Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 826: Veto Taiji Group’s acquisition of overseas pharmaceutical companies


Returning to the leaf book in the capital, I paid attention to the air show. At the air show, my country's aviation equipment really made a big splash, which can be seen from the numerous reports.

It can be said that my country is the first country to have a fourth-generation machine. Although it has not yet been officially installed, it is estimated that it will be soon. After a year of high-intensity testing, it has performed very well in all aspects.

Baihu Technology Company is still negotiating with the relevant departments about the purchase quantity, and the final conclusion has not yet been reached. Ye Zishu has already made concessions on the price, but only under the condition that the quantity is sufficient.

At present, a large number of pilots are training in the virtual world. As far as this kind of training is concerned, there is basically no difference between the virtual world and the real world, and the simulation degree is as high as 99.99%.

Even Ye Zishu couldn't detect where the imitation degree couldn't reach, but for the sake of caution, he couldn't speak too consummately.

It's just a pity that there is also a place where my country's foreign-trade aviation equipment has not yet been manufactured. It is placed on such a good occasion, but no international orders can be obtained.

In fact, many countries already want to cooperate with our country to purchase our aviation and military equipment. After all, the technology is here, and everyone can tell at a glance whether it is good or not.

It's just that all the current models of Baihu Technology Company are not suitable for export, and some places need to be modified. Ye Zishu does not plan to intervene in this matter.

Also after the end of the air show, the tense situation in the surrounding areas of southeastern my country suddenly became calm again, as if the previous hustle and bustle had never happened.

Ye Zishu felt that he was lucky to start the White Tiger Technology Company, and at the same time he was grateful for the strong support that allowed the White Tiger Technology Company to develop a batch of advanced aviation and military equipment in such a short period of time.

Otherwise, in the face of this situation, people will be controlled everywhere. Although the homeland will not be attacked, it will inevitably feel aggrieved, and overseas interests may also be greatly affected.

Before the adjustment of the domestic economic structure is completed, my country's economy is still highly dependent on overseas countries, and the importance of overseas interests to my country's economy is still very high.

If we wait until the adjustment of the domestic economic structure is in place, the situation will be much better. With the help of the domestic economic cycle, the overall situation can be stabilized, and the degree of external dependence will not be so high.

Not to mention mineral resources, even oil and other energy products have to be imported. Fortunately, energy imports are not very large at present, mainly because the number of automobiles is still relatively low.

In addition, Kirin Energy Industry Group is increasing the construction of solar power generation facilities, and Huanyu Group has also begun to sell new energy vehicles. At worst, domestic automobiles have begun to fully shift to new energy.

After the adjustment, the largest domestic and foreign dependence should be on mineral resources.

For this one, he just gave Qilin Resource Development Group a set of seabed mining technology.

If there is no accident, next year or the year after, Kylin Resources Development Group will have the ability to mine seabeds, and the unlimited and vast ocean resources will be left to the Kirin Resources Development Group to gallop.

Originally, Ye Zishu planned to continue to invest in the research and development of artificial intelligence 3.0, but considering that the mining of seabed resources must first explore seabed mineral deposits, otherwise technology and equipment will not help.

So the resource exploration satellite system was put on the agenda in advance. Anyway, this satellite system is always to be built. It just so happens that the satellite research and development department of Baihu Technology Company is relatively idle now.

The resource exploration satellite system has also expounded some ideas before. The core technology is to use the super penetrating power of neutrinos to launch neutrinos from one end of the earth, then pass through the earth, and have a pair of satellites on the other half to receive them.

Then, through neutrino imaging technology, image analysis is performed on the position where neutrinos pass through, and the geological structure and composition of each depth of the earth are analyzed respectively.

It sounds simple. It seems that Baihu Technology Company also has neutrino detection technology. In fact, the complexity is very high. The satellites flying in the sky are not stationary, but moving all the time.

Therefore, when to launch neutrinos and when to receive neutrinos, and to receive them accurately, is a test of the satellite's orbit control capabilities and precise calculation capabilities.

In addition to neutrinos, which are extremely penetrating particles, there are other auxiliary detection technologies, such as ultra-low sound wave detection technology, infrared detection technology, radar detection technology and so on.

The combination of these detection techniques and neutrino detection techniques can obtain more diverse data, and mutual evidence is more conducive to data analysis.

