Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 832 Opening a new military equipment research project


There are countless people and institutions who study him around the world. It is true that his experience is too legendary, and it is linked to huge wealth and has a huge market audience.

As long as everyone sees things that are closely related to wealth, they will show great interest. The previous representatives of wealth are some old antiques, but he is creating a legend.

Many people want to learn the secret of his wealth by studying him. Even if they don't learn the truth, it is possible to get a ride. It is very likely that one ride in the right car will realize the freedom of wealth.

However, he is too mysterious. Except for the early experience they can get some, after fully engaged in business, he almost disappeared from the public eye and rarely made a speech.

This makes it difficult for many people to understand his real thoughts and what he is doing, and no one even knows whether his industrial actions are directed by him.

Some people want to follow his product ideas, but they don't have the strength. All the technology products from him have high technical content.

Not to mention ordinary people, it is very difficult for those technology giants to copy, and they cannot be used casually after copying, otherwise they will lose their wives and lose their troops.

So he is the "Tang Monk Meat" in the eyes of many people. If he eats it, he can gain wealth and freedom.

All kinds of people have always looked for various reasons to visit him, but no matter what the other party's status is, as long as they visit him in a private capacity, they will not meet them, even if he can't see them, they will be turned back.

It's not that he's lonely, but he doesn't think it's necessary to waste time on these boring things, and talking to these people, he doesn't think it makes any sense.

The so-called relationship in their hands may be useful to others, but to him, not to mention meaningless, at least not very meaningful. Is there anyone in the country who prevents him from doing business?

If someone really did this, it is estimated that he would be killed by others before he took any action, and he would not need to take action at all. This is no longer in the interest of a certain person, but the common interest of everyone.

As long as it is a common interest, whenever someone comes out to do something, there will naturally be people who protect the common interest to stand up and stop it. He is following the bright road, not the path of pulling relationships and engaging in doggy behavior.

There is darkness and light in this society, but light is the mainstream after all, as long as it occupies the mainstream on the road of light, then the so-called darkness cannot be close.

Although they didn't get much benefit from studying him, the popularity remained undiminished, but it brought him a lot of benefits, and his personal account continued to grow.

And his book is actually very popular,

Anyone who knows how to read can understand it, not those big tomes that ordinary people can't understand even if they want to.

In addition to "Madman's Lie", the medical books he wrote also brought him a lot of money, and they were only used by Wentian Medical School at first.

Since last year, many colleges and universities in China have also begun to adopt the books written by him. Among them, almost all medical universities have adopted the medical books written by him.

There is no way, among the many medical books, the medical books written by him can be said to be thriving, and the previous medical textbooks are basically all outdated.

In addition, the proportion of Taiji Medical Group's hospitals in China is getting higher and higher. After all, everyone who majors in medicine must work. Learning the medical books written by him will also be of great help to students' employment.

In other science and engineering colleges, almost all biology majors now basically use his biology books as textbooks.

It can be said that almost everyone will think of Taiji Group without hesitation which is the top institution in the field of medicine and biology in the world today.

As the big boss behind the Taiji Group, the books he wrote naturally received great attention. It was only after reading his books on medicine and biology that everyone understood why the Taiji Group developed so rapidly.

Therefore, there is no surprise that major domestic colleges and universities do not hesitate to use the textbooks he compiled for Tianwen Medical College, and the country is also deliberately promoting this matter. After all, this is conducive to promoting the development of medicine and biology in our country.

In addition to colleges and universities, anyone who is engaged in the fields of medicine and biology will buy his books and read them, which also contributed a lot of copyright income to him.

Since it is written in Chinese, and the related papers he wrote are also in Chinese, the popularity abroad is not very high, but he also sells a lot abroad.

It's just that he hasn't sold the translation copyright yet, so there are no translated versions for sale, and all the books sold abroad are Chinese books.

300 million yuan is a huge amount of money for others, but it is actually not too small for him personally. If it is only used for life, he will definitely be able to live comfortably.

That's what he planned at first, but now that he wants to build a villa for Pei Qing, the money doesn't seem to be enough. Since he wants to give it away, he has to be more generous.

His real estate has long planned not to use the money for private use, but it is not impossible to get money from these companies.

The easiest way is to collect patent fees. You must know that there are too many technologies from him. If you collect patent fees, you can earn tens of billions of dollars a year.

But he didn't intend to change the original rules of the game, and besides, he was not without money, and Tidal Investment Company was his pocketbook.

Compared with other companies, he didn't have so many worries about taking money from Tidal Investment Company. The money he built his private laboratory came from Tidal Investment Company.

According to Wancheng Jiye's quotation, if his private laboratory is to be built, the construction cost alone will be as high as 2 billion yuan, and the safety level of the underground laboratory will be constructed according to the highest standards.

