programs into the robot. At this time, the robot does not have any skills and knowledge, which is equivalent to only installing the operating system.

If you need to let these robots do something, you can inject skills and knowledge separately so that they can adapt to various jobs, then it is not what this factory should do.

After the smart program is injected, the robot will be automatically activated. Unless there is no power, the robot will not be completely shut down. Even if it is ordered to sleep, it will only reduce consumption and turn off some functions.

And there is no shutdown button on the outside, there is only a charging port located at the heart, and there is no button for the charging port, which is controlled by the robot itself.

That is to say, the external operations on the robot are very limited. Apart from using commands, there is no way to shut down the robot immediately, nor can it interfere with the energy system.

The reason for this design is very simple, that is to avoid being manipulated by humans. You must know that these robots will act alone when they go to work in the future.

If the outside can be easily closed, hijacking robots will become commonplace. Now this kind of design can either be directly destroyed or cannot be controlled.

And ordinary people can't do it if they want to destroy a universal robot. Whether it is agility, strength and flexibility, they are much better than humans. If it is equipped with fighting skills, one enemy ten is a piece of cake.

Moreover, the inside of the robot is integrated, there are no complicated and loose parts, and its ability to resist blows is super strong. Let alone bare hands and cold weapons, even if it is shot, as long as the degree of damage is low, it can still walk away easily.

The biggest weakness lies in two places. The first place is the energy system at the heart. In order to prevent the energy system from being damaged, he designed the core to have a certain amount of room for movement.

In other words, if the heart is attacked, the robot can adjust according to the situation to avoid directly affecting the energy core, which can play a very good protective role.

The second place is the brain, where the bionic brain is stored, and the auxiliary computing system is also placed on the head, located in the pituitary gland, because the robot does not need to secrete hormones.

Therefore, the pituitary gland is not used by the robot, and this position is vacant, so the auxiliary computing and storage system is actually very small and not bulky.

However, for key weak points, special materials are used to strengthen protection. For example, the entire brain uses a high-strength bionic material, which has strong protection against almost all cold weapons.

Even if it is an ordinary pistol, it is difficult for bullets to cause substantial damage to the interior. In addition, it has a very flexible skill and an observation ability far surpassing the human eye. It is difficult to destroy it without anyone noticing it.

After injecting the program, a test will be carried out, which is to test whether the program and the robot are completely matched. In this link, the robot will perform various actions according to the requirements.

After this test is completed, even if the robot has fulfilled the factory requirements, clothes will be distributed to each robot. After all, the general-purpose robot is too real, and even the robot cannot be ostentatious.

Ye Zishu took a closer look at the finished product area. The image of each robot is different. In addition to differences in height, body shape, and gender, there are also differences in facial features, and each person has a name.

The purpose of doing this is to prevent robots from being stereotyped and difficult to integrate into human society. When people see this face that is exclusively for robots, they will know that it is a robot.

Like this, every robot is different. It is basically impossible to see whether it is a robot from the outside. After integrating into the society, it will not cause much trouble.

In the future, the person who sits with you and discusses business may be a robot, and the person who sits with you in a coffee shop and chats happily may also be a robot.

Unless the universal robot actively shows itself to the other party as a robot, it is really impossible to perceive it from the outside, and it is even difficult to distinguish it from the aspects of speech and behavior.

It is also very simple for a robot to prove to the other party that it is a robot, just show the charging interface of the heart, and humans absolutely do not have this device.

General-purpose robots generally only prove their identity when they encounter emotional matters. This kind of thing may become common in the future, and it is not an accidental phenomenon.

After all, the overall appearance of the robot is very good, and its ability is very strong, it is easy to attract the appreciation of the opposite sex of humans, so it is necessary to clarify at this time to avoid misunderstanding.

In addition, each robot also has its own code. As long as the code is reported, humans can find basic information from the relevant systems of Kirin Basic Industries Group, and even the appearance characteristics of the robot will be provided.

Of course, if a robot employee enters the job, he will explain the situation to the company and surrounding colleagues in advance to avoid misunderstandings. This is what it should be.

After reading the entire production process, Ye Zishu is very satisfied. In fact, the process is not complicated. As long as the supply of 3D printing machines is sufficient, it is very easy to expand production.

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