These are data acquisition technologies, and the ability to truly discover underground mineral deposits, as well as the earth's structure and internal structure, etc., also depends on advanced analysis capabilities.

The earth is so thick, neutrinos penetrate through it, and it may only be known how many neutrinos are lost in the process, and it is difficult to obtain a clearer analysis result.

Therefore, Ye Zishu believes that among the neutrino detection technology, the real powerful is not the hardware technology of neutrino detection, but the software analysis technology, which is the core of the core.

Ye Zishu stayed at home alone during the day and was busy. As the end of the year approached, Pei Qing seemed even busier. Seeing Ye Zishu brought a general-purpose robot, she didn't come back to cook at night. She solved it directly in the company cafeteria and came back even later. up.

When the time entered December, Taiji Group announced the date of this year's new product launch, which was set on December 15th, which attracted the attention of all parties.

In particular, Tai Chi Group emphasized that at this year's new product launch conference, more brand-new medical technologies will be displayed, which is extremely important for promoting the development of the global medical industry.

Although Tai Chi Group has only held two new product launch conferences so far, each release has brought advanced medical technology to the world and solved a considerable number of people's diseases and sufferings.

Needless to say the year before last, the new product launch conference that year had an unprecedented shock to the medical industry around the world, as if the medical care of the whole world had entered a new era.

Cancer, which everyone talked about before, has become no different from ordinary diseases. The only difference is that the treatment costs are relatively high, which is a bit painful.

There is also cardiovascular disease, which seemed to be a sword hanging over every patient's head before, and it suddenly came down one day, leading to death. Now this kind of disease is not so difficult.

There are many others, such as personal diagnostic devices, now called smart wearable devices, which make it possible to prevent diseases before they happen, and have proven to be very effective, saving users a lot of treatment costs.

Last year's new product launch conference released the organ-directed induction cultivation technology, so that patients with body organ problems have a solution to eradicate the disease.

The date of this year's new product launch has already been announced, and media from all over the world have enthusiastically signed up. They all want to come to the scene to see what shocking research results Tai Chi Group will produce.

Of course, not everyone is looking forward to the new product launch of Taiji Group, and even feels a headache when they hear this report, that is the global pharmaceutical company.

Because the Taiji Group is so outstanding that it has almost monopolized all high-end medical fields, it has become more and more difficult for them to make money comfortably.

It can be said that Taiji Group is almost a thorn in the flesh in the eyes of the medical industry, but there is nothing to do at present, otherwise it will never be so willing to give up the market.

Just this year, an important event happened in the international pharmaceutical field, that is, a large number of former top international pharmaceutical giants began to merge on a large scale.

It is hoped that in this way, the goal of a strong alliance will be achieved, and the concentration of financial strength and technical strength will be able to compete with Taiji Group in a relatively short period of time.

Even if they can't compete, they still have to fight for a chance in an increasingly monopolized market. If they fight each other in the original way, they may really have to close their doors and go out of business.

At that time, Pei Qing also asked Ye Zishu if he wanted to acquire these pharmaceutical companies. After all, their talents are still very good, and the acquisition is still useful.

But Ye Zishu thought about it and rejected this idea. First, it was difficult to acquire. Don't think that they can be acquired easily because they are already in decline. In fact, they are not.

Because once these original pharmaceutical giants are acquired by Taiji Group, Taiji Group has really achieved the goal of complete monopoly, which is something that many governments do not want to see.

And from an industrial point of view, if it is acquired by Taiji Group, it means that the pharmaceutical industry in many countries will be completely dead. This sense of crisis will prompt the government to intervene no matter what.

For the government, even if these enterprises are struggling to operate, they must procrastinate. Even if they cannot form a positive competition with Taiji Group, there is still a meaning for their existence.

That is, if there is a real quarrel with Taiji Group, at least I still have a pharmaceutical company available. Although the technology is not very advanced and the product effect is not very good, at least there are things that can be used.

This is not the same as not having any drugs at all. If there is no drug at all, the consequences will be very serious, and the existence of these companies can also play a role in restraining them to a certain extent.

This point of view can be seen from the fact that these pharmaceutical companies have received aid funds from the government. The government really does not want to see these companies really fall.