Moreover, they also changed the original design of Ye Zishu, and expanded the original 5-story underground laboratory to three floors. The bottom 5 floors are still laboratories, and the functions are the same as he had planned before.

The top three floors are a part of the residence, and there are many residential functional facilities in it, such as swimming pool, library, gym, wine storage and so on.

The main reason why it is not built on the ground is that the security is not high, and this is a rural area, so there is no benefit in making such a luxurious appearance, so many functional facilities are placed underground.

In addition to the main building, most of the ground is landscaped gardens. A total of seven ground buildings have been built on 100 acres of land, and each ground building has been carefully designed.

I heard that the design cost of these buildings alone is as high as 150 million yuan. This cost is not high for large buildings, but it is very high for private residences.

If the laboratory equipment is added, the total cost of the laboratory and housing is estimated to reach 5 billion yuan. The high-precision laboratory equipment is actually very expensive, and even if he is the boss, he has to purchase it according to the market price.

With so much money, his personal account is definitely not enough, so he can only get money from Tidal Investment Company, and if he does experiments in the future, he will continue to consume funds.

With the income from his music and book publishing, it is not enough to support the daily consumption of the laboratory. If it is not for the golden baby of Tidal Investment Company in his hand, it will be really difficult.

However, the money in Tidal Investment Company also needs to be differentiated. He only takes money from the investment income of the Tidal Intelligent Investment System, because there will be no problem with taking money from here.

As for the money earned by their other businesses, he can't take it. For example, the insurance business they are running, the income from the business is generally kept by them, and he will not move at all.

The reason is very simple. It doesn't matter whether the Tidal Intelligent Investment System can make money in the future, because there are not many businesses related to this system, and it will not have a major impact.

However, specific financial services such as insurance are different. If there is a problem due to sudden withdrawal of money, the impact will be very large. It is not that he has no money, so why bother to use these funds.

Just like his physical assets, the reason why he doesn't pay attention to these assets is that he doesn't need to rely on these assets for his own use, and can still live a wealthy life.

Ye Zishu called Ye Zihua and asked him to transfer 2 billion yuan to his personal account. When he heard that he was going to build a villa, Ye Zihua immediately agreed.

Ye Zihua always felt that he was not living a chic life. He was so rich, but he was still living in the company's residence, and he didn't even buy decent personal assets.

Hearing what he said now, without even asking the details, he directly agreed to transfer it over immediately. The 2 billion yuan is the money in his personal account. In fact, he has to pay 500 million yuan in taxes, and there is a need to spend 2.5 billion yuan. .

As expected, Ye Zihua was quick to do things, and on the second day, 2 billion yuan was deposited into his personal account. Ye Zishu immediately called Guo Dongsheng and handed over the 2 billion yuan to him.

According to him, the 2 billion yuan will be used to build villas, all using top-grade materials and the best design, so Guo Dongsheng knows it well.

There is still time to hurry, it is already January 1997, and he hopes to complete the villa before the end of the year and meet the occupancy conditions, and he will not care about the rest.

At most, he would take a look at the design drawings after they came out, and let them change what he was not satisfied with. He didn't have to worry about the rest, and Guo Dongsheng was responsible for everything.

Of course, he couldn't make Guo Dongsheng busy, and promised that if the villa was built to his satisfaction, he would get a bonus of 20 million yuan, which was not a small number for Guo Dongsheng.

The reason why he was given such a high bonus was that it was doing private work for him. He had always been like this. If he did private work, he would be paid a lot of money. If it was a company matter, the bonus he would get would not be so much.

The reason is that private work gives a higher bonus, so there is no need for affection. It is a clearing of goods and money. If you work for a company, even if the bonus is small, there will be no such thing as affection.

Public is public, private is private, he distinguishes it very clearly, thinking that when Guo Dongsheng helped him buy a courtyard house, he would also be paid, and he couldn't let others work for nothing, otherwise it would be unreasonable.

After dealing with this matter, Ye Zishu started a new research project. In fact, the annual financial reports of its industries came out one after another, and he didn't bother to read them. It would not be too late to read them before the high-level annual meeting.

The project he is going to develop this time is army equipment. Now Baihu Technology Company has a complete set of aviation military equipment. Although it is not very advanced in his opinion, it is still in a leading position.

The naval equipment is under intensive research and development, the basic research project has basically been completed, and the formal construction is currently being communicated with relevant departments.

If this matter is settled, the construction of naval ships and supporting related facilities will start successively this year. Baihu Technology Company only charges technology patent fees and technical service fees, and is not responsible for the overall construction.

However, Baihu Technology Company will also provide a large number of supporting equipment, but it is not responsible for the construction of the hull, because in his opinion, there is actually no technical content in building the hull.

