Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 841: Kirin Industrial Group's revenue has doubled


Kylin Environmental Industry Group has a solid position in the global environmental protection field, and its popularity is not the same as it was two years ago. It can even be said that they are now the benchmark in the industry.

The traffic exhaust environmental protection treatment business alone reached 1.6 trillion yuan last year, an increase of 700 billion yuan compared to the previous year. At present, this business is exclusively monopolized by them.

It is not that there are no competitors who have launched similar products, but the effect is very different. The exhaust gas treatment technology of Kirin Environmental Industry Group can achieve 100% zero emission.

Although the price is much more expensive than competitors, the processed solid carbon can also be sold for money, which can earn back part of the income for car owners, and the overall cost is not so high.

The recovered solid carbon will be sent to Kirin Basic Industry Group, processed into various basic raw materials, and then sold to various groups under Kirin Industrial Group for use as basic raw materials for products.

Compared with collecting carbon from the air, it is much more efficient and more energy-efficient. Although the amount provided by each car is not much, the amount added together is still very large.

These solid carbon not only won't lose money, but also make a fortune. This time and again, the income of Kirin Environmental Industry Group has increased.

Although the environmental protection materials business did not grow as fast as the previous year, it also increased by 25%, with a total revenue of 1 trillion yuan, almost occupying an absolute share of the global shopping bags, beverage bottles, and environmental protection packaging.

There are more and more types of environmentally friendly materials being introduced, and even the characteristics of some environmentally friendly materials are much better than plastics. They are widely used in the industrial field and have very good prospects for future development.

The goal of Kirin Environmental Industry Group is to completely replace all plastic products. Of course, this is only an ideal. After all, there is still a place for plastics to survive under the influence of interests.

However, it is a fact that they have introduced more and more types of plastic substitutes. Whether they can be completely replaced or not, at least their products have given the market a different choice.

In fact, the fastest-growing business is urban environmental protection business and industrial environmental protection business. At present, Kylin Environmental Industry Group has signed cooperation agreements with all cities in China on urban environmental business.

As large as a few first-tier cities in China, as small as county towns, and even some towns with a relatively large population concentration, although the process is very difficult, it needs to be run from place to place.

But the results have been remarkable. So far, they have brought all the domestic urban environmental protection businesses into their pockets. As long as there is no problem with the later cooperation, this business will continue.

It's just that the investment is also very large. For this reason, they will invest 2 trillion yuan in the construction of urban environmental treatment facilities, including advanced sewage treatment facilities and solid waste recycling facilities.

Sewage treatment facilities should be relatively simple,

It only needs to filter out solid waste first, and then filter the sewage in layers through hundreds of biofilm technologies.

After multiple filtrations, the sewage can reach the drinking water level, and then enter the urban circulation system, which is used to supplement the urban environmental water system, industrial water, and residential toilet water.

It will even supply water to surrounding agricultural facilities. As for the unused water, let it flow to nature for ecological replenishment. Anyway, the cost has already been recovered from the payment of sewage treatment fees.

The other substances filtered out are also valuable and will be extracted through special treatment facilities. They themselves have advanced extraction technology.

The usable materials extracted are basically sent to Kirin Basic Industry Group for use, and even the excrement will be used rationally to produce environmentally friendly fertilizers for use by Kirin Agricultural Development Group.

In the entire circulation system, there is almost no waste. Although the value of these by-products varies, but after removing the processing costs and selling these products, a small profit can be realized.

Domestic waste disposal is a lot of trouble. First, you need to use fully automated equipment to classify solid waste, and then grade the sorted waste.

Some can be processed immediately, such as metal waste, which can be collected directly and taken to the smelter for recycling and smelting. They don’t need to worry about this step.

It is more troublesome to dispose of the remaining garbage. Put it into an electric incinerator for incineration, then put the incineration ash into the water, filter it through a biofilm, and separate the usable materials step by step.

