Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 836 Never rely on imagination to guess the development of the industry


The revenue of Phoenix Special Effects reached 1 trillion yuan last year, an increase of 200 billion yuan compared to the previous year, with a growth rate of 25%, which is a good growth rate.

Although the growth rate was much lower than that of the previous year, it was because the internationalization was very successful in the previous year, and a large number of blank markets were occupied by them. The main growth last year came from the natural growth of the market.

If the growth of Internet users is used as a reference, the per capita revenue has actually declined, from the previous 1,000 yuan per capita to more than 800 yuan per capita.

The most important reason is that my country had the fastest growth of Internet users last year, followed by third world countries. The growth rate of developed countries is actually not that fast.

Because their growth was already very high before, it is bound to be more difficult to grow as fast as before. Last year, my country's per capita income increased significantly, which promoted the increase of businesses such as computers and Internet access.

The payment ability of Internet users in these areas is relatively weak, and the income of advertising revenue and online theaters is generally low, resulting in a considerable decline in Internet per capita revenue.

This is because in September, after the release of Qinglong Technology's smart glasses, the movie sales revenue of online theaters has been greatly improved, otherwise the average user income will be lower.

This kind of situation can actually be foreseen, but it is only temporary, especially with the rapid increase of Internet users in our country, with the increase of national income, the more benefits will be contributed in the future.

And they are more confident in the income of online film and television dramas. As more and more people own smart glasses, their business will get better and better.

They predict that the revenue of online 3D film and television alone may reach more than 500 billion yuan in the future, which is more profitable than traditional cinemas and will be the main growth sector for their future revenue.

Compared with the 3D movie viewing experience in theaters, using smart glasses to watch movies online is actually a better experience, because the 3D principles of the two are different.

Watching with smart glasses will be more real and the sense of participation will be stronger, while watching in a theater, no matter how immersed, the viewer always feels like an outsider.

Last year, Phoenix Special Effects only produced 3D movies suitable for 3D production. This year, they plan to provide 3D versions of all their film and television works.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to increase income. Members of Kunpeng Information Technology Company can watch TV dramas for free, while Phoenix Special Effects Company can only charge advertising revenue.

If it is made into a 3D version, users who want to watch the 3D version will need to pay an additional on-demand fee, because the 3D model is not suitable for advertising, and can only rely on the on-demand fee to increase income.

Although they don't know how many users will choose to pay for the 3d version,

But for Phoenix Special Effects, it didn't cost much to do so.

If it works well, the 3D film and television business alone is likely to bring trillions of yuan in revenue to Phoenix Special Effects, which will be their main growth area in the future.

If you have smart glasses, and the price is acceptable, many users should be willing to watch a 3D film and television drama when they go home to rest, which is much more convenient than going to the theater.

For their business layout, Ye Zishu is more recognized. The reason why I thought of smart glasses at the beginning was because I read their annual report.

The fundamental purpose is to promote the business development of Phoenix Special Effects Company. Now it seems that the original idea is still good. The smart glasses have not long been sold, and they have greatly increased their online movie income.

Suzaku Software's revenue last year was 500 billion yuan, and its revenue growth was still very fast, with a growth rate of over 66%, further consolidating its position in the industrial software field.

Such a rapid growth is mainly due to the further intensification of industrial competition. Industrial enterprises pay more and more attention to the improvement of efficiency, which promotes the increase of industrial enterprises' demand for more advanced software.

As an advanced software provider in the field of industrial software, the products of Suzaku Software have become the first choice of many companies, and it is not surprising that they have grown so fast.

Among them, my country's purchase of industrial software is worthy of attention. Previously, domestic companies that used a large number of industrial software were basically his companies.

Now companies other than his industry have also begun to purchase and use industrial software from Suzaku Software in large quantities, which shows that my country's industrial upgrading has gradually achieved results last year.

Of course, this is also related to the large-scale investment of Tidal Investment Company, which has allowed many domestic companies to have more funds and the ability to purchase more advanced technologies and improve product quality.

Since the Suzaku software company moved to Harbin, the whole company has settled down to study how the industry will go in the future, and make research and judgments in advance.

At present, their main energy is not actually in the field of existing industrial software, but is focused on the system construction and intelligent construction of the whole industry.

Although this goal is not suitable for the current industrial environment, they still insist that this is the future direction of industrial development, so they have invested huge manpower and material resources.

Now their total number of employees is as high as 50,000. In an industrial software company, the number of employees is very large. Most of them are R\u0026D personnel. The overall quality of employees is also much higher than that of brother companies.

The reason for this is the need for research on the entire industrial system and intelligent industrial system. According to their ideas, the factories in the future will no longer need ordinary workers.

The factory will be fully automated, fully intelligent, and fully customized. If combined with advanced front-end intelligent systems, the operating logic of the entire industrial system will be completely different.

We are still in the era of large-scale industry, and the emphasis is on high efficiency and high output. There is not much demand for small-batch customized industries, because the economy has not yet developed to that stage.