Even a considerable part of the materials needed for various warships is entrusted to his enterprises to manufacture, so that the cost will be lower, and only a small part of special materials are provided by Baihu Technology Company.

In fact, Baihu Technology Company also made a lot of money from it. After all, the whole set of technology belongs to them, and they just leave the dirty work to others.

The parts with technical content are still in my hands. These are the places where I can really make money. As for the construction of the hull, it is an individual labor, so there is no need to mix it up.

This time, we plan to develop army-related equipment before the Chinese New Year, which can be regarded as making up for the last shortcoming of our country's national defense force.

It's just ordinary armored vehicles, tanks, artillery, etc., which are not of much interest to him, nor is it difficult, and the effort is not too much.

The army he wants to build can command every soldier, realize full digital command, and have all-weather communication and combat capabilities, rather than being obsessed with a certain field of equipment.

If you are only obsessed with the advanced nature of a certain equipment itself, you will be in an outdated thinking mode in modern warfare. Now war is a systematic war, and the advancement of weapons and equipment is only one aspect of it.

So the first thing he determined was the fully digital combat mode. Baihu Technology itself has an advantage in this aspect. The communication has quantum communication, which is much more advanced than electromagnetic communication.

If it is equipped with artificial intelligence, it will not be difficult to realize a fully automated digital command and combat system. The only difficulty is the battlefield situation awareness.

The more detailed the rear command system understands the battlefield information, the more accurate it can make judgments, and the command orders issued will be more conducive to the development of the war situation.

Therefore, he focused his thinking on strengthening the battlefield situation awareness, so that the background combat command system can fully understand the battlefield information and make more favorable judgments.

Battlefield situational awareness is not provided by one aspect, but by three aspects. The first aspect is the satellite system in the sky.

The advanced remote sensing satellite system of Baihu Technology Company can provide good support, and has unparalleled advantages in the confirmation and detection of ground targets.

Together with the navigation satellite system and communication satellite system, it is sufficient to meet the needs of current military development, and there is no need to add additional satellite systems.

The second aspect is ground reconnaissance equipment, mainly ground radar systems, including fixed radars and vehicle-mounted radars, which sense the situation inside and around the battlefield.

In this regard, Baihu Technology Company already has a good foundation. Their airborne radar system is already at the top level. Following this technical route, it is also applicable to the research and development of road-based radar.

The third aspect is individual soldier perception equipment, which collects data from the perspective of each soldier and perceives the situation on the battlefield around the soldier.

This has to mention the individual equipment system. Ye Zishu never expected to be comprehensive in this area. The domestic level in this area is not bad. There is no need for Baihu Technology Company to intervene in this field.

He mainly started from two perspectives. The first one was individual combat uniforms. Ordinary combat uniforms can only serve as concealment and protection, without much ability.

What he wants to do is to greatly improve the combat capabilities of soldiers, not only have super concealment capabilities and protection, but also increase the strength and agility of soldiers.

Even in times of danger, it can remind soldiers in time, and even in critical moments, it can help soldiers avoid harm. It is not an exaggeration to call it an individual combat uniform.

The material used in this individual combat uniform is made of advanced fibers he calls smart fibers, which not only have super heat insulation and cold protection effects, but also have super protective capabilities.

There are other incredible effects, and it can change the state of the material on command, which alone is enough to be a super material.

If a brainwave sensing system is installed in a soldier's helmet to perceive the soldier's thoughts, then with the smart chip, the soldier and the combat uniform can achieve the effect of man-machine coordination.

For example, if a soldier wants to cross a 10-meter gully, he can only rely on the soldier's own strength, but if the human clothing cooperates, the individual combat clothing can provide additional strength support according to the soldier's thoughts and body posture.

In this way, let alone crossing a 10-meter gully, under special circumstances, it is no problem to cross a 20-meter gully. This is a very simple example.

It can be said that equipped with such a set of combat uniforms, in addition to not allowing soldiers to fly into the sky, it can instantly turn ordinary soldiers into super soldiers, and their combat capabilities will directly increase by several levels.

If equipped with other advanced auxiliary equipment, the ability to be displayed is stronger, and the Spider-Man in the movie will not be so fantasy, and it can directly become a reality.

The second is holographic glasses. Now that smart glasses have been produced, it is not surprising to come up with more advanced holographic glasses. Through holographic glasses, soldiers and the entire combat system can be integrated into one.

Every soldier is an effective extension of the combat system. Soldiers can provide on-site awareness for the combat system in real time, and the combat system can also provide each soldier with the best combat plan in real time.

At the same time, it can also have many other advanced effects, such as danger warning, night vision capability, over-the-horizon detection capability, etc., which are one of the important functions of holographic glasses.

The combination of the two will become the most important source of combat power for every combat soldier, and the ability will be greatly improved, turning every soldier into a super soldier.

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