The whole process can ensure that no matter is discharged, even water vapor will not be discharged, so the incineration process will not only cause no pollution to the environment, but also release excess heat for power generation.

After step-by-step filtration, all substances can be processed according to the sewage treatment process, turning various substances that were originally difficult to handle into various raw materials for use by various groups under Kirin Industrial Group.

Together with the industrial pollution treatment business and tap water business, this business generated a total of 1 trillion yuan in revenue for them last year, achieving a growth of 150%.

To be honest, the proportion of revenue obtained from the user end is not high, accounting for only about 50% of the revenue, and the rest of the revenue mainly comes from the sales of processed products.

What really creates value is the technology of turning waste into treasure. It turns the sewage and garbage that people can't handle into products that can enter the industrial cycle. Selling these products can make a lot of money.

Even the cheapest carbon products can be sold for several hundred yuan per ton. The price of processed organic fertilizers is even more expensive, and the prices of various metal products are even more expensive.

If the deep processing link was not handed over to the enterprises under the Kylin Industry Group, otherwise the Kylin Environmental Industry Group would have a higher income if the deep processing was carried out.

Last year, the total revenue of Kirin Environmental Industry Group was 3.6 trillion yuan. However, due to the large concentrated investment, the profit margin was not high, only 10%, and the net profit was 360 billion yuan.

It is worth noting that Kirin Environmental Industry Group is also actively exploring overseas markets, and is preparing to develop businesses such as urban water affairs and garbage disposal overseas.

Negotiations on cooperation in this area have already been carried out with many countries, and some are progressing smoothly. For example, the cooperation with some countries in the Middle East has progressed very quickly and is basically close to reaching an agreement.

In the field of environmental protection business, Kylin Environmental Industry Group has very advanced technology and relatively low prices, and has strong competitiveness in the field of environmental protection.

Therefore, he is very optimistic about the overseas business development of Kirin Environmental Industry Group. They have performed well in their first international cooperation. When they actually enter these markets, the comparison will be more obvious, and the market will vote with their feet.

With the support of sufficient electricity, Kirin Paper Products Industry Group is basically at full capacity, with an annual output of 100 million tons of paper products, which not only meets the domestic demand for all paper products, but also exports to overseas markets.

Last year, almost all domestic paper-making enterprises were acquired. The output was not large, and the purchase price was not bad. At the same time, it promised to build more advanced paper-making enterprises in the local area, and almost eliminated all obstacles.

What the government wants is the development of the local economy, which can expand the scale of the local paper industry and enhance the development of the local economy. Naturally, it will not set up obstacles to acquisitions.

The employees of these paper-making companies can join the Qilin Paper Industry Group, and can get higher salaries, and the production process is more advanced. They don't have to be so tired, and they won't object.

These paper-making enterprises themselves cannot compete with Qilin Paper Industry Group, and they are not at the same level in terms of cost or technological advancement.

It is the most decent way to get some money to exit safely now. Of course, many paper-making enterprises are state-owned enterprises. As long as the government agrees to sell, basically there is not much difficulty.

As long as these managers can guarantee that they will not lose their jobs, there is naturally no reason to stop them. Although the management of private companies is quite strict and there is not much income under the table, there is a lot of income on the surface, which is definitely much better than they are now.

Therefore, the process of acquiring domestic paper-making enterprises was very smooth. After the acquisition, integration was carried out. Basically, each factory has the ability to produce tens of millions of tons of paper products.

For Kirin Paper Industry Group, it is not so cost-effective if the production capacity of a local factory is less than 10 million tons. Even if it takes care of the local economy, it must expand the production capacity to about 10 million tons.

The production capacity of 10 million tons is actually enough to create a huge papermaking industrial park. They are a complete set of industries from scratch, and the economic value they provide is huge.

As long as there is such a paper-making industrial park in the local area, the local economy can take off instantly, because the output value of a paper-making industrial park can reach nearly 100 billion yuan.