After all, we still mainly solve the problem of availability. On top of the problem of availability, we have to solve the problem of high or low quality. We have not yet reached the stage where we need to reflect the demand for personalized industrial products.

Not to mention those developing countries, in fact, the demand of developed countries is still at this stage, but this stage will eventually pass, otherwise there will be serious overcapacity.

To be honest, his industrial industry has been building a large amount of production capacity over the years. If it weren't for the rapid rise in domestic demand and the ability to absorb the crazy expansion of production capacity, it is estimated that the era of overcapacity will come earlier.

Ye Zishu agrees with their judgment. He believes that the current industrial model can only last for about 5 years. After 5 years, another set of industrial development logic will be needed to solve the problems encountered in the current industrial development.

And five years later, domestic demand will also undergo fundamental changes, and gradually begin to develop in the direction of individualization. At that time, ordinary people will also have the ability to pursue industrial individualized services.

Suzaku Software Company can lay out ahead of time, so it can naturally take advantage of the opportunity. He is very optimistic about the future of Suzaku Software, and it may grow into a trillion-dollar software company.

The performance of Jiufeng Software Company last year was not very satisfactory. The annual revenue was only 700 billion yuan, and the increase was only 50 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 7.6%. Compared with the growth rate of the previous year, there was a sharp decline.

The reason is not that they didn't work hard, but that the market share in the previous year was already too high, and now it is very difficult to grow. The market capacity is so large, and no matter how hard they try, it will not help.

If there is no new business to support continued growth, the future development of Jiufeng Software will still maintain a relatively low growth rate, which is a bottleneck in development.

I just didn't expect Jiufeng Software Company to encounter a bottleneck so soon, and even Ye Zishu was surprised, but after seeing their market share, they were relieved.

Although there are many types of commercial software, each of them has a market share of more than 80%, and the market share of important software is as high as 95%, and they are in a monopoly position.

With such a market share, if you want to go further, you can only rely on the increase in the size of the market itself, and the increase in the size of the market itself has its own laws and will not increase suddenly.

Most of their previous crazy development was to snatch the competitors' markets. Now that these markets have been occupied by them, their development has naturally slowed down.

For their predicament, Ye Zishu didn't have a good solution. He could only rely on them to find new breakthroughs. It was already difficult for him to take care of specific business development.

The business he can think of is basically occupied by other brother companies. The development space left for Jiufeng Software Company is limited. What he hopes now is Jiufeng Software Company, and it is enough to maintain the current market share.

As for whether they can develop new businesses themselves, he does not insist. It is normal for enterprises to encounter bottlenecks in their development. Companies under Phoenix Technology will enter the bottleneck period sooner or later.

Honghu Software Company, which operates enterprise management software, achieved revenue of 700 billion yuan last year, an increase of 200 billion yuan compared with the previous year, and the growth rate was as high as 25%, which is a good result.

Their business methods are gradually shifting to cloud services, relying on Phoenix Technology's powerful cloud platform to provide global users with more efficient enterprise management software system services.

It’s just that this area was still in the research stage before, and it just vigorously developed the enterprise management system cloud service business last year, which can be regarded as a good start, and the market share has further increased.

According to their current situation, there is still a period of high-speed growth period, and there is no big problem for the total revenue to break through the trillion yuan mark, and the development of informatization has gradually become the consensus of business owners.

Ye Zishu believes that if you want to further increase the revenue growth rate, you still need to start with fully intelligent customized services. Relying on the super quantum computer and artificial intelligence 3.0 that will be put into use soon, it is not too difficult to do this business.

But he didn't intend to remind them, wait until the new technology is applied, and see what they do. Besides, he is too lazy to give pointers to the following operations to see how their understanding is.

For example, Suzaku Software Company, without his reminder, thought of the future industrial development, and is also actively planning. This is because the internal initiative has played a role.

Now that he has so many industries under his umbrella, if he had to remind him to think about how to develop, it would be too tiring, and the employees under his banner may not be able to grow up.

Baihe Software Co., Ltd. grew very fast last year. Its annual revenue reached 1.5 trillion yuan, an increase of 700 billion yuan, and the growth rate reached 87.5%.

They mainly have two businesses. The first is the intelligent monitoring business. Their high revenue in the previous year was mainly contributed by this business, and the development was still very fast last year.

The smart monitoring personal business is still developing rapidly, providing personal smart monitoring services to more than 100 million users around the world, which was 30 million the year before last.

If there is one account for each family, it means that this service has been provided to hundreds of millions of families around the world, and this business alone has contributed 800 billion yuan in income to them.

Perhaps the development of personal intelligent monitoring business has driven the development of enterprise intelligent monitoring business. The reason is very simple. Many employees of enterprises are users of their personal intelligent monitoring services.

I am quite clear about the services provided by Baihe Software Company. If the enterprise needs it, it must be the first choice for the intelligent monitoring system they think is the best.

Therefore, the annual revenue of their enterprise intelligent monitoring has reached 300 billion yuan. Although it is not as high as the contribution of personal business, it is still remarkable to be able to achieve such a result, and the growth potential is still great.