Moreover, this merger belongs to the reorganization of the pharmaceutical industry within their country. Even if it is a cross-border merger, both parties can hold shares and have a certain degree of initiative.

If Taiji Group wants these companies, it must not adopt the method of merger, because then their assets can be converted into certain shares. Neither Taiji Group nor Ye Zishu will agree to this approach.

I am running a very good business, so there is no reason to give up part of the shares to others, not to mention that they do not have the technology that Taiji Group must obtain. For Taiji Group, the price to pay for this is too high.

Therefore, the method of acquisition must be adopted. Taiji Group is not short of money, but they will not sell it. The reason mentioned above is that many governments need these enterprises to contain Taiji Group.

What's more, ideology is still prevalent, especially in industries where they are at a disadvantage, and ideology is also stronger, which can be seen from the intense international friction this year.

At this stall, if you want to acquire their companies, no matter how rich you are, even these companies want to be acquired, but as long as you can't pass the government's hurdle, everything is useless.

The second is that the so-called scientific researchers that Taiji Group values ​​are actually of little use. The advanced technology and scientific research systems of Taiji Group are unlikely to be opened to overseas scientific researchers.

Just as Phoenix Technology will not open its advanced production tools and technologies to overseas employees, what will be opened are some lower-end technologies and tools.

If advanced technologies and tools are not opened to these overseas employees, their productivity may not be much higher than that of domestic employees, but their salary levels are frighteningly high.

When the time comes, how will Taiji Group manage? It doesn’t make sense that the salary gap between local employees and overseas employees will be so big. This problem has plagued Phoenix Technology before.

Fortunately, Phoenix Technology's salary for overseas employees is not particularly high, and the gap is not exaggerated. This is because software and the Internet are relatively new industries.

In addition, Phoenix Technology has the strength to formulate industry standards, and the salaries of relevant personnel have not yet been sky-high. Although there is a gap between local employees and overseas employees, there will not be problems.

However, the pharmaceutical industry is an industry with a long history, and the salaries of scientific researchers in the high-end pharmaceutical industry are very high, with an annual salary of several million at every turn.

However, the salary of employees in the domestic pharmaceutical industry is only more than 100,000 yuan. The gap is too huge, and there will inevitably be conflicts that are difficult to bridge. Even Ye Zishu can't solve it.

The third is that Ye Zishu believes that there is no need to help others support these medical researchers. As long as Taiji Group maintains a strong position in the pharmaceutical industry, it can continue to weaken the strength of competitors.

When the strength of competitors becomes weaker and weaker, it means that the investment in scientific research will continue to decrease. Over time, the strength of their scientific research personnel will gradually weaken.

In other words, their scientific research talents in the pharmaceutical industry will become less and less available. After the industry declines, fewer and fewer people will enter the pharmaceutical industry, and fewer people will learn this industry.

This is determined by the laws of the talent market. Even because of the inability to maintain a large scientific research team, current scientific researchers are forced to change careers.

Although Yeshu believes that market competition cannot rely on the opponent's own failure, in the end, it still has to rely on increasing its own strength to gain a competitive advantage.

But if there is a chance, weakening the strength of competitors is also a way of competition, not to mention letting the opponent's industry wither, which is much more powerful than weakening a certain company.

As long as the industry is in decline and the overall strength is not good enough, Taiji Group can win in the market more easily, so what does it matter if it acquires these companies or not?

If Taiji Group acquires these enterprises, although the enterprises will disappear, their talents and the system for cultivating talents will still be preserved intact.

As long as there is this foundation, if there are geniuses in the future, they will be able to start anew, and it is possible to fight against the Taiji Group. Isn't this creating trouble for themselves?

The fourth is that Ye Zishu is not at ease about assets being in other people's territory. Various situations in previous lives show that the so-called "sacred and inviolable private property" is farting.

If the Taiji Group develops these acquired companies better, the possibility of being attacked in the future will be greater.

If these acquired companies are not properly developed, it means that these assets will continue to depreciate. What is the point of paying such a high price for acquisitions, and burn more money?

If you want to abolish these companies, you don't need to buy them. As long as Ye Zishu is still there, Taiji Group can maintain a strong position. After a long time, these companies will collapse by themselves, and there is no need to buy them back and make a move.

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