Last year, they eliminated the domestic paper industry and achieved the goal of unifying the rivers and lakes. Now they are planning to add 100 million tons of pulp production capacity and accelerate the development of the international market.

The pulp manufacturing process will be completed in China. After all, it involves a lot of advanced pulp manufacturing technology, it is impossible to put it overseas, and the safety is difficult to guarantee.

However, although the technical content of pulp into various papers is not low, it is not so sensitive in comparison. Anyway, the mechanical equipment is transported domestically, and it can be produced after installing the machine.

The most important thing is that the follow-up link of papermaking is not particularly profitable. It is the pulp production link that really makes money, accounting for about half of the value.

The reason why not all of them are produced domestically is to better open up the market. Since you want other people's market, you have to let others have some soup, and you can't put everything in the bowl.

In addition, they have also formulated a global acquisition plan to find suitable acquisition targets. As long as the cost is not too high, they should focus on acquisitions, so that market expansion will be faster.

Although their net profit was quite a lot last year, as high as 50%, and realized a net profit of 500 billion yuan, the money cannot be handed over because they need a lot of money to develop the international market.

Last year, Kirin Timber Industry Group also gradually increased its production capacity. The original invested production capacity was basically at full capacity, with an annual production capacity of 100 million cubic meters.

Due to the sudden expansion of production capacity, it is no longer just focusing on high-value products, and the product coverage is much wider, but the overall income is still good.

In particular, their wooden villa business has developed very well. It only takes about 300,000 yuan to build a very good-quality wooden villa in China.

But if it is exported, the price will be much higher, at least doubled. They sell such a high price, so there is a reason for the high price. Compared with natural wood, the wood they produce has too many advantages.

The most important thing is that modular assembly can save a lot of human resources. For developed countries, manpower is often the most expensive. If you sell it more expensive, you can save manpower costs.

Therefore, although they have a lot of low-end business, they also have a lot of high-end business, and the value created is higher overall. Last year, they achieved revenue of 2 trillion yuan.

The average value per cubic meter is as high as 20,000 yuan. If it is natural wood, it is difficult to create such a high value. Of course, it actually includes additional value such as processing fees and design fees.

In view of the fact that wooden villas have many advantages and can play a very good role in protecting the environment, the country is also promoting the use of wood in the construction of rural houses as much as possible.

As far as the country is concerned, the wooden villas of Qilin Timber Industry Group are not only safe and reliable, but also do not damage the environment. They can also be reused, have stronger earthquake resistance, and are more beautiful in design.

If it was in the past, it might be very difficult to promote it, because everyone is not rich, and it costs 300,000 yuan to build houses, which is too high for many people, especially for rural areas.

The situation is different now. Due to the rapid economic development, a very high proportion of farmers have gone to work in cities. Almost every household has people who have gone to work in cities, and their income has increased by a large margin.

The most important thing is that whether it is an individual or a country, they are very confident in the future economic development, and they are more willing to spend hundreds of thousands of yuan to build beautiful villas.

In addition, domestic urban construction is still in full swing. At present, Wancheng Foundation has not purchased houses from outside, mainly renting houses, and only carried out simple decoration.

After Wancheng Jiye officially sold houses to the outside world, the fine decoration market will be very large, and the demand for various advanced wood products will be very high.

In the case of strong internal and external demand, Kirin Timber Industry Group plans to continue to increase production capacity, expanding the total production capacity to 200 million cubic meters, and continue to increase later depending on the situation.

The reason why we did not continue to expand production capacity last year was due to energy issues. In addition, the previous production capacity needed to find a market, so we did not have so much energy for the time being.

This year, with the further increase in power supply and the gradual stabilization of the market, it is an inevitable choice to expand production capacity again. Ye Zishu agrees with this, and the world can still digest the production capacity of 200 million cubic meters.