In addition, it is government procurement and public service business. The main income of this business comes from domestic sources, and the proportion of international business is not high. It may take some time to gain the trust of foreign governments.

In any case, the revenue in this area has reached 200 billion yuan, and there is still a certain growth potential in the future. As for the final market size, he does not know.

The second business is the government software business. Last year, it achieved a total revenue of 200 billion yuan, an increase of 100% compared with the previous year, and the growth rate is quite impressive.

The reason is also very simple. The informatization and intelligentization of government affairs is the general trend, and both the central government and the local government are actively advocating changes in government affairs governance methods to meet the needs of the development of the times.

This is still the beginning, and there is still a lot of room for growth in the government software business. The domestic market alone may reach trillions of yuan, depending on how much Baihe Software can eat.

However, the current situation is different from before. The mobile Internet is in full swing, and with more advanced satellite communication services, the basic conditions for the Internet of Everything have been met.

Based on this basic condition, it is possible to build a smart city. After Ye Zishu's suggestion, they are also actively planning in this area, but it will take some time to do it well.

Because a smart city requires not only software support, but also a large amount of hardware support, Baihe Software Company, as the leader, needs to organize all parties to participate together.

However, with his technological strength, the technical difficulty is not too great. The bigger problem is how to build a smart city. After all, everyone has never seen it before, and there is no reference, so they can only explore it by themselves.

The smart water and gas supply systems of Kylin Environmental Industry Group are also part of the smart city, and there are many others, all of which need to be explored by Baihe Software.

In any case, last year was still a glorious year for Baihe Software Company, with a net profit margin of around 30% and a net profit of 450 billion yuan.

The previously unknown company has finally grown into a trillion-dollar giant, and it is also a well-known giant in the world. Even among the outstanding brother companies, it is quite eye-catching.

In the first two years since its establishment, Fengming Technology Company has shown great potential for development. The revenue of the year before last reached trillions of yuan, which exceeded everyone's expectations.

Last year, it still maintained a high growth rate, with a total revenue of 1.5 trillion yuan and a growth rate of 50%. Under such a volume, it is still very rare to have such a high growth rate.

The fastest-growing business of Fengming Technology Co., Ltd. last year was professional consulting services, of which legal consulting and psychological consulting accounted for the largest proportion.

Especially in western countries, the fees for legal consulting services are very high, causing a large number of people to seek online consulting services, the price is much cheaper, and the professionalism is not bad.

Psychological counseling is one of their good businesses, and it still maintained a relatively high growth rate last year, which shows that their influence in this area is rapidly increasing.

According to their statistics, last year, they provided more than 10 billion personal consulting services, making them the most influential online consulting business in the world.

The income from personal consulting business alone has reached trillions of yuan, which is their main source of income. This is something that Ye Zishu did not expect at the beginning.

At the beginning, he thought that the main source of income of Fengming Technology Company should be corporate customer service, but he did not expect that the income from personal consulting services was twice that of corporate customer service.

Therefore, before any business is launched, no one knows what the situation is. This is why he increasingly does not want to interfere with the development of specific businesses in his industries.

Because his previous life experience may not necessarily be suitable for the current market, it can be used as a reference, but it must not be accepted as it is, so it is likely that the actual situation will seriously deviate from the situation he imagined.

If it weren't for the fact that it was right in front of him, he would never have believed that the personal consulting business of Fengming Technology Company has such a large volume.

The reason is naturally very simple, that is, the use of artificial intelligence has enabled Fengming Technology to provide a large number of professional and personal consulting services to the world.

If it were done by a real person, it would be impossible to carry out this business. Even if it was carried out, it would be difficult to achieve this volume, and the professionalism would not be so high.

At present, their number of employees has exceeded 100,000. According to his request, the number of employees of Fengming Technology Company may be around 500,000.

Because there is no point in having too many people. If there are 500,000 people, we can assign some tasks to each of them. These people are mainly domestic-oriented, and they provide relatively simple customer service.

The content of the service is similar to that of the customer service in the previous life. It is mainly used for uploading and distributing. For the really difficult consulting business, it has to be handled by artificial intelligence customer service.

If it weren't for the consideration of employment, Fengming Technology Company would have realized fully intelligent operation. Except for the necessary engineers, even the management personnel could be greatly reduced.

Of course, running a business is not entirely for profit, and if there are no employees under the banner, it is not entirely a good thing for the company. The more employees under the banner, it is a kind of protection for the company itself.

Especially for a company like Fengming Technology Company, which basically makes money lying down, if it doesn't even have a few employees, it is estimated that there will be many problems encountered.

Although he didn't care much about it, it would inevitably cause Phoenix Technology to suffer, not to mention that making money ultimately had to give back to the society, and it didn't make sense for him to ask for so much money.

Even if the profits are handed over, they are not going to be used in other places to feed back to the society, they are just spent in another place. If it is possible, it doesn’t matter if you add more people.

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