If we continue to expand production, we can only produce ordinary wooden products. Although the volume has increased, the average price may drop a lot. After occupying the mid-to-high-end market, we will consider the low-end market.

At present, although the country has begun to pay attention to the exploitation of forestry resources, and the awareness of environmental protection has gradually risen, but it has not been completely banned, and they are too lazy to compete for the low-end timber market for the time being.

Kylin Agricultural Development Group is a special group, its main responsibility is to promote the development of domestic agriculture, the amount of money it makes is not that important.

This group has invested more than 2 trillion yuan, but the output is relatively limited. At present, it has built a high-standard temperature-controlled greenhouse with an area of ​​6 million mu.

At the same time, it has also reached cooperation with a large number of farmers to help farmers produce according to market demand, and at the same time provide sales channels to realize all-round services for agricultural products from the field to the market terminal.

Last year, the total revenue of this business was 4 trillion yuan, including vegetables, fruits and other agricultural products, but the investment is also very large. The investment in channel construction and a large number of cold and fresh storage facilities alone is quite a lot.

The net profit margin is 5%, and the revenue is 200 billion yuan. Of course, this does not include the agricultural products produced by themselves, and the economic value generated by each mu of their own business is relatively high.

At present, their annual economic value per mu is about 50,000 yuan, and their revenue is about 175 billion yuan, which is much higher than the output value of ordinary farmland.

The first reason is that the value of organic food is relatively high, and the second reason is that the output is very large. It is not uncommon for tens of thousands of catties per mu to be produced, and it is not uncommon for some agricultural products to yield hundreds of thousands of catties per mu.

Although the investment is large, it saves a lot of worry in management. At least the output can be guaranteed regardless of the weather. At the same time, the degree of mechanization is relatively high and the degree of intelligence is also relatively high.

Today's farmers are now considered half workers. They only need to be proficient in manipulating machinery and equipment, and their work is very easy.

Now even the picking has realized intelligent mechanized operation. The most common equipment is the intelligent manipulator, which is very flexible enough to ensure that the agricultural products will not be damaged during the picking process.

To be honest, high-standard intelligent temperature-controlled greenhouses, in addition to relatively high initial investment, actually generate considerable income, which is an inevitable trend of future agricultural development.

In fact, the country also knows that this is good, but the investment is too large, and there are also high requirements for management. It is not something that ordinary farmers can play. Only big capital like him can develop on a large scale.

Although rich self-employed people can also do it, but if the market is not accurately grasped, they may lose money. The reason why Qilin Agricultural Development Group dares to do this.

The reason is that they have enough channels, even if they don’t have channels, they can still spend money on channels, while other self-employed people don’t have this ability and can only follow the market.

Last year, he helped Kirin Agricultural Development Group develop a large number of new varieties, and at the same time opened up the minds of researchers and improved their ability to develop new varieties.

With the launch of more new varieties of products, the value of yield per mu will be higher. As long as the residents' consumption ability is stronger, the agricultural planting business is still promising.

In contrast, the meat business of Kylin Agricultural Development Group has developed more smoothly. At present, their production capacity has expanded to 50 million tons, and their revenue last year was 1 trillion yuan.

According to their plan, at least 10 million tons of production capacity will be added each year in the future, and the expansion of production capacity will not stop until the per capita meat consumption reaches 100 kilograms.

Now the per capita consumption of 100 kg of meat seems a bit too much. The reason is that everyone is not rich enough. When the economy develops further and meat freedom is fully realized, this per capita consumption can still be realized.

The main work this year is to build the production capacity of fish and seafood products. It is planned to build a production capacity of 50 million tons of fish and seafood, which can basically meet the rapid growth of domestic demand.

Therefore, although their revenue reached 1.375 trillion yuan last year, it was still not enough to achieve self-expansion and needed external capital to continue to invest.

Kirin Food Industry Group received an investment of 400 billion yuan last year, resulting in a rapid expansion of their industrial scale. If it is not supported by an intelligent management system, such a rapid expansion will definitely cause problems.

The food processing industry belongs to the field of light industry, and it is a typical industry with small investment and quick results, so if so much money is invested, the effect will be immediate.

Since it takes a lot of time to invest and build a factory, even so, their revenue last year still reached 2 trillion yuan, with a net profit margin of about 10%, and a net profit of 200 billion yuan.

To be honest, this net profit margin is actually quite high, mainly because the production capacity of the domestic food processing industry cannot keep up with the market demand. Kirin Food Industry Group is in the limelight, and its products are relatively profitable.

Moreover, not all of their processing operations are simple processing, but have high technical content, and the cost is much lower than conventional production methods.

For example, the nut production business transferred from Qilin Agricultural Development Group, if it follows the traditional method, the cost of raw materials is high, and the company is earning a hard fee.

But they have advanced production technology, and they don't need to purchase raw materials from the market at all, they can produce them by themselves. The cost is very low, and even if they are sold cheaply, they can still have very high profits.

In addition, they took over the past condiment business from Kirin Beverage Industry Group. The cost of the traditional production mode is relatively high, and the use of a new production method can not only guarantee the quality, but also the cost is very low.

These businesses that control the entire industrial chain from raw materials to finished products have relatively high profits. Instead, they buy other people's raw materials and then perform simple processing, which does not make much money.

For example, the profit margin of products such as frozen dumplings is only about 15%, and the net profit margin is even lower. The net profit margin is about 5%, because this is a fully competitive market and there are no shortcuts.

However, in order to meet the domestic demand for processed food, only such a small investment is definitely not enough, and the scale of investment needs to be continued to increase. He plans to continue to invest 1 trillion yuan.

In the face of rising domestic demand, if he wants to occupy a majority of the market, he must be willing to invest in the early stage. If he is not afraid that they will be too busy, he is willing to invest more.

Kylin Resources Development Group was quite quiet last year. It did not invest in mineral resources on a large scale like the previous year, but worked hard to ensure the needs of Kylin Basic Industries Group for mineral resources.

Therefore, the funds they invested before are mainly reflected in the rise of stock prices. In fact, the money they earn is not much, but it is enough to maintain their own operations, and there is no need for additional investment.

Now that they are preparing to enter the marine mining field, they will not invest in the existing mining industry, and may even sell their shares to earn the difference in stock prices.

At present, ocean mining technology is still under development, and it is expected that the effect will be seen by the end of this year or next year. As for the production capacity, no one knows, because the seabed mineral exploration work has not yet been done.

This needs to wait until the resource detection satellite system of Baihu Technology Company is completed before we can have a clear understanding of the earth's resources. Otherwise, with the current exploration technology, the efficiency of seabed resource exploration is too low.

In the whole of last year, the total revenue of Kirin Industry Group was 37.4 trillion yuan, growing very fast, but the total net profit was only 8.44 trillion yuan, and the overall net profit rate was 22.57%.

And this year's investment is also very large. Kirin Energy Industry Group alone needs to invest 4 trillion yuan, Kirin Agricultural Development Group needs to invest 3 trillion yuan, and Kirin Food Industry Group needs to invest 1 trillion yuan.

After such a calculation, it seems that there is not much money left. Although these investments include the money earned by the company itself, the remaining funds are not a lot. In particular, he asked to expand the production capacity of general robots, which requires 2.5 trillion funds.

For the operation of such a huge industrial system, it is necessary to leave a certain amount of capital reserves, especially if he does not manage it very much, if the capital operation is tight, he will be seriously disturbed.

So they are simply not allowed to turn over their profits, and the funds are still kept within the Kirin Industrial Group. If any company needs support from the headquarters, it can also mobilize funds in time.

Although the net profit margin has dropped from 39.8% to 22.57%, the actual net profit is actually very high. These are just different financial statistics.

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